Online Employment Fraud – Characteristics of Recruitment Advertisement
1. Claim to offer high salary, same-day pay and work from home arrangement 聲稱工資高、當天發工資、在家工作
2. Nearly no requirements of applicants’ ages and academic qualifications 對應征者的年齡及學歷近乎沒有要求
3. Claim that no work experience or CVs are required 聲稱無需工作經驗、不用提供履歷
4. Company names and addresses are not mentioned in most advertisements. Only instant-messaging apps or mobile phone numbers are provided for contact 廣告中大多不提及公司名稱及地址,而僅以即時通訊軟件或手機號碼作聯絡
5. Emphasise that no criminal or vice activities are involved to dull the vigilance of victims 強調不涉及犯法或色情活動,降低應征者戒心
6. Job titles and duties are not mentioned 不會提及實際職位及工作內容