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THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Welcome to the THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Online Teaching Guide (for staff)


Online Teaching Guide (for staff)

Online Teaching Resources




Education Support Guides

Education Support Guides

  • Powerpoint
  • Panopto Lecture Recording
  • Screen Recorder: To prepare a short video guide or knowledge unit (<15 min)
  • H5P: CREATE, SHARE AND REUSE INTERACTIVE HTML5 CONTENT IN YOUR BROWSER. Fully integrated with Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, WordPress. H5P is a completely free and open technology, licensed with the MIT license.

Screen Recorder

There are a number of screen recorder applications.

  • Screencast-O-matics 
    • Free for the first 15 minutes (stop not recording after 15 minutes)
    • It is good and smooth.
    • It gives the cursor and highlight the path it goes.
    • You can pause at anytime and continue when you are ready.
    • It is the screen capture so that you can start with any applications for the recording.


Full page screen capture

Awesome Screenshot

Free to use plan


  • 1 project folder to store screenshots
  • 30 screenshots per project
  • Basic annotation tools
  • Save screenshots to:

Video Recording

  • Access to the latest 20 cloud videos
  • 5 minutes per local recording
  • Resolution up to 720p

Research Tool

Research Tool

PRISM GraphPad

PRISM GraphPad


Quote, "Prism has been described by the world's scientific community as the gold standard for analysis and graphing. It is purpose-built for scientists—not statisticians—so you can feel confident that you're presenting data clearly and accurately. It's no wonder that more than 750,000 scientists rely on Prism. Ready to build beautiful graphs today?"

Resources (Video Guide):

  • Getting Started with Prism 
    • How To Analyze and Graph Your Data in Prism (8 min)
    • How To Use Prism's Data Tables (30 min)
    • How To Import, Rearrange, and Sync Data in Prism (20 min)
    • How To Create and Customize High-Quality Graphs in Prism (8 min)
    • How to Find and Navigate Results in Prism (3 min)
  • Statistics Bootcamp: Learn the fundamentals and perform better analyses 
    • Using Data Exploration to Check Statistical Assumptions (10 min)
    • Calculating Sample Size With Power Analysis (11 min)
    • Descriptive Statistics with Prism (11 min)
    • How to Perform a Two-Sample T-Test (11 min)
    • Understanding One-way ANOVA (14 min)
    • Understanding Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact Tests (2 min)

8 Data Table Types

  • XY Data Table
    • Analyses: Correlation matrixlinear regression
  • Column Data Table
    • Analyses: Frequency distributiondescriptive analysisnormality test, outliner identification
    • Analyses: One-same t-testtwo independent samples t-testpaired samples t-test
    • Analyses: One-way ANOVA
  • Group Data Table
  • Contingency Data Table
    • Analyses: Chi-squared test, fraction of column, row, and total
  • Survival Data Table
  • Parts of Whole Data Table
  • Multiple Variables Data Table
    • Analyses: Fraction, chi-squared goodness of fit
    • Analyses: Correlation matrixmultiple linear regression
  • Nested Data Table
    • Analyses: Nested t-test, nested ANOVA


PROCESS macro for SPSS

PROCESS macro for SPSS


  • PROCESS  is an observed variable OLS and logistic regression path analysis modeling tool. It is widely used through the social, business, and health sciences for estimating direct and indirect effects in single and multiple mediator models (parallel and serial), two and three-way interactions in moderation models along with simple slopes and regions of significance for probing interactions, and conditional indirect effects in moderated mediation models with a single or multiple mediators or moderators.
  • The use of PROCESS is described and documented in Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis, published by The Guilford Press .
  • PROCESS was written by Andrew F. Hayes .




How to install PROCESS macro for SPSS

How to install PROCESS macro for SPSS

  • Go to the "Download" page (click top menu bar button)
  • Click the button, "Download PROCESS v4.0," to download PROCESS v4.0

  • Open SPSS
  • Select File >> Open >> Syntax

  • Select Run >> All

  • Select Extensions >> Utilities >> Install Custom Dialog (Compatibility mode)


How to analyze models in SPSS using PROCESS macro

How to analyze models in SPSS using PROCESS macro

  • The book, Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach, list all the models (Model 1 - Model 92) in Appendix A: Using PROCESS (p.584-612)


Example 1 Steps

  • For example,
  • Statistical Diagram of Model 4 (p.585)

  • Conceptual Diagram of Model 4
    • Independent Variable X: Social Support
    • Mediator Mi: Home Environment
    • Dependent Variable: Development

  • Steps: Analyze >> Regression >> PROCESS v4.0 by Andrew F. Hayes

  • In the dialog box,
    • Select Model Number: 4
    • Move Development to Y-variable
    • Move Social Support to X-variable
    • Move Home Environment to Mediator(s) M


Example 1 Results






Example 2

  • Model 1 (p.584)
  • Statistical Diagram

  • Conceptual Diagram
    • X: Social Support
    • Moderator: Temperament
    • Y: Development

  • Steps: Analyze >> Regression >> PROCESS v4.0
    • Model 1
    • Y-variable: Development
    • X-variable: Social Support
    • Moderator variable W: Temperament

  • Results





Example 3

  • Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis (2003, p.447)



Design an Online Class

Design an Online Class

How to ensure a student's success

Presence, Attention, Engagement, Deep Learning

Special Features of Digital Learning

  • Multimedia (Visual/Audio impact)
  • Interaction (Engagement, checking for understanding)
  • Community (Social learning)

  • Capture student's learning progress
  • Encourage collaboration, peer learning
  • Tools: Moodle (LMS) + Teams (Video Conferencing)
  • Collaboration tool
  • Questions and Doubts: discipline, online assessment, cheating and conduct, presence, engaged, interact, respond, emotional support, different learning styles, access,

Deep Learning

A comparison of the deep learning of knowledge versus traditional classroom practices (instructionism) based on findings from cognitive science is best summarized by Sawyer (2014, p.5) as follows.

  • Deep learning requires learners to relate new ideas and concepts to previous knowledge and experience, whereas in traditional classroom practices, learners treat course material as being unrelated to what they already know.
  • Deep learning requires learners to integrate their knowledge into interrelated conceptual systems, whereas in traditional classroom practices, learners treat course material as disconnected bits of knowledge.
  • Deep learning requires learners to look for patterns and underlying principles, whereas in traditional classroom practices, learners memorize facts and carry out procedures without understanding how or why.
  • Deep learning requires learners to evaluate new ideas and relate them to conclusions, whereas in traditional classroom practices, learners have difficulty making sense of new ideas that are different from what they encountered in the textbook.
  • Deep learning requires learners to understand the process of dialogue through which knowledge is created and to examine the logic of an argument critically, whereas, in traditional classroom practices, learners treat facts and procedures as static knowledge handed down from an all-knowing authority.
  • Deep learning requires learners to reflect on their own understanding and their own process of learning, whereas in traditional classroom practices, learners memorize without reflecting on the purpose of learning or on their own learning strategies.

Models of Teaching

Personal: promote the pursuit of personal growth, with clear goals, self-awareness and self-confidence so that learners are more motivated and engaged to achieve deep learning

  • development, reflect, self, experience, goals, motivation, needs, values, cultures, styles, professional, personal, perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, efficacy, placement, playing, confidence, enjoyment, growth, identity, emotions

Social: cultivate the environment or structure for social interaction among peer learners to achieve deep learning

  • group, discussions, project, support, community, social, collaboration, peer, help, team, sharing, dialogue, connection, cooperative, constructivist, guidance, partners

Behavioural: promote a structured system or environment to provide feedback to adjust behaviour to achieve deep learning

  • assessment, practices, scores/grades/marks, test/exam, evaluation, online, technology, feedback, environment, systems, interactive, responses, tutoring, game, behaviour, memory/recall/retention, adaptive, simulations, stimulate, assignments, intervention, flexible, tutorial, multimedia

Information Processing: ways to develop scientific inquiry and systematic thinking to solve problems in order to achieve deep learning

  • questioning, critical, cognitive, thinking, solving, construct, conceptual, competence, inquiry, scientific

A Sample Moodle Section

Unit 4 Before the class

  • References website URL
  • References paper download
  • Review discussion questions before the class
  • Review quiz before the class

During the class

  • Teams online teaching class
  • Lecture Notes Courseware (viewed only on Moodle)
  • Lecture Notes ppt/doc download
  • In-class group discussion forum on review discussion questions
  • Presentation by group (Use t-account, create a shared folder in OneDrive, create any folder or files inside will be shared))(upload ppt to Moodle)(Present at Teams, file sharing for ppt)
  • Review Assignment
  • In-class Quiz
  • Review Assignment
  • Mid-semester Test
  • Review Assignment 2

After the class

  • Homework
  • Create a weblog for individual student to write a week diary of what they learn

  • Quiz: capture performance, scores, in order to prepare learning material to narrow the gaps


  • Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2015). Models of teaching (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
  • Ma, W. W. K. (accepted, forthcoming). Effective learning through deep learning, what matters: Self, others, way of thinking, and/or design of learning environment? In W.W.K. Ma et al. (Eds.), Learning Environment and Design: Current and Future Impacts. Singapore: Springer. [1]
  • Sawyer, R. K. (Ed.) (2014). The Cambridge handbook of learning sciences (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Other Resources



How to approach online learning (15 pages eBook)

  • Summary
    • Taking a traditional face-to-face course and putting it online is no easy feat. It takes time, effort, and a lot of planning. This eBook on online teaching lists what you should consider when putting your courses online.
  • Highlights
    • Planning: What materials to consider putting online using learning outcomes as a guide.
    • Content: What types of content you should consider and the benefits and challenges of different content styles.
    • Platform: Choosing the right technology for your online course.
    • Administration: A checklist for online class administration to make your online course run smoothly.
    • Analytics: Using data and insights to improve your classes and improve student learning outcomes.

CLT/VTC Pedagogies Guides

Practical Tips for Providing Effective Feedback, compiled by CLT/VTC

  1. Goal-referenced
    1. Tie to specific learning goals
    2. Remind students if they are on track
  2. Tangible and Transparent
    1. Give relevant and actionable comments
    2. Clear on how to improve
  3. Actionable
    1. Be concrete, specific and useful
    2. Include strengths and areas for improvement
  4. User-friendly
    1. Use simple and clear language and no jargon
    2. Focus on manageable points
  5. Timely
    1. Give immediate feedback for factual knowledge (right/wrong)
    2. Give slightly delayed feedback if students need more time to review and think
  6. Consistent
    1. Be stable, accurate and trustworthy
    2. Build consensus on giving feedback among teachers
  7. Ongoing
    1. Allow time to reflect and improve


Practical Tips for Interactive Online Teaching, organized by CLT/VTC, 15:30 to 17:00, 17 August 2020

Online Teaching Pack for teachers, includes

  • Moodle, Panopto, Teams, Assessment Tools in Moodle, Online Learning & Teaching, Multimedia Resources, EduTech Tools
  • Download here
  • Adobe eLearning Projects: Preview, Download, Reuse

Join Online Course, "Making Blended Education Work"  for free

  • Start Date: 7 September 2020
  • Weekly Study: 2 hours
  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • Provided by University of Edinburgh at FutureLearn

Join Digital Transformation Live Webinar Series organized by EduTechAsia

  • Register for free: [link]

EduTECHAsia Webinar: Rethinking future strategies for digital transformation

  • August 26, 2020 17:00
  • Register for free
  • Outline

  • Today COVID-19 has digitally accelerated online learning into full-production learning ecosystems for many K-12 institutions. In the new hybrid learning model, educators are making drastic changes to the way they approach instruction, with technology playing a huge role. Being forced to rethink teaching and learning delivery has given schools a chance to draft fresh digital and IT transformation strategies.
  • While digital transformation has opened up a world of endless possibilities and collaboration, many institutions are struggling for a well-coordinated and structured approach combining technology, content, services. But most importantly it has also forced them to re-examine information security and digital safety because of the rise of cyber and data risks.
  • Join our digital transformation panel and learn:
  • How can schools tap into new opportunities to explore structured technological and organizational innovations?
  • Examples of ed-tech uses cases in teaching, administrative system automations and new learning experiences for students
  • Effective change management processes strategies and operational best practices in digital learning
  • How to develop cyber wellness education to protect students’ privacy and safety online
  • Panellists:

  • Gerald Wong, Head, Asia Pacific Public Sector, IDC
  • Ronnie Lee, General Manager, Lenovo Singapore
  • Iulius Carebia, Edtech Coach, German European School Singapore
  • Sharon Singh, Head Of E-Learning and Innovation, St John's Anglican College, Australia

EduTECHAsia Webinar: Digitising Higher Education: Transform your institution into a Digital University

  • View recording online
  • September 3, 2020 17:00
  • Register for free
  • Outline

  • Forced by the sudden shuttering of their physical campuses during the pandemic, universities have had to mass migrate into distributed, online learning very quickly, without the opportunity for change management processes and operational best practices. This has resulted in education institutions recognising the critical need for a well-coordinated and structured approach to ensure continuous digital learning - right from curated content quality, enhanced student learning experiences to support for educators and administrators. However, as future revenue of universities is imperilled by the pandemic, it’s important that they rethink their strategies for digital transformation.
  • Join our expert panel and learn to:

  • Design an end-to-end solution for all your digital learning needs
  • Empower faculty and students with digital literacy skills
  • Engage your students by designing and using interactive content
  • Provide greater personalised multi-channelled experience to students’ right from enrolment to building digital skills & capabilities, and alumina engagement.
  • Manage data and real time analytics for mapping student retention and outcomes
  • Panellists

  • Dr. Kian Bee NG, Head, Digital Learning (LKC Medicine School), LKC Medicine School, Part of NTU
  • Tannistho Ghosh, AGM – Content and Technology Solutions, Manipal Technologies Limited
  • Garima Babbar, Head of Education Initiatives, Adobe India, Adobe
  • Srinivas Jonnalagadda, Director, Digital Transformation, Indian School of Business
  • Dr. Ashish Bharadwaj, Director of IT, Laureate ANZ
  • Ashish Mathew Cherian – Director, Worldwide Sales, Adobe Digital Learning & Publishing Business at Adobe (Moderator)