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THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Welcome to the THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Module References - Integrated Learning Platform

Module References - Integrated Learning Platform

THEi Integrated Learning Platform

  • LC has completed checking all Module Syllabi for references. The Integrated Learning Platform is updated. There are direct links to the VTC library system for each item. If there is not the link, it means that the item is in the purchase process. The link will be updated once the item is available in the library system. We are sending out of print item list to Programme Leaders in another email.
  • Please help check if there are any problems and feel free to let us know.
  • The Learning platform is to be accessed through the campus network or VPN at home.

Inter-Library Loan Service (ILL)

Inter-Library Loan Service (ILL)

  • LC now initiates the ILL service. Full-time teaching staff who could not find the electronic articles through VTC e-databases/journals, can request to collect the electronic article through university libraries ILL services. LC would search UGC university libraries for the electronic article and send to colleagues. As the pilot run of the scheme and the implication of expenses incurred, each full-time teaching staff will have a quota of 10 items in FY2019/2020. LC will review the scheme and revise the conditions each year, depending on the demand, usage and budget/expenses amount involved.
  • ILL Request Online Form could be found in Moodle/Learning Commons/Inter-Library Loan (University Libraries)

Book Recommendation and Publishers Online Catalogues (31/8 & 30/11)

Book Recommendation and Publishers Online Catalogues (31/8 & 30/11)

  • Individual staff can recommend books for Learning Commons to purchase. Please go to Moodle to fill out the recommendation form Moodle/Learning Commons/Book Recommendation Form and Publishers Online Catalogues
  • Recommendations will be processed twice a year, 31 August and 30 November. Recommendations and priority ranking will be endorsed by Programme Leaders. Purchases will be subject to funding.
  • References - publishers' online catalogue

e-Magazines Reading at LC

e-Magazines Reading at LC

  • Starting on 1 September 2019, LC subscribes to a number of magazines and newspapers online. Come to LC to borrow the iPad to read at LC.

Printed magazine/journals

  • SportsSoho 運動版圖
  • The Economist (Staff Learning Commons: Room S401)
  • Harvard Business Review (Staff Learning Commons: Room S401)

Online newspaper/magazines/ journals

(User can borrow the iPad for reading inside LC)

  •, included: Hong Kong Economic Times (香港經濟日報), U Magazine, e-Zone, iMoney
  • Apple Daily 蘋果動新聞
  • Choices 選擇月刊
  • Sing Tao E-newspaper 星島電子報
  • Times Higher Education
  • Flipster

Updated e-Books and e-Databases

Updated e-Books and e-Databases