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THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

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How to Use Advanced Find to Search in THEi CRM

How to Use Advanced Find to Search in THEi CRM

Using LCDI as an example

  • Click the “Advanced Find” button

  • Click “New”

  • Keep “Look for Contacts”

  • Choose “Remarks” at “Select” and input the keyword in “Enter Text” field e.g.”LCDI” as shown above
  • Click “Results”

  • You will see a list of Contacts with LCDI in “Remarks” field

How to Setup Contact for an Account in THEi CRM

How to Setup Contact for an Account in THEi CRM

  • In contact, fill in the information of Job Details. E.g. choose company (i.e. Account in CRM term) that the contact work for.
  • After successfully save the record. It will also show in corresponding Account’s Employee information box.

  • User could also add contacts in the Account’s Employees information.
  • It will have similar effect as Pt 1.

  • To show a contact as the Primary Contact of a Company (i.e. Account), please choose a contact in the “Primary Contact” information box.

WIL Provider View in THEi CRM

Use the WIL Provider – Input and export

  • User can add new WIL Provider in the following form, after they build this relation, excel will contain the provider’s name, company, email mobile, office phone, address in the view.

  • Select in THEi CRM for WIL Provider and select the WIL Provider Export View


  • User can further filter/short on the list and click Export to excel to output a excel listing of this view for further process