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THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Welcome to the THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Follow the official account of the ADCC on Xiaohongshu and subscribe to the ADCC’s official website 關注並訂閱反詐騙協調中心的小紅書官方賬號和官方網站

Please take screenshots of the three QR codes below, follow the official account of the ADCC on Xiaohongshu and subscribe to the ADCC’s official website to keep updated on the latest anti-scam information. You can return to the "Anti-scam Learning Kit", then submit the questionnaire by clicking the "Submit” button.
請截圖以下三個二維碼,關注並訂閱反詐騙協調中心的小紅書官方帳號和官方網站,繼續留意最新的防騙信息。截圖後,請返回反詐騙學習套件, 及按「提交」 鍵提交問卷。
ADCC’s official website & ADCC’s official account on Xiaohongshu
反詐騙協調中心官方網站 及 反詐騙協調中心 小紅書App官方帳號

QR codes for downloading Scameter+ on official app stores

Please return to the "Anti Scam Learning Kit",

and submit the questionnaire by clicking the “Submit” button

請返回「反詐騙學習套件」, 按 「提交」 鍵提交問卷