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Training/Webinars/Workshops: RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders



RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

Course details

  • 53m Beginner Released: 2/11/2019

A slew of exciting new technologies—from robotic process automation (RPA) to machine learning (ML)—have altered the way that companies do business. As a digital-era executive, skating by on a vague understanding of these capabilities is no longer an option. To successfully lead your team in this new world of work, you need to grasp the digital operations landscape, and how you can effectively apply it across your company. In this course, Ian Barkin shows how to filter out the noise, properly set expectations, and prepare your organization for a smooth digital transformation journey.

Learning objectives

  • Identify the primary motivator for automation.
  • Recall the initiating factor of processing workflows.
  • Summarize how integrated systems improve customer experience.
  • Explain why a top-down mandate is necessary.
  • Name the type of effort that is generally the smallest or most modular.
  • Describe the usual outcomes of trying to perform work without the necessary competence or skillset.
  • Identify the skill needed in combination with technical and engineering strengths.