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Training/Webinars/Workshops: The Digital Transformation of Learning



The Digital Transformation of Learning

Course details

  • 48m Beginner Released: 12/11/2018

Explore how to switch your training strategy to digital, empowering employees to access training when they need it and where they need it. This course covers digital training options you can implement at your organization, including tools like videos, podcasts, wikis, forums, and mobile apps. Learn how to digitize your pre-existing offerings instructor-led training (ILT) resources. Find out how to leverage just-in-time learning content. Discover how to overcome common challenges with going digital. Get tips for how to pursue social and collaborative learning, perhaps via Yammer, Slack, or Microsoft Teams. Finally, learn how digital learning can be put into action by addressing concerns and partnering with leadership.

Learning objectives

  • Digital learning basics
  • Leveraging digital learning customizations
  • Implementing blended learning strategies
  • Digitizing ILT resources
  • Using elearning and digital social learning
  • Addressing concerns from stakeholders
  • Coordinating digital training
  • Selecting a digital learning tool