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Training/Webinars/Workshops: What's next? Teaching in the aftermath of a pandemic



What's next? Teaching in the aftermath of a pandemic

What's next? Teaching in the aftermath of a pandemic

  • There’s no doubt that the pandemic has changed the way we teach and learn. Now that enough time has passed, we have more insight into what role technology has played in all of this.
  • The time of campus closures has made it clear how important it is for academic institutions to have readily available solutions for their faculty and students.
  • Embracing e-learning is still critical to limit future disruption and provide continuity for students.
  • Now is the time for universities to consider implementing solid edtech strategies by changing their paradigm about using technology in the classroom, shifting to a more asynchronous teaching mindset, and learning from institutions that have already done this successfully.
  • Join our expert panel as we discuss what the future of teaching looks like now after a year of disruption has changed the way we think about delivering education.
