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Training/Webinars/Workshops: What's Trending in the Field? April 30, 2021



What's Trending in the Field? April 30, 2021

What’s Trending in the Field? : April 30, 2021

  • Date: 30 April 2021 (Friday)
  • Time: 18:30 to 20:00
  • Venue: Online via Zoom
  • No. of participants: 100
  • Language: English

Registration (Will close on April 16 or all quotas filled whichever is earlier.)

Building a FAIR-Research Information Management System at Lingnan University

  • Lingnan University launched its first institutional Research Information Management System (RIMS) – Lingnan Scholars since early 2019. This presentation will highlight the stewardship role that Fong Sum Wood Library commenced through its Research Support Team, to integrate a suite of research-related metadata in Lingnan Scholars under a FAIR Framework – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Ms Sheila CHEUNG

  • Ms Sheila Cheung is the Senior Assistant Librarian of Research Support and Archives Team at Fong Sum Wood Library of Lingnan University. She began her involvement in scholarly communication since 2012 for building the first IR platform – Digital Commons @ Lingnan. Starting from 2018, she was part of the Implementation Team for the first Research Information Management System (RIMS) – Lingnan Scholars, with key responsibilities to coordinate metadata-related issues.

Digital scholarship in HKU, and the Libraries’ response

  • Digital scholarship (DS) in Hong Kong University Libraries is a new service area developed as part of the University Libraries strategic planning. This presentation will cover librarians’ point of view to DS, strategies to deal with these changes, pilot initiatives created with their impacts, challenges faced, and vision for future development.

Mr Terry CHUNG

  • Mr. Terry Chung is the Digital Scholarship Librarian at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is responsible for digital scholarship and digital humanities-related services to support different stages of the project cycles, including providing consultation, technical support, and project management, etc. In addition, his work also involves developing digital initiatives and collections with the application of tools and technologies, such as data visualization, text mining, GIS application, digitization, etc.
