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THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Welcome to the THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Learning Advising

Who we are?

Experienced professionals in tertiary education dedicated to meet with students for the purpose of providing guidance and support throughout their journey in achieving rich learning experience.

What we do?

To provide learning advisory service and support through workshops, individual and group consultations on a wide range of topics which may enhance students' ability on the following areas:

  • Study skills
  • Time management
  • Teamwork and communication skills

We are also dedicated to listen and support by exploring students' potential in their undergraduate study.

How to find us?

Ms. Jasmine Chan

  • Email:
  • Tel & WhatsApp: 3890 8027

Mr. Geoffrey Tsui

  • Email:
  • Tel & WhatsApp: 3890 8025

Learning advisor is stationed at TY campus (Room 227) every Wednesday and Thursday (09:00 - 17:30)

More information about our events, workshops and training can be found in THEi Mobile Apps > News & Events

Individual Learning Consultation Session

Individual Learning Consultation with Learning Advisors

Duration of the session: 45 minutes

Locations: THEi CW campus (S103); THEi TY campus (Rm. 227)


  • Booking schedule will be available starting on 1 Sept 2021.


The face to face consultation session is a two-way process. It provides an opportunity for students to meet with learning advisors and to discuss issues related to their academic study and learning in a comfortable and confidential setting.


Suggested discussion topics:

>Study skills

>Time management and meeting deadlines

>Enriching your learning through extracurricular activities

>Citation standard and guidelines

The use of personal data:

Learning advisors always respect student’s privacy and any personal data given during the consultation will be treated confidentially according to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. However, under the following circumstances and with the consent from students, learning advisors may forward the request to Faculty/OUs to follow up:

>Students with signs of family and psychological issues that may require professional supports.

>Learning advisors need to clarify information related to the academic subjects, professional knowledge, institutional policies and departmental guidelines on behalf of the students with the purpose to provide accurate information and guidance.

>Students who would like to seek further resources from Faculties and operational units (Faculty/OUs) within THEi.

Study Tips

10 Tips for Effective Learning and Adjustment to Higher Education

1. Set a Goal Goal setting helps you to focus your actions in the right direction and keep things on track. However the goals should be specific, achievable, measurable and with a time frame. Creating a “to-do” list can help you at the start of the plans but also think about the execution too!

2. Manage Your Time Maintaining study/life balance is very important. However it is not possible to manage millions things in life at once. You may have to prioritize your tasks, plan actions and organize your time effectively. The objective is to plan ahead and not rushing to complete everything at once. After a busy day, you can create some “me-time” or treat yourself after achieving the planned tasks.

3. Attend Your Class Since you will no longer have a “set” time table and it is unlikely that someone may remind you to go to class. Evidence suggests that you will constantly be tempted to miss your courses; if you begin skipping your first lecture for a variety of reasons, it will soon become a habit. Simply take all lectures and tutorials as important, and never give yourself an excuse to miss a class!

4. Think Critically Unlike in secondary schools, you will be expected to deal with issues and questions which do not have a single answer. It is very important for you to develop your critical and analytical thinking abilities. Instead of repeating what you have heard in class or searched from the Internet, try to apply what you have learnt, think about different approaches, evaluate the credibility of information you obtained and develop your own argument. You may find it interesting to discover that there are plenty of possible solutions based on people’s experience in different setting. 5. Sharpen Your Writing and Reading Skills You will probably be allocated a significant amount of reading throughout your course. You have to digest vast amount of information in a short time; at the same time, you may have to relate ideas to one another, as well as making connections and comparison. The ability to write and communicate effectively in English is crucial. If you encounter any problems, you can approach SGEL/CLE for advice or the WriteAdvice service might be able to support and help.

6. Ask the Right Questions People often judge others by the questions they ask while being curious is an important quality in life. Particularly when you are studying for a degree and information is always cumulative. If you don’t know the answer to A, it is hard for you to understand B. Therefore, if you have any questions in mind, it is important for you to dig deeper by searching for the answers as soon as possible. You can always start by asking your tutors in class or discuss it with your peers. Often, tackling problems collectively and learning how to ask the right questions are already an important part in your learning journey.

7. Take Notes and Review Notes Before attending the lecture, familiarize yourself with the topic that it is going to cover. You can enhance your understanding of the lecture by completing the relevant reading in advance. During class, try to write clearly and take notes as this will help you process the information you are learning. Also, if you notice that your teachers mention something twice or more, it should be something very important. After class, you may spend time to review your class notes.

8. Form Your Own Study Group Like any other journeys in life, it is good to have companions on your study journey. For each course, make friends with at least one classmate (better to have more) whom you could study with. Working with classmates encourages an interactive environment to keep you engaged, test each other on the subjects, deepen your understanding of the course and provide mutual support. Most of all, your classmates can also serve as part of your support network. People who can support you through ups and downs.

9. Understand Plagiarism Plagiarism can be defined as presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. Sometimes students may omit to take down citation details when taking notes. Any student who commits plagiarism is liable to disciplinary action which can result in penalties for academic misconduct – ranging from lowering of marks to expulsion. To avoid plagiarism, we strongly advise you to understand and to learn the proper way for referencing. You can also make use of tools such as Turnitin in Moodle.

10. Gain Support within THEi In the campus, helping hands and support is always around. In Faculty, you will have your programme leaders, professors and lecturers to explore your academic and careers options. At Learning Commons, librarians can help you to find your learning resources, learning advisers are also happy to help you with your time management and study plan. For more personal advices on how to adapt to student life at THEi, you may also seek advice from our SDO colleagues/counsellors.

Digital Badges Scheme

The objectives of the scheme:

  • To nurture future-ready and work-ready talents equipped with diverse competencies and attributes, THEi has always encouraged students to participate in extra-curricular activities that broaden their horizons and knowledge. As an institutional initiative, the Digital Badges Scheme serves as a centralised system to record and recognise students’ learning achievements through participation in extracurricular activities.

How does the scheme work?

  • The Digital Badges Scheme recognises students’ learning achievement by awarding them with 6 different Digital Badges, each representing an attribute expected of a THEi graduate. Students are encouraged to earn all 6 types of Digital Badges in the duration of their study to ensure a comprehensive achievement by participating in different types of activities. The scheme enables students to review their learning records through the VTC MyPortal. The students can also present their achievements in the form of a transcript, requests can be made to the scheme administrator at the Learning Commons for the printout of the Non-Academic Transript (NAT).

For students to earn the Digital Badge:

  • Under the Digital Badges Scheme, students can simply choose an activity of interest to join. The activity poster should indicate the type of badge that students may receive after completing the activity. Students can review their digital badge records periodically by accessing the VTC MyPortal, logging in with CNA, and searching under Activity > Activity History.

For staff to incorporate an extracurricular activity into the Digital Badges Scheme:

  • THEi Staff are encouraged to participate in the Digital Badges Scheme by incorporating the extracurricular activities organized for the students. Staff can participate with the following steps:
  1. Organise an extracurricular activity or event;
  2. Identify the type and number of badge(s) aligned with the intended learning outcome(s) of the activity;
  3. Promote the activity by mentioning the digital badge intended to award;
  4. Conduct the activity or event as planned;
  5. Record the student ID# from the attendance record;
  6. Prepare and upload the attendance record to the MyPortal system with the template provided;
  7. Check if the activity’s record appears correctly in the MyPortal system;
  8. Send a copy of the attendance record to the scheme administrator for filing.
  • Activity organisers are encouraged to remind students to check on their MyPortal account, and search on “Activity” > “Activity History” for the individual Digital Badge record.

THEi’s graduate attributes:

    • Informed and professionally competent (IPC)
    • Independent learners (IDL)
    • Problem-solvers (PS)
    • Effective communicators (EC)
    • Professionally, socially and globally responsible (PSG)
    • Positive and flexible (PF)

General principles on awarding the Digital Badge:

1.The number of badges that can be awarded to each participant in an activity depends on the duration of the activity.

  • For an activity with a duration of 1 day or less, one digital badge should be awarded to each participant.
  • For an activity with a duration of 2 days, two different types of digital badges can be awarded to each participant
  • For an activity with a duration of 3 days or more, a maximum of three different types of digital badges can be awarded to each participant.

2. Activity organiser has the discretion to choose the most appropriate type of badges for the participants, based on the nature and the intended learning outcome of the activity. E.g. An activity that intends to equip participants with problem-solving skills, the activity organiser can consider awarding the Problem Solvers (PS) badge to the participant.

3. Pending on the level of participation from each participant, the activity organiser has the discretion not to award the participant with a Digital Badge who failed to meet the expected learning outcomes of an activity.

Descriptions of categories:

  • Informed and professionally competent (IPC)
    • represents activities and programmes which enable participants to learn new knowledge and skills required in an industrial setting.
  • Independent learners (IDL)
    • represent activities and programmes in which participants have to take initiative and discover knowledge and pick up on skills independently.
  • Problem-solvers (PS)
    • represent activities and programmes which required participants to tackle an existing problem with critical and analytical thinking that can lead to creative solutions.
  • Effective communicators (EC)
    • represents activities and programmes in which participants have to demonstrate a high level of communication skills or learn to be an effective communicators in both written and verbal forms.
  • As it is an institutional initiative to promote student participation in extra-curricular activities within the campus; staff/activity organisers are encouraged to organise activities as part of the Digital Badge Scheme with the following recommended steps:

1.) they can create the activity and i

  • Professionally, socially and globally responsible (PSG)
    • represents activities and programmes which enable participants to learn about pressing issues and ethical codes in the industry with social, economic, global implications.
  • Positive and flexible (PF)
    • represents activities and programmes which enable participants to develop a positive mindset, to show empathy towards others, and to understand new concepts.

Benefit for students

  • Nowadays, recruiters not only consider the academic achievement of a graduate candidate. They would also require candidates to present evidence and demonstrate abilities on various personal attributes, which are essential to succeed in the profession. Therefore the Digital Badges Scheme is intended to provide a platform for students to accumulate and showcase their achievements, here is the summary of the benefits for students:
    • Recognition of students’ achievement in participating in extracurricular learning
    • A centralised platform that keeps track of students’ achievement which students can access and review
    • Student can present their achievements in the form of a Non-Academic Transcript (NAT)

*Request for NAT printout can be made to the scheme administrator in writing

Benefit for activity organiser

  • The Digital Badges Scheme is part of the THEi initiative for the student to enrich their overall learning experiences by actively participating in extracurricular activities and connecting with industry professionals as well as fellow students. The scheme is intended to provide extra incentives for students to participate in extracurricular activities and get connected with their fellow tutors and students. Students can also develop a positive habit of taking ownership of their learning by reviewing their activity records periodically.

Principles of the scheme:

  • Each activity, workshop, and seminar organised under the scheme should deliver knowledge and skills to participants which can be translated to the 6 THEi’s graduate attributes. Depending on the nature and the intended outcome of the activity, activity organisers can decide the type and number of Digital Badges that they are going to offer to their participants.  The learning advisor will monitor the implementation of the scheme and may advise organisers on their selection if necessary.
  • Students can learn about the objectives of the activity, the type and number of the Digital Badge(s) that they can earn before joining an activity. Students are encouraged to match their learning goals and interests with the activity they enrolled in. Ultimately, the scheme should comprise activities with different attributes and natures. Students are encouraged to participate in various types of activities that cover all 6 types of Digital Badges during their study.
  • To ensure participants of the activities can earn the Digital Badges they deserve, the scheme will rely on activity organisers to submit the attendance of students who had completed the activity, so that the attendance can be accurately recorded, consolidated, and uploaded to MyPortal in a timely manner. Activity organisers are advised to upload the attendance and submit a copy to the scheme administrator for filing within a month after the completion of the activity.
  • Staff and activities organisers should always respect students’ privacy and any personal data gathered in the scheme will be treated confidentially according to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

Step by Step Guide for Staff/Activity Organiser

FAQ for Students and Staff

Records of Achievement

Administrators of the scheme:

  • Jasmine Chan, Learning advisor, LCDI

Tel: 3890 8027, Email:


  • Geoffrey Tsui, Learning advisor, LCDI

Tel: 3890 8025, Email:

Learning Advising Activities of AY2021/2022

Learning Advising Activities of AY2021/2022


  1. 26/8/2021 Adapting to Student Life in Higher Education (CW)
  2. 27/8/2021 Adapting to Student Life in Higher Education (TY)
  3. 19/10/2021 Work Better Together – Teamwork Building Workshop (CW)
  4. 26/10/2021 How Empathy Enhances Learning同理心如何提升學習 (CW)
  5. 28/10/2021 Literature Review and Citation Techniques Workshop (Online)
  6. 02/11/2021 Discovering and Using Your Learning Style in Becoming an Effective Learner (CW)
  7. 20/11/2021 Time Management Workshop (Work-Life Balance) (TY and Online)
  8. 10/01/2022 Discovering and Using Your Learning Style in Becoming an Effective Learner (Online)
  9. 10/01/2022 Begin with an End in Mind, Ways to Achieve Your Academic Goals (Online)
  10. 12/01/2022 Adopting the 6 Thinking Hats Model in Your Group Discussion (Online)
  11. 13/01/2022 Life and Death Explained by Embalmer (CW)
  12. 14/01/2022 Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project (Online)
  13. 16/02/2022 How to enhance learning before starting WIL for PRIEM (CW)
  14. 28/02/2022 Book Club: A Crocodile Who Will Die in 100 Days (Online)
  15. 04/03/2022 How to enhance learning before starting WIL for PA (Online)
  16. 17/03/2022 Asking the right questions in project-based learning (Online)
  17. 22/03/2022 Book Club: What to Do When I'm Gone: A Mother's Wisdom to Her Daughter (Online)
  18. 31/03/2022 Preparing Yourself for WIL - BSE (Online)
  19. 06/04/2022 How to make your WIL a successful learning experience - ICT Programme (Online)
  20. 13/04/2022 Introduce Interactive Tools in Online Teaching - Part I (Online)
  21. 20/04/2022 Introduce Interactive Tools in Online Teaching - Part II(Online)
  22. 26/04/2022 Creating a Colorful Portfolio Before Your Final Year of Study (Online)
  23. 21/04/2022 How to make your WIL a successful learning experience -T&C FST (Online)
  24. 28/04/2022 How to make your WIL a successful learning experience -FDE, FST(Science) (Online)
  25. 29/04/2022 Book Club: The Silent Teachers (Online)
  26. 13/05/2022 Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace - PRIEM (Online)
  27. 30/05/2022 Book Club: The Courage to Be Disliked (Online)
  28. 31/05/2022 Life after graduation – Transition to the workplace (Online)
  29. 06/06/2022 How to make your WIL a successful learning experience - NHM/H&C (Online)
  30. 07/06/2022 Trips to the forbidden land
  31. 09/06/2022 Light Up Lives Candle Making Workshop
  32. 30/06/2022 Book Club: The Courage to Be Disliked - Part 2 (Online)
  33. 16/07/2022 Post-WIL reflective workshop for BSE students(Online)
  34. 29/07/2022 Book Club: Time is the final answer (Online)
  35. 26/08/2022 Adapting to the new learning environment at THEi (TY)
  36. 29/08/2022 Adapting to the new learning environment at THEi (CW)
  37. 29/08/2022 An Introduction to MS Teams for an Interactive Class and Assessment
  38. 31/08/2022 Book Club: Even if you are alone, you can live a wonderful life (Online)
  39. 02/09/2022 Post WIL Reflective Learning Workshop for NHM & HC (Online)
  40. 16/09/2022 Time Management Workshop (Work-Life Balance)
  41. 22/09/2022 The Essential Skills for Degree-Level Study (Online)
  42. 23/09/2022 A Visit to Microsoft (HK) Ltd.
  43. 30/09/2022 Book Club: Atomic Habits
  44. 13/10/2022 Begin with an End in Mind, Ways to Achieve Your Academic Goals (Online)
  45. 17/10/2022 Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace-BSE
  46. 25/10/2022 Developing higher levels of thinking to aid your study (Online)
  47. 31/10/2022 Book Club: My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired
  48. 04/11/2022 Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace - PRIEM
  49. 08/11/2022 Pathway to Become Management Trainee (Online)
  50. 29/11/2022 Book Club: Find yourself in an imperfect life
  51. 08/02/2023 Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project
  52. 27/02/2023 Book Club: Don't let self-blame become a habit
  53. 02/03/2023 Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project -TY
  54. 17/03/2023 Adopting the 6 Thinking Hats Model to Improve Efficiency in Discussion
  55. 28/03/2023 An Introduction of Design Thinking in Academic Context
  56. 31/03/2023 Book Club: The Book of Happiness
  57. 14/04/2023 Life after graduation – Transition from Classroom to Workplace
  58. 21/04/2023 Trip to the Forbidden Land – Life Lessons You Can Learn Through Travel
  59. 13/04/2023 Neon Light Workshop
  60. 28/04/2023 Book Club: The Philosophy of Anxiety


Adapting to Student Life in Higher Education (CW)

Adapting to Student Life in Higher Education (CW)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan and Mr. Geoffrey Tsui (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 26th August 2021 (Thursday)
  • Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Computer Room 306, THEi (CW)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Adapt to the changing pressures facing the new environment
    • Accept changes as positive
    • Revise plans as necessary
    • Consider other people’s concerns during change


Adapting to Student Life in Higher Education (TY)

Adapting to Student Life in Higher Education (TY)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan and Mr. Geoffrey Tsui (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 27th August 2021 (Friday)
  • Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Computer Room 703, THEi (TY)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Adapt to the changing pressures facing the new environment
    • Accept changes as positive
    • Revise plans as necessary
    • Consider other people’s concerns during change


Work Better Together – Teamwork Building Workshop (CW)

Work Better Together – Teamwork Building Workshop (CW)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 19th October 2021 (Tuesday)
  • Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Staff Learning Commons (Rm 401), THEi (CW)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Explain the benefits to work as a team
    • Provide good examples in teamwork
    • Find the ways to improve inter-team communication



How Empathy Enhances Learning同理心如何提升學習 (CW)

How Empathy Enhances Learning同理心如何提升學習 (CW)

Watch video recording

  • Speaker: Mr. Michael Leung (Social Worker at HKFYG 香港青年協會 ) and Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 26th October 2021 (Tuesday)
  • Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Staff Learning Commons (Rm 401), THEi (CW)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Learn how empathy could enhance your learning skills
    • Explain the importance of understanding others’ feeling
    • Provide the skills of empathy to learn better



Literature Review and Citation Techniques Workshop (Online)

Literature Review and Citation Techniques Workshop (Online)

  • Speaker: Dr. Liu Pak Sing, Andrew (Learning Commons)
  • Date: 28th October 2021 (Thursday)
  • Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Highlight databases for FST
    • Conduct literature research for academic writing
    • Explain citing and referencing
    • Provide an overview on preventing plagiarism
    • Q&A
  • Organized by Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)



Discovering and Using Your Learning Style in Becoming an Effective Learner (CW)

Discovering and Using Your Learning Style in Becoming an Effective Learner (CW)

Watch video recording (Part 1) (Part 2)

  • Speaker: Mr. Geoffrey Tsui (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 2nd November 2021 (Tuesday)
  • Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Staff Learning Commons (Rm 401), THEi (CW)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Understanding of different learning styles
    • Discover your individual learning style
    • Strategies to adopt in different study modes and situations
    • Developing practical learning strategies that are right for you


Time Management Workshop (Work-Life Balance) (TY and Online)

Time Management Workshop (Work-Life Balance) (TY and Online)

  • Speaker: Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 20th November 2021 (Saturday)
  • Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Rm 703, THEi (TY) and Online (MS Teams)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Identify the tasks and urgency
    • Provide the different tools to manage the various tasks
    • Demonstrate the case studies and practice

  • Time Management Workshop (Work-Life Balance) (video)


Discovering and Using Your Learning Style in Becoming an Effective Learner (Online)

Discovering and Using Your Learning Style in Becoming an Effective Learner (Online)

  • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 10 Jan 2022 (Monday)
  • Venue: Online via MS teams
  • Outline:
    • Understanding of different learning styles
    • Strategies to adopt in different study modes and situations
    • Developing practical learning strategies that are right for you


Adopting the 6 Thinking Hats Model in Your Group Discussion (Online)

Adopting the 6 Thinking Hats Model in Your Group Discussion (Online)

Watch video recording (Part 1) (Part 2)

  • Speaker: Mr Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
  • Date: 12 Jan 2022 (Monday)
  • Venue: Online via MS teams
  • Outline:
    • How does the 6 thinking hats theory work
    • The importance of parallel thinking
    • The ways it can apply to your group discussion


Life and Death Explained by Embalmer (CW)

Life and Death Explained by Embalmer (CW)

Watch video recording (Part 1) (Part 2)

  • Speaker: Mr. Pasu Ng (2019 Ten Outstanding Young Persons)
  • Date: 13th January 2022 (Thursday)
  • Time: 14:30 p.m. - 16:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Exchange Atrium, Learning Commons, THEi, CW
  • Workshop outline:
    • Life and Death Learning
    • Filial Piety
    • Social Responsibility



Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project (Online)

Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project (Online)

  • Speaker: Mr Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
  • Date: 14 Jan 2022 (Friday)
  • Venue: Online via MS Teams
  • Outline:
    • Critical Thinking in Academic Context
    • The Validity and Soundness of Statements
    • The Commmon Fallacies
    • Ways to Apply Critical Thinking in Research and Reading


How to enhance learning before starting WIL for PRIEM (CW)

How to enhance learning before starting WIL for PRIEM (CW)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 16th February 2022 (Wednesday)
  • Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • Venue: E-Classroom, Learning Commons, THEi (CW)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Introduce online tools which could help students prepare for the workplace
    • Share basic knowledge in using Photoshop
  • Video Part 1 
  • Video Part 2 



Book Club: A Crocodile Who Will Die in 100 Days (Online)

Book Club: A Crocodile Who Will Die in 100 Days (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 28th February 2022 (Wednesday)
  • Time: 12:45 p.m. - 13:15 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: A Crocodile Who Will Die in 100 Days
    • Discussion



How to enhance learning before starting WIL for PA (Online)

How to enhance learning before starting WIL for PA (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 4th March 2022 (Friday)
  • Time: 12:45 p.m. - 13:15 p.m.
  • Venue: Online (MS TEAMS)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Introduce online platform which could help students prepare for the workplace
    • Share important learning information before starting WIL

Watch video recording 



Asking the right questions in project-based learning (Online)

Asking the right questions in project-based learning (Online)

  • Detail:
    • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
    • Date: 17 March 2022 (Thu)
    • Time: 17:00 – 18:00
    • Language: English
    • MS Teams
  • Outline:
    • Formulate your research topics
    • Skills and strategies to enhance the quality of inquiry process
    • Question Formulation Technique
    • Develop your digital search skills
  • Watch video recording Part 1
  • Watch video recording Part 2


Book Club: What to Do When I'm Gone: A Mother's Wisdom to Her Daughter (Online)

Book Club: What to Do When I'm Gone: A Mother's Wisdom to Her Daughter (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 22nd March 2022 (Tuesday)
  • Time: 12:45 p.m. - 13:15 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: What to Do When I'm Gone: A Mother's Wisdom to Her Daughter
    • Discussion



Preparing Yourself for WIL - BSE (Online)

Preparing Yourself for WIL - BSE (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 31st March 2022 (Thursday)
  • Time: 17:00 p.m. - 17:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Introduce online tools which could help students prepare for the workplace
    • Share important information before starting WIL

Watch video recording



How to make your WIL a successful learning experience - ICT Programme (Online)

How to make your WIL a successful learning experience - ICT Programme (Online)

  • Detail:
    • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
    • Date: 6 April 2022 (Wed)
    • Time: 16:30 – 18:00
    • Language: English
    • MS Team
  • Outline
    • Introduce the fundamental concepts on making a successful internship application
    • Manage student's expectations before the internship
    • Understand the paradigm change required for a smooth transition from classroom to the workplace
    • Provide the essential tips for interns to adapt to the workplace
    • Consolidate students' experiences into learnings which can be transferred in their academic learning and future career
  • Watch video recording Part 1
  • Watch video recording Part 2
  • Watch video recording Part 3


Introduce Interactive Tools in Online Teaching - Part I (Online)

Introduce Interactive Tools in Online Teaching - Part I (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 13 April 2022 (Wednesday)
  • Time: 12:30-13:00
  • Venue: Online-MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Introduce online tools which could enhance interaction in learning
    • Share different platforms/software which teachers could use in the class


Introduce Interactive Tools in Online Teaching - Part II(Online)

Introduce Interactive Tools in Online Teaching - Part II(Online)

  • Speaker: Ms Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 20 April 2022 (Wednesday)
  • Time: 12:30-13:00
  • Venue: Online-MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Introduce online tools which could enhance interaction in learning
    • Share different platforms/software which teachers could use in the class


Creating a Colorful Portfolio Before Your Final Year of Study (Online)

Creating a Colorful Portfolio Before Your Final Year of Study (Online)

Watch video recording

  • Title: Creating a Colorful Portfolio Before Your Final Year of Study (Online)
  • Speaker: Mr Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
  • Date: 26 April (Tue)
  • Time: 12:45 – 13:30
  • MS teams
  • Outline:
    • Turning your CV into a unique record of your learning journey
    • Sharing on oversea exchange experiences
    • Making use of extracurricular activities to gain meaningful exposure
    • What is an outstanding graduate employee from the employers’ perspective,


How to make your WIL a successful learning experience -T&C FST (Online)

How to make your WIL a successful learning experience -T&C FST (Online)

  • Detail:
    • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
    • Date: 21 April 2022 (Thu)
    • Time: 18:00 – 19:00
    • Language: English
    • MS Team
  • Outline
    • Introduce the fundamental concepts on making a successful internship application
    • Manage student's expectations before the internship
    • Understand the paradigm change required for a smooth transition from classroom to the workplace
    • Provide the essential tips for interns to adapt to the workplace
    • Consolidate students' experiences into learnings which can be transferred in their academic learning and future career


How to make your WIL a successful learning experience -FDE, FST(Science) (Online)

How to make your WIL a successful learning experience -FDE, FST(Science) (Online)

Watch video recording (Part 1) (Part 2)

  • Detail:
    • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
    • Date: 28 April 2022 (Thu)
    • Time: 17:00 – 18:00
    • Language: English
    • MS Team
  • Outline
    • Introduce the fundamental concepts on making a successful internship application
    • Manage student's expectations before the internship
    • Understand the paradigm change required for a smooth transition from classroom to the workplace
    • Provide the essential tips for interns to adapt to the workplace
    • Consolidate students' experiences into learnings which can be transferred in their academic learning and future career


Book Club: The Silent Teachers (Online)

Book Club: The Silent Teachers (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 29th April 2022 (Friday)
  • Time: 12:45 p.m. - 13:15 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: Silent teachers : the lecture on life and death education given to us by the body donors
    • Discussion


Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace - PRIEM (Online)

Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace - PRIEM (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 13th May 2022 (Friday)
  • Time: 12:30 p.m. - 13:15 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Highlight the key elements to prepare your online/face to face interview
    • Share the techniques for answering questions
    • Follow-up actions after your interview


Book Club: The Courage to Be Disliked (Online)

Book Club: The Courage to Be Disliked (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 30th May 2022 (Monday)
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: The Courage to Be Disliked (被討厭的勇氣: 自我啟發之父阿德勒的教導)
    • Discussion


Life after graduation – Transition to the workplace (Online)

Life after graduation – Transition to the workplace (Online)

Watch video recording (Part 1) (Part 2)

  • Title: Life after graduation – Transition to the workplace
  • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
  • Date: 31 May (Tue)
  • Time: 17:00 -18:00
  • MS teams
  • Outline:
    • What does your internship mean for your first job?
    • Employer’s expectation for a freshman
    • Video sharing from professionals:
    • Looking into possibilities beyond your field of study
    • Tips for fitting into a new learning environment of the workplace
    • Perseverance in facing challenges at the beginning of your career


How to make your WIL a successful learning experience - NHM/H&C (Online)

How to make your WIL a successful learning experience - NHM/H&C (Online)

  • Detail:
    • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
    • Date: 6 June 2022 (Mon)
    • Time: 14:00 – 15:00
    • Language: English
    • MS Team
  • Outline
    • Manage student's expectations before the internship
    • Understand the paradigm change required for a smooth transition from classroom to the workplace
    • Provide the essential tips for interns to adapt to the workplace
    • Consolidate students' experiences into learnings which can be transferred in their academic learning and future career


Trips to the forbidden land

Trips to the forbidden land

Watch video recording (Part 1) (Part 2)

  • Title: Trips to the forbidden land
  • Date: 7 June (Tue)
  • Time: 12:45 – 13:45
  • MS teams
  • Aims: Promote travel as a form of education and self-discovery
  • Outline:
  • Through sharing personal travel experiences in Iran, India, N Korea… illustrate how travel can:
    • broadens your horizons through cultural immersion
    • challenges you to be adaptable and discover your strength and passion
    • promotes a deeper sense of understanding
    • cultivate a propensity for self-study and self-improvement.


Light Up Lives Candle Making Workshop

Light Up Lives Candle Making Workshop

  • Speaker: Ms. Vinnie Kwok and Ms. Jasmine Chan
  • Date: 9th June 2022 (Thursday)
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 14:00 p.m.
  • Workshop outline:
    • Identify equipment needed for candle making
    • Demonstrate a step by step candle making
    • You can make your own candle!
  • Maximum 20 participants for this workshop (Quotas are limited and registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis)
  • Successful participants will receive a confirmation email


Book Club: The Courage to Be Disliked - Part 2 (Online)

Book Club: The Courage to Be Disliked - Part 2 (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 30th May 2022 (Monday)
  • Time: 12:45 p.m. - 13:15 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: The Courage to Be Disliked-Part 2 (被討厭的勇氣 二部曲完結篇: 人生幸福的行動指南)
    • Discussion


Post-WIL reflective workshop for BSE students(Online)

Post-WIL reflective workshop for BSE students(Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 16th July 2022 (Saturday)
  • Time: 16:00 p.m. - 16:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Recognize how to deepen reflection in WIL
    • Identify the characteristics of reflective journal writing
    • Support the process of reflective journal writing


Book Club: Time is the final answer (Online)

Book Club: Time is the final answer (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 29th July 2022 (Friday)
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: Time is the final answer (時間,才是最後的答案)
    • Discussion


Adapting to the new learning environment at THEi (TY)

Adapting to the new learning environment at THEi (TY)

  • Date:26 Aug 2022 (Fri)
  • Time:10:00 - 11:00
  • Speaker: Jasmine Chan and Geoffrey Tsui
  • Venue: Rm 703


  • Connect with new students from other disciplines
  • Identify the changes that students might find while studying a degree course
  • Understand the importance of having an adaptive and positive mindset
  • Provide simple tips on study skills and time management
  • Introduction of learning advising, workshops, and Digital Badges Scheme


Adapting to the new learning environment at THEi (CW)

Adapting to the new learning environment at THEi (CW)

  • Date: 29 Aug 2022 (Mon)
  • Time:11:00 - 12:00
  • Speaker: Jasmine Chan and Geoffrey Tsui
  • Venue:S304, S305


  • Connect with new students from other disciplines
  • Identify the changes that students might find while studying a degree course
  • Understand the importance of having an adaptive and positive mindset
  • Provide simple tips on study skills and time management
  • Introduction of learning advising, workshops, and Digital Badges Scheme


An Introduction to MS Teams for an Interactive Class and Assessment

An Introduction to MS Teams for an Interactive Class and Assessment

An Introduction to MS Teams for an Interactive Class and Assessment

  • Date: 29 August 2022
  • Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
  • Speaker: Speaker from Microsoft and Jasmine Chan
  • Venue: E-classroom
  • Outline:
    • Introduce MS Teams functions which could enhance interaction in learning;
    • Assign a quiz to students in MS Teams; and
    • Collect assignments and marking in MS Teams


Book Club: Even if you are alone, you can live a wonderful life (Online)

Book Club: Even if you are alone, you can live a wonderful life (Online)

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 31 August 2022 (Wed)
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: Even if you are alone, you can live a wonderful life (一個人,你也要活得晴空萬里)
    • Discussion


Post WIL Reflective Learning Workshop for NHM & HC (Online)

Post WIL Reflective Learning Workshop for NHM & HC (Online)

  • Title: Post WIL Reflective Learning Workshop
  • Date: 2 Sept 2022 (Fri)
  • Time: 10:30 - 11:30
  • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning advisor, LCDI
  • Outline:
    • Understanding the importance of reflection in the learning process
    • Exploring ways to reflect your experiences effectively and systematically
    • Recording your experience in your reflective journal and reports
    • Making use of your internship in your future job applications and interview


Time Management Workshop (Work-Life Balance)

Time Management Workshop (Work-Life Balance)

  • Speaker: Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 16th September 2022 (Friday)
  • Time: 12:00 p.m. - 13:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Online (MS Teams)
  • Workshop outline:
    • Identify the tasks and urgency
    • Provide the different tools to manage the various tasks
    • Demonstrate the case studies and practice


The Essential Skills for Degree-Level Study (Online)

The Essential Skills for Degree-Level Study (Online)

  • Date: 22 Sept 2022 (Thu)
  • Time: 16:30 - 18:00
  • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, LCDI
  • MS teams
  • Digital Badge: Independent Learners (IDL)

Training Outline:

  • The importance of discovering your learning style to learn in your unique way
  • Tips to read more effectively by asking the right questions
  • Ways to improve your learning with effective note-taking skills
  • The importance of continuous learning as part of the student life


A Visit to Microsoft (HK) Ltd.

A Visit to Microsoft (HK) Ltd.

  • Speaker: Microsoft staff and Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 23rd September 2022 (Friday)
  • Meeting Time: 14:15 p.m.
  • Venue: Microsoft Office at Cyberport
  • Visit Time: 14:30 p.m. - 16:30 p.m.
  • Workshop outline:
    • Introduce facilities and technologies in Microsoft Office
    • Sharing session for MS certificates
    • Discussion session


Book Club: Atomic Habits

Book Club: Atomic Habits

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 30th September 2022 (Friday)
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: Atomic Habits (原子習慣)
    • Discussion


Begin with an End in Mind, Ways to Achieve Your Academic Goals (Online)

Begin with an End in Mind, Ways to Achieve Your Academic Goals (Online)

  • Speaker: Mr Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
  • Date: 13 Oct 2022 (Thursday)
  • Time: 16:00 - 17:00
  • Digital Badge: Independent Learner (IDL)
  • MS teams
  • Outline:
    • Introducing the concept from Steven Covey's 7th Habit
    • Common obstacles for executing a plan for students
    • Ways to implement the steps in achieving your goals


Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace-BSE

Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace-BSE

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 17th October 2022 (Monday)
  • Time: 12:30 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Understanding the key elements of a well-written CV
    • Learning how to customize and modify the crafted CV based on further experience and different job positions
    • Crafting an excellent individualized CV specific to each participant based on the CV template provided


Developing higher levels of thinking to aid your study (Online)

Developing higher levels of thinking to aid your study (Online)

  • Date:25 Oct 2022 (Tue)
  • Time: 16:00 -17:00
  • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
  • MS teams
  • Digital Badge: Independent Learners (IDL)

Training Outline:

    • The importance of higher orders of thinking which leads to effective study
    • Understanding The concept of Bloom's taxonomy
    • Pairing effective study strategies with bloom's taxonomy
    • Introducing ways to boost your memory with memories tips


Book Club: My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired

Book Club: My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 31th October 2022 (Monday)
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired (起床後的黃金1小時)
    • Discussion


Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace - PRIEM

Being Well-Prepared in Entering WIL/Workplace - PRIEM

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 4 Nov 2022 (TBC)
  • Time: 14:30 p.m. - 15:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Highlight the key elements to prepare your online/face to face interview
    • Share the techniques for answering questions
    • Follow-up actions after your interview


Pathway to Become Management Trainee (Online)

Pathway to Become Management Trainee (Online)

  • Date: 9 Nov 2022 (Wed)
  • Time: 12:00 -13:00
  • Speaker: Geoffrey Tsui, Learning Advisor, Learning Commons
  • MS teams
  • Digital Badge: Informed and Professionally Competent (IPC)

Objective: To prepare the students in becoming management trainees Training Outline:

    • What is management trainee and why are they important for companies
    • What it takes to become a management trainee
    • Some common elements in the selection processes
    • The learning opportunities it offers


Book Club: Find yourself in an imperfect life

Book Club: Find yourself in an imperfect life

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 29th November 2022 (Tuesday)
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book: Find yourself in an imperfect life (在不完美的生活裡,找到完整的自己)
    • Discussion


Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project

Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project

  • Date: 8 Feb 2023
  • Time: 12:00 -13:00
  • Venue: Hybrid mode
  • Digital Badge: Independent Learners (IDL)
  • Training Outline:
    • Explain the importance of critical thinking in an academic context
    • Examine the validity and soundness of statements
    • Identify the type of common fallacies to avoid in making fault claim
    • Explore ways to apply critical thinking in research and reading


Book Club: Don't let self-blame become a habit

Book Club: Don't let self-blame become a habit

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 27 Feb 2023
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book
    • Discussion


Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project -TY

Develop Your Critical Thinking for Academic Project -TY

  • Date: 2 Mar 2023
  • Time: 12:00 -13:00
  • Venue: Rm 811 TY campuses, Hybrid mode
  • Digital Badge: Independent Learners (IDL)
  • Training Outline:
    • Explain the importance of critical thinking in an academic context
    • Examine the validity and soundness of statements
    • Identify the type of common fallacies to avoid in making fault claim
    • Explore ways to apply critical thinking in research and reading


Adopting the 6 Thinking Hats Model to Improve Efficiency in Discussion

Adopting the 6 Thinking Hats Model to Improve Efficiency in Discussion

  • Date: 17 Mar 2023
  • Time: 12:00 - 13:00
  • Venue: S103D or MS teams
  • Digital Badge: Independent Learners (IDL)
  • Outline
    • Identify common problems in group discussion/meeting
    • Introduce the 6 thinking hats and parallel thinking concepts
    • Apply the concepts to meetings and discussions to improve the efficiency of the team


An Introduction of Design Thinking in Academic Context

An Introduction of Design Thinking in Academic Context

  • Date: 28 Mar 2023
  • Time: 12:00 -13:00
  • Venue: MS Teams
  • Digital Badge: Independent Learners (IDL)
  • Outline
    • What is Design Thinking?
    • The 5 stages of Design Thinking
    • Apply Design Thinking in generating project idea


Book Club: The Book of Happiness

Book Club: The Book of Happiness

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 31 Mar 2023
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book
    • Discussion


Life after graduation – Transition from Classroom to Workplace

Life after graduation – Transition from Classroom to Workplace

  • Date: 14 Apr 2023
  • Time: 17:30 - 18:30
  • Venue: MS teams
  • Digital Badge: Informed and Professionally Competent (IPC)
  • Outline:
    • Apply your internship and learning experiences to finding your first job
    • Identify some of the expectations employers might have for freshman
    • Looking into possibilities beyond your field of study
    • Tips on fitting into a new learning environment of the workplace


Trip to the Forbidden Land – Life Lessons You Can Learn Through Travel

Trip to the Forbidden Land – Life Lessons You Can Learn Through Travel

  • Date: 21 Apr 2023
  • Time: 13:00 - 14:00
  • Venue: CW Learning Commons S104
  • Digital Badge: Positive and Flexible (PF)
  • Outline:
    • Travel Quiz
    • Travel photos and experiences sharing (N Korea, Cuba, Iran, Peru…)
    • Introduce the benefit and learning people can gain from traveling aboard
    • Essential tips on backpacking in foreign countries


Neon Light Workshop

Neon Light Workshop

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 13 Apr 2023
  • Time: 14:00 p.m. - 17:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Exhibition Hall


Book Club: The Philosophy of Anxiety

Book Club: The Philosophy of Anxiety

  • Speaker: Ms. Jasmine Chan (Learning Advisor, Learning Commons)
  • Date: 28 Apr 2023
  • Time: 13:00 p.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Online - MS Teams
  • Workshop outline:
    • Social time and introduce our library service
    • Introduce the book
    • Discussion
