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Training/Webinars/Workshops: Retaining Students with Data: 5 Ways to use IntelliBoard Next with Blackboard Learn



Retaining Students with Data: 5 Ways to use IntelliBoard Next with Blackboard Learn

By IntelliBoard


  • 8/12/2021, 11am EST, 12am HKT 

About the webinar

  • With the spring term right around the corner, the time is now to improve your student retention and successful completion of programs. IntelliBoard can help you to maximize student success this upcoming semester.
  • Join experts Elizabeth Dalton and Becky Keith for a live webinar as they share 5 ways that IntelliBoard Next is helping Blackboard Learn institutions like yours by:
  • Monitoring student engagement in real time with IntelliBoard Report and Dashboard Library

Combining LMS, SIS, and Webconference Data by linking Blackboard Learn to additional systems Logging communications with InContact using Tools for Advisors and Student Support Staff Predictive learning analytics with machine learning to power academic retention and success Measuring Intervention Effectiveness using Action Logging to track initiatives and outcomes If you are planning to improve student success, you won’t want to miss this webinar!


  • Becky Keith, Vice President of Platforms, IntelliBoard
    • Becky Keith is an educational technology leader with experience as an educator, product officer, and executive at multiple EdTech startups. She is currently the VP of Platforms at IntelliBoard, where she leads a team responsible for collaborating across the organization and communicating with clients to deliver value in the IntelliBoard platform.
    • Becky’s love for online learning and connecting with educators led her to her current position: one where she listens to educator needs and drives IntelliBoard to meet those needs across the globe. She’s passionate about improving teaching and learning through data visualizations that tell stories we all need to hear.
  • Elizabeth Dalton, Learning & Development Analyst, IntelliBoard
    • Elizabeth Dalton is a Learning and Development Analyst for IntelliBoard, Inc., where she helps inform IntelliBoard development with research in teaching and learning. She holds an M.Ed. in Educational Media and Technology from Boston University and is a Doctoral Candidate in Education at the University of New Hampshire, specializing in predictive learning analytics. She has worked in online learning as an instructional designer, instructor, learner and system administrator for over twenty years. Her work emphasizes interpreting data using human values.
