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Training/Webinars/Workshops: Intelliboard Insights & Reporting - Moodle Reporting Tool to Track Your Class or Your Own Study



Intelliboard Insights & Reporting


  • MS Teams
  • 8 March 2022 (Tuesday) for THEi Staffs
  • 10 March 2022 (Thursday) for THEi Students
  • 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. HKT
  • Outline:
    • More for the faculty staff and cover the Instructor Related training;
    • Would see how Admins could track the learning plan and Instructor engagement with Students;

That is great for my colleagues and me. Please show us.

  • Show how students can use IntelliBoard for tracking their own progress?
  • With over 100 reports available at your fingertips, choosing the report that fits just right can be a little overwhelming. No Fear! Come and explore with us!
  • N.B. Intelliboard is a Moodle Reporting Tool. THEi Moodle has installed Intelliboard where instructor Dashboard and Learners (for students) Dashboard could be found on the right-hand side navigation menu in THEi Moodle.

Intelliboard Insights & Reporting - Moodle Reporting Tool to Track Your Class (For Staff)

Intelliboard Insights & Reporting - Moodle Reporting Tool to Track Your Own Study (For Stduent) 
