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Training/Webinars/Workshops: MS07 - E-LEARNING Learn to be a Video Maker



MS07 - E-LEARNING Learn to be a Video Maker

MS07 - E-LEARNING Learn to be a Video Maker

  • Date : 2020-08-27 (Thursday)
  • Time : 14:30 - 16:30
  • CPD : 2 hrs
  • Venue : Online - Microsoft Teams
  • Seat(s) : 100
  • Medium of Instruction : Cantonese
  • Category : Pedagogy and Assessment - Education/Information Technology
  • Level : Fundamental
  • Mode of Study : MS07 - E-LEARNING

About the Event :

  • VTC currently is promoting the use of the blended learning approach. Apart from face-to-face teaching, videos are the supplementary resources to enhance students' learning. In this workshop, participants will experience using handy filming equipment and free editing software, Clipchamp to create an instructional video from scratch.

Facilitator(s) : Mr Ho Ting Shun, Video producer and editor

  • Ho, Ting Shun is an experienced video producer, editor and executive producer. Having worked in the TV and video industry over 15 years with National Geographic Asia, Fox International Channels, Radio Television Hong Kong, and South China Morning Post, he is adept at directing, editing and videography for both long-form and short-form videos, as well as providing video production training for in-house staff.

Intended Learning Outcomes : Upon completion of the webinar and workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • identify the essential elements of effective videos; and
  • apply the tools introduced to create a short video for educational use

Target Audience : All VTC Teaching and Instructing Staff

Enquiry :

  • Ms CHENG Winnie Annie, Project Officer
  • Tel: 2836-1808
  • E-mail: