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THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform
Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Scameter+ 反詐騙協調中心 與 防騙視伏APP
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THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform
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Anti-scam Learning Kit 反詐騙學習套件
Defrauding Tricks and Anti-scam Knowledge of Telephone Deception 電話騙案的詐騙手法及防騙知識
Investment Fraud 投資騙案
Online Shopping Scam 網上購物騙案
Online Employment Fraud 網上求職騙案
Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Scameter+ 反詐騙協調中心 與 防騙視伏APP
Follow the official account of the ADCC on Xiaohongshu and subscribe to the ADCC’s official website 關注並訂閱反詐騙協調中心的小紅書App官方賬號和官方網站
Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Scameter+ 反詐騙協調中心 與 防騙視伏APP
Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Scameter+
反詐騙協調中心 與 防騙視伏APP
“Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” of the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (with only voice-over in Cantonese and subtitles in Tradition Chinese and English)
Scameter+ 防騙視伏App
“Scameter+”, the mobile app of “Scameter”, has been launched and performs the following major functions:
“防騙視伏器” 手機應用程式 “防騙視伏App” 應已經推出,該應用程式具備下列主要功能:
1. Assess the risk of fraud instantly 即時評估詐騙風險
2. Send suspicious call alerts 發送可疑來電警示
3. View and share scam prevention advice 查閱及分享防騙資訊
4. Receive real-time push notifications 接收最新推送消息
5. Detect suspicious web pages
6. Provide a public reporting platform 提供公眾舉報平台
earch results of Scameter+
Please continue answering the questions in the "Ant-scam Learning Kit"
Online Employment Fraud 網上求職騙案
Follow the official account of the ADCC on Xiaohongshu and subscribe to the ADCC’s official website 關注並訂閱反詐騙協調中心的小紅書App官方賬號和官方網站 >>