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How to manage references collection Citation Manager RefWorks
RefWorks - New by ProQuest guide
Advice from an Editor: How to prepare a manuscript that can be accepted by a journal
If your faculty members’ and researcher’s first language is not English, do they feel restricted or powerless when they have to prepare a manuscript in English? Or do they find their manuscript rejected multiple times despite many revisions? Or do they lack the knowledge to prepare a high-quality manuscript that has a higher chance of being accepted? We are here to help. In the recording below, we have the editor of Journal of International Medical Research (JIMR), Dr. Gordon Mallarkey, sharing with us the following:
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Empirical studies (about 3000 words)
Introduction (1 page):
Literature review (1/2 page each, 2 pages):
Hypotheses and model development:
Method (1 page):
Results/Findings (3 pages):
Discussion (1/2 page each, 2 pages):
ABI/INFORM Global by ProQuest guide title
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Resources (Video Guide):
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