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Training/Webinars/Workshops: Testing times: How can assessment shift from compliance, to learning



Creating Testing times: How can assessment shift from compliance, to learning

Watch video recording at Vimeo

How can assessment shift from compliance to learning, to improve wellbeing, integrity, and student success?

  • Wednesday 18 August 2021 9:00 AM AEST


  • In 2021, assessment is evolving - because it is catching up with rapidly changing delivery, expectations, and student behaviour. Overnight, COVID deepened the wounds of financial pressure, anxiety, and wellbeing, and weakened sense of belonging. As such, there are more opportunities than ever before for students to engage in unethical behaviour - to cheat. Does the answer lie in a fundamental rethink of assessment? Can it be transitioned from an act of compliance, to an integrated part of students’ learning?

Your Panel:

  • Prof Merlin Crossley, Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, UNSW.
  • Prof Claire Macken, Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching), RMIT University.
  • Prof Lynn Bosetti, Professor Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, The University of British Columbia (Canada); former Dean of Education, La Trobe University.
  • Prof Julia Christensen Hughes, President, Yorkville University (Canada).
  • And Prof Judyth Sachs to Chair this session.
