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Online Employment Fraud 網上求職騙案


Online Employment Fraud 網上求職騙案

【Employment Fraud – Fake Job 2】(with only voice-over in Cantonese and subtitles in English)
【求職騙案 - 假工祭司 2】(只有粵語配音及簡體字幕)

Three Steps in Click Farming Fraud

Hire click farmers
  • Scammers hire “likers” or “order placers” on social media to go shopping on online shopping platforms to boost sales, claiming that they can earn commissions according to their shopping amounts 騙徒於社交媒體刊登廣告招聘「點贊員」或「下單員」,謊稱應征者在網購平台購物以提升銷量,可按購物金額抽佣
  • Use terms such as “ work from home ”, “ flexible working hours ” and “ academic qualifications or experience not needed ” to solicit applications. 這些廣告以「在家工作」、「彈性工作時間」和「不需學歷經驗」等字眼作招徠
  • Scammers usually leave only social media accounts in advertisements to interested job seekers for contact. 騙徒一般只在廣告留下社交媒體帳號,供有興趣的求職者聯系


Ask victims to advance payments
  • Scammers interview victims on social media, ask them to put goods into the shopping carts on an online shopping platform and and send screenshots of the carts to scammers 騙徒在社交媒體為受害人面試,並要求受害人在網購平台上將貨品放入購物車,再將購物車的截圖傳送給騙徒
  • Scammers then instruct victims to deposit the shopping amounts into a designated personal bank account instead of the company account of the online shopping platform 完成後,騙徒指示受害人將購物款項存入指定的個人銀行賬戶,而非該網購平台的公司賬戶
  • Scammers promise to give back victims’ shopping amounts and pay them commissions accordingly upon completion of tasks 騙徒承諾受害人在任務完成後可獲退回購物金額,並按金額抽佣

Lure victims to advance more payments
  • Scammers will keep the promises and give victims the shopping amounts and commissions for initial transactions, thus tricking victims into believing them 交易初期,騙徒會兌現承諾,將購物金額及佣金發放給受害人,令受害人信以為真
  • Victims then follow the instruction and advance more payments to do larger-amount shopping 其後,受害人聽從指示,墊支更多金錢,以作更大額的購物
  • Scammers flee with the payments 騙徒在取得款項後逃之夭夭


Online Employment Fraud – Characteristics of Recruitment Advertisement

1. Claim to offer high salary, same-day pay and work from home arrangement 聲稱工資高當天發工資在家工作
2. Nearly no requirements of applicants’ ages and academic qualifications  對應征者的年齡及學歷近乎沒有要求
3. Claim that no work experience or CVs are required 聲稱無需工作經驗、不用提供履歷
4. Company names and addresses are not mentioned in most advertisements. Only instant-messaging apps or mobile phone numbers are provided for contact 廣告中大多不提及公司名稱及地址,而僅以即時通訊軟件手機號碼作聯絡
5. Emphasise that no criminal or vice activities are involved to dull the vigilance of victims 強調不涉及犯法或色情活動,降低應征者戒心
6. Job titles and duties are not mentioned 不會提及實際職位工作內容
Recruitment Advertisements in Click Farming Fraud 

Scammers usually contact victims through social media channels

"Fake online shop" in "Click Farming Fraud"

Other defrauding tricks of employment fraud (1) – Transfer funds for clients
其他求職騙案的手法(一)— 代客轉資

Job seekers earn commissions by lending their banking accounts to company clients to transfer funds 借出戶口代公司客戶轉資賺取佣金
They have to first borrow loans from finance companies in their own names or overdraw their credit card accounts to buy gold jewellery, and hand over their property as collateral 但是要先以個人名義向財務公司申請貸款或以信用卡透支購買金飾,並交出財物作抵押
Some scammers even ask appointees for their bank cards and passwords, then steal their account savings 有騙徒甚至找借口要求受聘人交出銀行卡和密碼,並將其戶口存款轉走
Other defrauding tricks of employment fraud (2) – Shopping agents outside Hong Kong
其他求職騙案的手法(二)— 境外代購

Scammers hire people to travel abroad and purchase luxury products (such as luxury handbags). Appointees are asked to make advance payments for flight tickets and hotel accommodation, etc. 招聘人士到境外代購奢侈(如名牌包包),並要求受聘人墊支機票及酒店住宿等費用。
Other defrauding tricks of employment fraud (3) – Advance payments for purchase of goods
其他求職騙案的手法(三)— 墊支采購貨款

Scammers hire people to purchase goods such as smart phones, and ask them to advance payments or purchase cheap raw materials at high prices 招聘人士采購智能電話等貨品,並要求受聘人墊支貨款以高價購買平價原材料
Other defrauding tricks of employment fraud (4) – Buy likes
其他求職騙案的手法(四)— 買Like(刷贊)

Scammers offer commissions to appointees for giving “likes” and even introduce monthly packages. The more expensive the monthly package, the more commissions the appointees can earn for each “like” they give 以“畀Like”(點贊)賺佣金為幌子,甚至推出月費套餐,聲稱月費套餐越貴,每次“畀LIKE”賺的佣金就會越多
Anti-scam Tips of Online Employment Fraud

1. Seek jobs through reliable recruitment channels 應從可信賴的求職途徑尋找工作
2. Learn about the company’s background and business nature 了解聘方公司背景業務性質
3. Stay alert to recruitment advertisements for jobs requiring no academic qualifications or work experience while offering handsome pay 提防不拘學歷或工作經驗報酬優厚的招聘廣告
4. Do not hand over your personal information hastily 切勿隨便將個人資料交予他人
5. Stay alert when asked to pay administrative fees or apply for loans 如被要求繳交行政費申請貸款,應加倍小心

Please continue answering the questions in the "Ant-scam Learning Kit"
