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Defrauding Tricks and Anti-scam Knowledge of Telephone Deception 電話騙案的詐騙手法及防騙知識


Defrauding Tricks and Anti-scam Knowledge of Telephone Deception 電話騙案的詐騙手法及防騙知識 

“Pretend Official” Telephone Deception Busted

The Five Most Common Defrauding Tricks Played by Scammers
  1. Showing personal information of victims and bogus arrest warrants 展示受害人的個人資料假拘捕令
  2. Instructing victims to hold video calls 指示受害人保持視頻通話
  3. Asking victims to open online banking accounts 要求受害人開設網上理財戶口
  4. Asking victims to log on to fraudulent judicial websites and download malicious apps 要求受害人登入虛假司法網站下載惡意程式
  5. Asking victims to conclude non-disclosure agreements 要求受害人簽訂保密協議
Three Steps in “Mainland Government Officials” Scam

Pre-recorded voice call

  • Scammers make pre-recorded voice calls to victims, claiming to originate from couriers, banks, Mainland public security bureaux, government departments or other public organisations 騙徒以預錄語音致電受害人,謊稱為快遞公司、銀行、內地公安、政府部門或其他公營機構
  • Victims are asked to press buttons to listen to selected pre-recorded messages 要求受害人按鍵選擇收聽語音

Scammers allege that victims were involved in criminal cases
  • and then calls are forwarded to scammers pretending to be Mainland law enforcers 隨後電話被轉駁至假冒的內地執法人員
  • Scammers claim that victims have violated the law in the Mainland, so are required to submit their online banking information for quick check to help them prove their innocence. 該騙徒謊稱受害人在內地犯法,需要提供其網上銀行資料作快速審查以協助其洗脫嫌疑
  • Scammers can show the personal information, such as photos, names and identity cards, of victims 過程中,騙徒能夠向受害人展示其相片,姓名及身份證等個人資料

Scammers will hijack online banking accounts and transfer deposits out
  • They will ask victims to download apps or visit fraudulent websites to enter online banking information. 騙徒會要求受害人下載應用程式或到訪偽冒網站,並在程式或網站輸入網上銀行資料
  • Finally, all deposits in the accounts of victims are transferred out. 受害人最終被轉走戶口內所有存款
Impersonating Mainland Government Officials

Fraudulent Official Websites

Counterfeit Official Documents

Lifelike Fraudulent Apps Written by Scammers

Instructing Victims to Hold Video Calls

Aims 目的
  1. To monitor and control victims 監控受害人
  2. To isolate victims from the outside world 隔絕受害人與外界的聯系
  3. To make scams more convincing 増強騙局的說服力
Do Scammers Ask You to Open An Online Banking Account?

Three steps 三步曲
1. Open an online banking account 開設網上銀行帳戶
2. Scammers obtain your online banking account username and password by the following means: 騙徒通過以下方式獲取你的網上銀行帳戶號碼及密碼
Ask you to disclose them directly 要求受害人直接提供;
Provide a fraudulent web page or malicious app and ask you to enter such information 提供虛假網頁或惡意程式,要求受害人輸入網銀資料
3. Outcome: Scammers transfer your assets out 結局:騙徒轉走你銀行戶口內的資產
Concluding a Non-Disclosure Agreement with the Victim

  1. It happens when the victim is going to a bank branch to make a large transfer 發生在受害人前往銀行分行進行大額轉賬時。
  2. Scammers prepare a forged business contract or make other excuses for the victim 騙徒為受害人准備偽造的商業合同或其他借口。
  3. Scammers instruct the victim to tell bank staff that the transfer is for business purpose or to make other excuses 騙徒指示受害人告訴銀行職員,有關轉賬是為了商業用途或其他借口。
Anti-scam Advice - Four Dos and Five Don’ts
Dos 應該
If you are suspicious of the identities of callers, you should verify their identities by contacting the organisations which they represent 如懷疑來電者身分,應向對方代表的機構核實其身分
When encountering telephone deception, you should hang up immediately 遇到電話騙案,應立即掛掉電話
Remind your relatives and friends to stay vigilant against deception 提醒身邊親友提防受騙
If in doubt, please call the “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” for advice 若懷疑受騙,應致電「防騙易熱線18222」

Don’ts 不應該
Don’t take unfamiliar calls 不要接聽陌生來電
Don’t disclose your online banking account username and password to strangers 不要向陌生人透露網上銀行戶口及密碼
Don’t click on unknown hyperlinks 切勿開啟來歷不明的連結
Don’t enter information on bank accounts and personal information on suspicious websites 切勿在可疑網站輸入銀行戶口資料及個人資料
Don’t insert your SIM card into mobile phones provided by others 切勿將電話卡放入他人提供的手機
Anti-scam Advice




Please continue answering the questions in the "Ant-scam Learning Kit"
