Title : Turnitin Feedback Studio with Originality Instructor training
Date : 19 October 2023 (Thu)
Time : 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Venue : Zoom (The link will be provided later)
Speaker: Mr. Jess Shanahan (Consultant, Turnitin)
Language: English
Workshop Outline:
• Define plagiarism and academic misconduct
• Define the difference between plagiarism and text similarity
• Recognise expected similarity matches and the factors that increase expected similarity in a Similarity Report
• Identify plagiarism in a Similarity Report
• Understand which processes to follow if plagiarism is detected
• Utilise Turnitin as a formative tool to improve writing outcomes
• Create a Turnitin-enabled assignment within Moodle.
Registration [Here]