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THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

Welcome to the THEi Learning Commons Integrated Learning Platform

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Moodle Analytics

Moodle Analytics

THEi adopts the Intelliboard Moodle Reporting Platform to provide Moodle Analytics to support students learning and staff monitoring of the class. There are a number of reporting tools available for different focus.

  1. For Instructors: Instructor Dashboard Overview [1]
  2. Inactive Users in Course(s) [2]
  3. Access Stats by User [3]
  4. User Engagement [4]
  5. User Status [5]
  6. User Site Use Summary [6]
  7. Learner Success and Progress [7]
  8. Instructor Activity Engagement Detail [8]
  9. Instructor and Learner Engagement by Course [9]
  10. Instructor Dashboard Utilization Details [10]
  11. Course Access [11]
  12. Course Content Utilization [12]
  13. Course Inactivity [13]
  14. Course Progress [14]
  15. Course Stats [15]
  16. Activity Status Detail [16]
  17. Activity Stats Summary [17]
  18. Activity Submission Progress (Census Report) [18]*
  19. Activity Progress by Course [19]
  20. Assignment Submissions Review [20]
  21. Assignment Submission Status [21]
  22. Quiz Activity Detail by Learner [22]
  23. Course Completion [23]
  24. Activity Completion [24]


  1. Reports [25]

  1. Report features [26]
  2. Monitors [27]
  3. Monitor features [28]
  4. Organizational Roles and SubAccounts [29]
  5. Report Bookmarking [30]
  6. Report Monitor creation and configuration [31]
  7. SSO (single sign on) settings [32] and Time tracking settings [33]
  8. Auto-load reports and Manually Stop Server Requests [34]

Administrator Filters

  1. LMS filters - LMS filters allow you, the IntelliBoard Admin (main subscriber), to choose which Users, Courses, Activities, its statuses and visibility you'll be able to review in your account. Here you can find a description of the LMS filters, what their purpose and how they can be utilized: [35]
  2. Server Filters: [36]
  3. Admin Filters. Admin Filters allow you, the IntelliBoard Admin, to choose which Users, Courses, Cohorts, etc. you'll be able to review in your account. You can find more details here: [37]
  4. Teacher and Learner Roles: under IntellliBoard server settings you will need to identify which roles in your Moodle are corresponding to your Instructors and which are to learners. You will also need to identify those roles under
    1. Site Administration >
    2. Plugins >
    3. Local Plugins >
    4. >
    5. Advanced settings >
    6. Teacher and Learner roles.
  5. If happens, that the Instructor cannot see the Instructor Dashboard you can also check his role: fist make sure that his role is selected under Teacher roles in IntelliBaord server settings and IntelliBoard Plugins settings (see above description). Then, you will need to check that specific role:
    1. Go to Users >
    2. Permissions >
    3. Define Roles >
    4. [Needed Teacher Role] - here you need to make sure that it's enabled on the Course level and that under Capabilities >
    5. IntelliBoard the Intelliboard [Instructor] settings are allowed.
  6. General account Information: How to change your personal information: [38] and [39] and also [40]
  7. How to change the General account settings for main account and Subaccounts: how to change pagination, how to change Date filter to the default to another period of time: [41]


How many Reports are available at Instructor Dashboard?

  • No, there are no limits for the number of reports you can enable for our Instructors. You can enable as many as you want. The only note, there are some reports ( system-level reports) that won't be available for instructors only because they would want to see their own data and not all system information.
  • (For administrator) When you go to your main IntelliBoard account > Settings + Options > LMS Visibility: Reports > you will which reports would be available for instructors and which are system-wide and are grayed out.
  • Also. while we are talking about reports. Yes, you can enable all available reports for your instructors, but we need to be careful not to overwhelm them. If it's too overwhelming - they most likely won't be thrilled to use it.


Are there any differences between Moodle Report (default) and Instructor/Learner Dashboard (offered by Intelliboard)?

  • Instructors could benefit from IntelliBoard time tracking. While Moodle is going to record all time that students had an activity/course opened in their browser - all the time is going to be recorded. From all-time that was recorded by Moodle, you can't tell if the users were active all the time and if they interacted with content.
  • IntelliBoard time tracking will record time spent of students only while they are active on the course/activity/Moodle platform. Depending on the report that the teacher will be looking for, he/she will see the only active time of users. We will ping users every 30 seconds and will wait for 60 seconds to receive proof of engagement. If we don't receive proof of engagement of students - we will automatically stop time tracking. Also, as soon as the user will open a new tab and will go to that new browser tab - we also will stop tracking time, as the user is no longer active in Moodle (while Moodle will keep tracking time as long as the student will keep Moodle tab open).
  • Also, with IntelliBoard reports, Instructors will be able to see how their users progressing in courses and identify those users at-risk. They would benefit from seeing how their courses and course content are utilized. This will allow them to see which courses have to be revisited and which content might need to be edited to best support their students.
  • Also, you can schedule those reports for your instructors, so instead of going to their Instructor Dashboard and looking at reports, they can receive notifications with needed data into their mailbox.
  • Here is the blogs that were posted by other users, their user stories, and how they benefited from IntelliBoard reports and analytics


Here are reports, that are utilized by Instructors (based on our experience with other clients):

  • Course Reports/Course Grades/Needs Grading:
    • Shows all submitted items that have yet to be graded with dates of the original submission date.
    • Utilize as a secondary checklist to ensure that all submissions have been graded in the course.
  • Course Reports/All Course/Usage/Course Inactivity:
    • Students inactivity in specific courses.
    • Identify students who are not applying the necessary/appropriate/required time in the course activity.
  • Activity reports/All Activities/Activity Submission Progress (Census)
    • Shows grades and status for all graded activities and shows when the item was submitted and graded.
    • Shows a record of all graded activities in a course when they were submitted and graded and by who.
  • User Reports/by Learner Role/Learner Success & Progress
    • Can see students' progress and status in a course.
    • Use grade threshold to identify the low performing students (at risk students)
  • User Reports/All, Users/Inactive Users in Course
    • Students that have been inactive with a date range threshold in a specific range of time.
    • Identify students who have been away from the course and should be reached out to reengage.
  • Activity Reports/Assignment/Assignment Submissions Review
    • Shows the file name of the submitted graded activity. Utilize if the instructor is looking for the name of a document, and to see if there is a possible plagiarism issue.
  • Activity Reports/Quiz/Quiz Overview and Question Detail
    • No. of correct vs incorrect answers with visual, Grade submission, dates and time range visual, with visual tabular reports with question grade breakdown with correct/incorrect responses by question.
  • Activity Reports/Quiz/Quiz Grade Distribution
    • Average scores for first and final attempts and total grades submitted. Includes visual with question breakdown and avg score for each question.
  • Activity Reports/All Activities/Activity Completion Stats
    • Has visual progress bar of completed activities with the grade and shows how many of total activities have been completed.
  • Activity Reports/All Activities/Activity Progress by Course
    • Wide report that shows every graded activity in the course and the learner's completion status and date for each completed activity. Also, can be filtered to show only those activities that are required for Course Completion.


Learning Commons

Learning Commons

Student Support Service Offered by Learning Commons

THEi Learning Commons (LC) is designed to provide students with library resources, IT support services and support services for learning and teaching. Its goal is to provide a relaxed, versatile and enhanced IT atmosphere that encourages communication, collaboration and creation. It aims to provide a rich experience for students' learning and staff's applied research in both physical and virtual learning environments.

Library facilities and collections: The LC at THEi (Chai Wan Campus), which is in operation in January 2018, houses collections that are special to the requirements of the Institute's programmes. In addition, students have access to the entire library collection of the VTC Library, comprising 612,200 print volumes, 33,282 non-print items, 321,300 e-book titles, 82,515 e-newspapers and 94 electronic databases (as of May 2020). THEi's LC offers circulation and research services, inter-campus and interlibrary loan services, and THEi's students have access to all 17 LRCs in the VTC IVE, ICI / CCI and HKDI campuses spread all over Hong Kong and can use the facilities at their disposal.

Facilities: With a total area of more than 1500 sq-m, THEi's Learning Commons provides a range of facilities, including an individual learning area equipped with all-in-one PCs and iMacs, a small group discussion cart seats, a large group discussion sofa area, group study rooms equipped with 32" TV (cart seat) and 65" wireless interactive whiteboard (group discussion space) where students can take part. They can project the presentation from their devices, such as notebook computers and cell phones, on a widescreen through a wireless presentation connection to encourage interactive learning. In addition, LC also offers an e-classroom fitted with state-of-the-art software packages, 80" wireless collaborative visual display, 3D printing, large-scale printing plotter and integrated scan/print/photocopying facilities. LC provides students with MacBookPro / MacBookAir / SlimPC notebook and iPad / Tablet loan facilities.

Space: To make good use of space for a rich learning environment, new initiatives have been introduced from time to time, including One-Button Studio to enable students to record presentations, MakerSpace to facilitate "make and create" learning, VR / AR Learning Corner to provide an interactive learning experience, etc.

Literacy programs: THEi's LC provides workshops on "Technology-Enhanced Learning" and "Library Literacy & Academic Writing Programmes". Orientation sessions on Library and Educational Resources are conducted for new students at the beginning of each academic year and during the academic year. The induction provides students with all the fundamental skills and important knowledge they need to become successful users of the library. Students are made aware of the Library rules, the Library Website and the Library Catalog. E-Database workshops that incorporate search methods for the use of data are conducted during the academic year. Workshops on "Citing References and Avoiding Plagiarism" are organized, too. In the workshop, students learn about the idea of plagiarism, the proper way to cite sources, and learn how to use "Turnitin" as anti-plagiarism prevention.

Education Support: THEi LC also operates learning management systems, Moodle and Canvas, which allow teaching staff to upload teaching materials and students to submit assignments, as well as promote e-learning collaboration with a view to improving learning and teaching quality, better-addressing student needs and learning styles, and enhancing accessibility and time flexibility. LC manages the Leganto Reading List, which connects students from module references to the library system and its collections in real-time. LC maintains a multimedia archive portal that allows staff and students to upload video clips to share their presentations and create a learning community. LC manages the marketing, enrolment and support of 24/7 online assistance Studiosity to provide students with real-time assistance in the study and to submit written submissions for feedback. LC oversees the marketing, enrolment and support of Linkedin Learning, which offers more than 13,000 career-related courses taught by real-world experts.


Models of Teaching

Models of Teaching

Four Family of Models of Teaching (Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun, 2000; 2015)

The social family of models

Model: Partners in learning

  • Developer: David Johnson, Roger Johnson, Elizabeth Cohen
  • Purpose: Development of interdependent strategies of social interaction; understanding of self-other relationships and emotions

Model: Structural social inquiry

  • Developer: Robert Slavin and colleagues
  • Purpose: Academic inquiry and social and personal development; cooperative strategies for approaching the academic study

Model: Group investigation

  • Developer: John Dewey, Herbert Thelen, Shlomo Sharan, Rachel Hertz-Lazarowitz
  • Purpose: Development of skills for participation in the democratic process; simultaneously emphasizes social development, academic skills, and personal understanding

Model: Social inquiry

  • Developer: Byron Massialas, Benjamin Cox
  • Purpose: Social problem solving through collective academic study and logical reasoning

Model: Laboratory method

  • Developer: National Training Laboratory (many contributors)
  • Purpose: Understanding of group dynamics, leadership, understanding of personal styles

Model: Role playing

  • Developer: Fannie Shaftel, George Shaftel
  • Purpose: Study of values and their role in social interaction; personal understanding of values and behavior

Model: Jurisprudential inquiry

  • Developer: James Shaver, Donald Oliver
  • Purpose: Analysis of policy issues through a jurisprudential framework; the collection of data, analysis of value question and positions, the study of personal beliefs

(Joyce, Weil & Calhoun, 2015, p.14)

Developing the community of learners is critical to all teaching. It is found that the social models are designed to achieve serious academic objectives, including the study of social values, public policy, and resolving conflict, for which the social models are eminently suited.

Partners in learning: From dyads to group investigation

  • The study of the generic social models, from ones in which students learn to be partners in learning to the very powerful and generally useful group investigation model

Roleplaying: Studying social behaviour and values

  • The study of social behavior and personal values is directly approached through the study of interpersonal problems, the tasks of building personal understanding, and the skills of integrative interaction.

Jurisprudential inquiry: Learning to think about social policy

  • The students learn to analyze cases representing important social issues and to think through how public policy often requires the balancing of several values that are difficult to uphold simultaneously.

Personality and learning styles: Adapting to individual differences

  • How to teach a variety of personalities that can flourish in the same learning environment? Study the conceptual systems theory, which enables to study students' learning styles and to modulate teaching to ensure that they all can grow.

Inquiry on social models: Learning about social learning

  • There are a large number of studies of the various social models. This knowledge provides guides in the use of social models and provides clear evidence of the efficacy so as to increase the power of students by teaching them to learn cooperatively.

(Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun, 2000)

The information-processing family of models

Model: Inductive thinking

  • Developer (Redeveloper)*: Hilda Taba (Bruce Joyce)
  • Purpose: Development of classification skills, hypothesis building and testing, and understanding of how to build conceptual understanding of content areas.

Model: Scientific inquiry

  • Developer: Joseph Schwab and many others
  • Purpose: Learning the research system of the academic disciplines - how knowledge is produced and organized

Model: Picture word inductive

  • Developer: Emily Calhoun
  • Purpose: Learning to read and write, the inquiry into language

Model: Concept attainment

  • Developer: Jerome Bruner, Fred Lighthall, (Bruce Joyce)
  • Purpose: Learning concepts and studying strategies for attaining and applying them; building and testing hypotheses

Model: Synectics

  • Developer: William Gordon
  • Purpose: Help break set in problem-solving and gain new perspectives on the topic

Model: Mnemonics

  • Developer: Michael Pressley, Joel Levin (and associated scholars)
  • Purpose: Increase the ability to acquire information, concepts, conceptual systems, and metacognitive control of information processing capability

Model: Advanced organizers

  • Developer: David Ausubel (and many scholars)
  • Purpose: Increase ability to absorb information and organize it, especially in learning from lectures and readings

Model: Inquiry training

  • Developer: Richard Suchman (Howard Jones)
  • Purpose: Causal reasoning and understanding of how to collect information, build concepts, and build and test hypotheses

Model: Cognitive growth

  • Developer: Jean Piaget, Irving Sigel, Constance Kamii, Edmund Sullivan
  • Purpose: Increase general intellectual development and adjust instruction to facilitate intellectual growth

(Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun, 2015)

The basic induction model: Collecting, organizing, manipulating, and using data

  • Forming concepts through categorizing may be the basis of higher-order thinking. The study of the basic model leads students to learn through classification and teaches them to collect and organize data and generate and test hypotheses based on inquiry.

Attaining concepts: Sharpening the basic thinking skills

  • Students cannot only form concepts by classifying data, but they can also attain concepts formed by scholars. The concept attainment model is designed to arrange data so that important concepts can be learned efficiently. In classroom practice, the concept attainment model complements the basic inductive model by enabling students to attain as well as to form concepts.

Scientific inquiry and inquiry training: The art of making inferences

  • From the time of Aristotle, education has been seeking ways of taking students into the sciences as fields of inquiry, helping them study with the methods of science. Several models are built around the structures and inquiry strategies of the sciences. Research continues to improve the ability to help students learn scientific thinking and use it to explore not only the physical and biological worlds but also the social and literary worlds.

Memorization: Getting the facts straight

  • In many circles, memorization developed a bad reputation because of poor methods - generally the rote repetition of poorly understood material - were used so widely. Systematic studies have revolutionized mnemonics, providing teachers and students with solid models content. Key features are the development of the understanding of the models and skill in using them. Metacognition is referred to the terminology in the understanding of the models of learning.

Synectics: Enhancing creative thought

  • Out of industrial psychology have come ways of teaching people of all ages how to use analogies to help define and solve problems. Students are taught the metacognition of the model - how to use metaphors to enhance writing, expand conceptual understanding, and approach problems in a wide variety of content areas.

Learning from presentations: Advance organizers

  • How can learning from lectures, readings, references, and databases become active rather than passive? The pioneering work of David Ausubel has led to a model whereby students learn structures of ideas, which they use to understand and master material from lectures and readings.

The developing intellect: Cognitive development, learning styles, and adjustable models

  • Using the Piagetian framework for analyzing intellectual development to study students and consider how the information-processing models can be adapted to fit the learning styles of students in various stages of development.

Inquiry on information-processing models: Learning about thinking

  • Inquiring into the solid, and gradually growing research underlying the information-processing models find that a wide range of objectives can be achieved through those models as the students learn the tools of inquiry available through them.

(Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun, 2000)

The personal family of models

Model: Nondirective teaching

  • Developer: Carl Rogers
  • Purpose: Building capacity for personal development, self-understanding, autonomy, and self-esteem

Model: Positive self-concepts

  • Developer: Abraham Maslow
  • Purpose: Development of personal understanding and capacity for development

Model: Awareness training

  • Developer: Fritz Perls
  • Purpose: Increasing self-understanding, self-esteem, and capacity for exploration; development of interpersonal sensitivity and empathy

Model: Classroom meeting

  • Developer: William Glasser
  • Purpose: Development of self-understanding and responsibility to self and others

Model: Conceptual systems

  • Developer: David Hunt
  • Purpose: Increasing personal complexity and flexibility in processing information and interacting with others

(Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun, 2015)

The learners do the learning. How we generating the kind of self-directed independence that enables students to take charge of their development has been the subjects of important lines of inquiry for centuries. There are two models that have emerged in their contemporary form from the search for ways of developing self-understanding and self-esteem.

Nondirective teaching: The learner at the centre

  • For many years, Carl Rogers was the most prominent spokesperson for student-centered models of learning. Creating the nurturant relationship that releases personal energy is at the heart of these models. This family of models extend the nondirective teaching and blend it with other models to create the personal dimension of the learning environment.

Concepts of self: Modeling rich states of growth

  • Abraham Maslow brought the term self-actualization into the language of teaching and therapy. The goal is to enable all students to create and reach toward their personal starts - living so as to grow - and grow, and grow.

Inquiry on personal models

  • To examine a few studies that link personal and academic goals. Essentially, the researchers and developers test the thesis that as self-esteem and self-actualization rise, so does the competence to educate oneself.

(Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun, 2000)

The behavioural systems family of models

Model: Social learning

  • Developer: Albert Bandura, Carl Thoresen, Wes Becker
  • Purpose: The management of behavior: learning new patterns of behavior, reducing phobic and other dyfunctional patterns, learning self-control

Model: Explicit instruction

  • Developer: P. David Pearson & Margaret Gallagher, Ruth Garner, Gerald Duffy, Laura Roehler and others
  • Purpose: Learning to be a strategic reader

Model: Mastery learning

  • Developer: Benjamin Bloom, James Block
  • Purpose: Mastery of academic skills and content of all types

Model: Programmed learning

  • Developer: B. F. Skinner
  • Purpose: Mastery of skills, concepts, factual information

Model: Direct instruction

  • Developer: Thomas Good, Jere Brophy, Wes Becker, Siegfried Englemann, Carl Bereiter
  • Purpose: Mastery of academic content and skills in a wide range of areas of study

Model: Simulation

  • Developer: Many developers, Carl Smith and Mary Foltz Smith provided guidance through 1960s when design has matured
  • Purpose: Mastery of complex skills and concepts in a wide range of areas of study

Model: Anxiety reduction

  • Developer: David Rinn, Joseph Wolpe, John Masters
  • Purpose: Control over aversive reactions; applications in treatment and self-treatment of avoidance and dyfunctional patterns of response

(Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun, 2015)

All the creators of models of teaching are optimists, but none more so than the behavioral systems designers. They see us as a collection of learned behaviors that can always be enhanced. Whatever behaviors we have learned that do not work well, such as phobias, we can unlearn, we can then substitute productive patterns for those behaviors.

Mastery learning and programmed instruction

  • Breaking down complex objectives into smaller pieces, providing opportunities to learn and frequent knowledge of results, the developers of these models take the position that the complicated just take a little longer.

Direct instruction

  • From social learning theory and the study of effective teaching comes a tight design paradigm in which tasks and reinforcements are used consistently.

Learning from simulations: Training and self-training

  • Simulations takes us where we cannot go, such as to the halls of international policymakers and into the space shuttle. They also enable us to practice complex skills, like flying and driving, in safe environments where we can correct our mistakes without real-life crashes.

Inquiry on behavioural models: Tips for teaching

  • It looks at some of the tasks of teaching and inquire into some classroom management strategies from behavioral stance.

(Joyce, Weil * Calhoun, 2000)



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  • Bereiter, C., & Bird, M. (1985). Use of thinking aloud in identification and teaching of reading comprehension strategies. Cognition and Instruction, 2(2), 131-156.
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  • Brophy, J. E. (1981). Teacher praise: A functional analysis. Review of Educational Research, 51, 5-32.
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  • Duffy, G. (2002). The case for direct explanation of strategies. In C. Block & M. Pressley (Eds.), Comprehension instruction (pp. 28-41). New York, NY: Guilford.
  • Duffy, G. (2009). Explaining reading: A resource for teaching concepts, skills, and strategies (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford.
  • Duffy, G., Roehler, E., Sivan, E., Racklife, G., Book, C., Meloth, M., et al. (1987). The effects of explaining the reasoning associated with using reading strategies. Reading Research Quarterly, 22, 347-367. (2002).
  • Duffy, G., Roehler, L., & Herrmann, B. (1988). Modeling mental processes help poor readers become strategic readers. The Reading Teacher, 41, 762-767.
  • Englemann, S., & Osborn, J. (1972). DISTAR language program. Chicago, IL: Science Research Associates.


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  • Garner, R. (1987). Metacognition and reading comprehension. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
  • Glasser, R. (Ed.). (1962). Training research and education. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • Good, T., Grouws, D., & Ebmeier, H. (1983). Active mathematics teaching. New York, NY: Longman.


  • Gordon, W. J. J. (1955, December). Some environmental aspects of creativity. Paper delivered to the Department of Defense, Fort Belvoir, VA.
  • Gordon, W. J. J. (1956). Creativity as a process. Paper delivered at the First Arden House Conference on Creative Process.
  • Gordon, W. J. J. (1961). Synectics. New York, NY: Harper & Row.


  • Hertz-Lazarowitz, R. (1993). Using group investigation to enhance Arab-Jewish relationships. Cooperative Learning, 11(2), 13-14.
  • Hunt, D. E. (1970). A conceptual level matching model for coordinating learner characteristics with educational approaches. Interchange: A Journal of Educational Studies, 1(2), 1-31.
  • Hunt, D. E. (1971). Matching models in education. Toronto, ON: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
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The Pedagogy of Blended Learning

Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started by Professor Neil, University of Leeds, at FutureLearn [1] | [2]

more for behaviorism [3]; for cognitivism [4]

see also "Pedagogic approaches to using technology for learning: Literature Review, by Graham Attwell & Jenny Hughes (Pontydysgu) for Lifelong Learning UK (2010).Retreieved from [5]

Constructivist approach is based on learners constructing their own knowledge and meaning through experience. This includes learners engaging in real world activities, building on their prior knowledge and experience, developing relevant skills and independence and working with teachers as facilitators instead of instructors, and using formative assessments to inform future learning needs.

  • Example: iObserve is a video recording app available for Apple and Android devices which uses the video recording elements within the tablet or device. What's quite unique about it is, when you're making a recording, your actual qualification criteria are embedded within the app. It allows you to create a full observation of a student, highlighting everything they've achieved through that period. iObserve also works perfectly for evidence when your external verifies come out from your awarding bodies to check to make sure everything's OK. The students we work with on our programmes are 16 to 18-year-olds that are studying a sports qualification. So the mobile learning, or the e-learning enables them to actually access the course materials in a fun and interactive way.

Social constructivism is a hypothesis that states that individuals learn as a result of social interaction and collaboration with others. And it's evolved from Vygotsky's Activity Theory and the notion of the zone of proximal development.

  • example: I use a combination of Flickr and I also use Facebook. We're using an iPad Air to take images and video footage whilst we're out and about doing our practical activities, which are quite often off campus. Then I can then upload those images with some narrative. And the students can do that also, onto our Facebook and our Flickr accounts. And that can then be reviewed by the students on either our virtual learning environment, Moodle, or on our Facebook site. It gives them the opportunity for reflection and to look at where they could improve themselves. But also, they can instil a sense of self-pride. I think it keeps the students very focused and centred on the course they're doing.
  • Case study video on Blended Learning and Social Learning [6] - Social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter can be used to great effect within education. Borders College have made use of these across their programmes to encourage discourse across their learners beyond the classroom. This video demonstrates this in action.

Problem-based learning encourages active learning, use of real world scenarios, social learning, and the application of knowledge to new situations.

  • example: It's always a visual outcome that we're looking for. So that's generally the problem, is how can we communicate visually? The pedagogical challenges are that, generally, students at this age are maybe slightly shy about being creative. And I want to encourage them to express themselves. I think they find it fun that it's modern technology. And sometimes that masks the fact that they're actually being really creative. I'm trying to encourage students to use their mobile devices that they have access to. What I'd like them to realise is that in fact, you don't just have to design in a classroom or in a studio, in a working environment. The technology now allows you to design when you're out and about.
  • Student's feedback: I prefer it, because I think it makes the lesson more alive. So you're not really sat at a desk, not wanting to do much because it's too boring. It engages you a lot more. I certainly think the apps enhance creativity. It's a new challenge for students that they've not met before. They enjoy using mobile technology for their social lives. And I'm trying to convince them that it's also useful in their professional lives.
  • Case study video on Blended Learning and Problem Based Learning [7] - Problem based learning is a method used by The Sheffield College on their Graphic Advertising and Web Design course. This video describes how they use a mix of pen and paper, and digital technologies to help them achieve this.

Video on Blended Learning & Mobile Learning [8] - Joe McClean uses a mobile app called iObserve to record learner performance in real time. He tells us about the benefits of mobile applications in learner assessment.


Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources


Angelo, T. A., & Cross, K. P. (1993). Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook for college teachers. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers .

Cooperative Learning

  • Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Smith, K. A. (1991). Active learning: Cooperation in the college classroom. Edina, MN: Interaction Book. N.B. The Johnsons are known for their work on cooperative learning. They have a number of books. This one has tools you can use in class.

Course portfolios

  • This is the “Peer Review of Teaching Project” website. It has sample portfolios as well as resources.

Learner-centered instruction

  • Huba, M. E., & Freed, J. E. (1999). Learner-centered assessment on college campuses: Shifting the focus from teaching to learning. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Teaching portfolios

  • Seldin, P., Miller, J. E., & Seldin, C. A. (2010). The teaching portfolio: A practical guide to improved performance and promotion/tenure decisions (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Teaching tips

  • Boice, R. (2000). Advice for new faculty members. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Davis, B. G. (1993). Tools for teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
  • Fink, L. D. (2003). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
  • McKeachie, W. J. (2006). McKeache’s teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers (20th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Walvoord, B. E., Anderson, V. J., & Angelo, T. A. (1998). Effective grading: A tool for learning and assessment. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
  • New directions for teaching & learning Jossey-Bass


Models of Teaching

Teaching and learning databases


Useful Links

HKBU Pedagogy in General Education 


Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education

  • Idealism
    • Plato, Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilheim Friedrich Hegel
  • Realism
    • Aristotle, Avicenna, Ibn Tufail, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Mortimer Jerome Adler, Harry S. Broudy
  • Scholasticism
    • Thomas Aquinas, John Milton
  • Pragmatism
    • John Dewey, William James, William Heard Kilpatrick, Nel Noddings, Richard Rorty
  • Analytic Philosophy
    • Richard Stanley Peters (1919-2011)
  • Existentialism
  • Critical Theory
    • Paulo Freire
  • Other Continental Thinkers
    • Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Michel Foucault

Normative Educational Philosophies

  • Perennialism
    • Allan Bloom
  • Classical Education
    • Charlotte Mason
  • Essentialism
    • William Chandler Bagley
  • Social Reconstructionism and Critical Pedagogy
    • George Counts, Maria Montessori
  • Waldorf
    • Rudolf Steiner
  • Democratic Education
    • A. S. Neil
  • Progressivism
    • John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner
  • Unschooling
    • John Holt
  • Contemplative Education


Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy

  • Asking challenging questions
    • Hutchins
  • Civic education and citizenship
    • John Locke
  • Collaborative learning; Learning from others
    • Philosophy of progressivism
  • Community learning environment; Community of learners
    • John Dewey and philosophy of pragmatism
  • Competency testing and assessment
    • Philosophy of realism; Boyer and AACSB standards
  • Competition
    • Spencer
  • Concrete to abstract, simple to complex
    • Pestalozzi (following nature)
  • Conflict
  • Constantly changing universe
    • Philosophies of pragmatism
  • Critical examination of culture
    • Philosophy of social reconstructionism
  • Critical thinking
    • Many Hutchins, Philosophy of pragmatism; Bloom's taxonomy of learning
  • Cultural heritage
    • Philosophies of idealism and realism
  • Cultural relativism
    • Philosophies of prgamatism; progressivism; social reconstructionism; and critical theory vs perennialism
  • Cumulative learning
    • John Locke, Comenius, Pestalozzi, Spencer
  • Curiosity
  • Democratic
    • John Dewey
  • Developmental stages
    • Learning cannot be forced Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jean Piaget, Comenius
  • Different learning styles
    • Kolb (1996); Kolb, Rubin, & Osland (1990)
  • Dignity
    • Froebel
  • Direct experience
    • Jean-Jacques Rousseau vs. learning from books
  • Discipline
    • Philosophy of essentialism
  • Discussion and dialogue
    • Illich, Friere, Constructionism
  • Drill training
    • (For specific skills) Illich (deschooling)
  • Effort and hard work
    • Philosophy of essentialism
  • Emotional
    • Many foundations e.g., Goleman (emotional intelligence); Gilligan (w.r.t. gender)
  • Emotionally safe
    • Pestalozzi
  • Experience
    • John Dewey, Jean Piaget
  • Evil social influences
    • Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Pestalozzi
  • Focus on academic content
    • Philosophies of realism, idealism, perennialism, essentialism (exclusion of social, emotional and political objectives)
  • Focus on the process
    • Philosophy of pragmatism
  • Fun
  • Individuality
    • Maria Montessori, according to her critics
  • Individualized instruction
    • Jean Piaget (for developmental stages)
  • Innately good
    • Naturalistic educators, in contrast to earlier theories of child depravity; Comenius, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Spencer
  • Integrating
  • Interdisciplinary
    • Pro: Philosophy of pragmatism; Con: Idealism, realism, perennialism and essentialism (prefer pure organization of subjects)
  • Intrinsic motivation
    • Maria Montessori
  • Humor
  • Learning as a social process
    • Communities of practice (Wenger, 1998)
  • Learning by doing
    • John Locke (empirical method); Pestalozzi (observing environment); Spencer; John Dewey (problematic encounters)
  • Liberal, general education
    • Pro: Philosophies of idealism, realism, perennialism; Hutchins, Adler; Con: Spencer
  • Liberation
    • Dewey, philosophies of pragmatism and progressivism; Friere
  • Listening
    • Wide application, e.g., Kolb (2002) setting up conversational space
  • Maintaining high intellectual standards
    • Plato; philosophies of idealism and realism
  • Materials and props
    • Maria Montessori
  • Mental models
    • Constructivisim; Jean Piaget; Argyris
  • Moral and ethical development
    • Herbart, Hutchins
  • Multiculturalism
    • Philosophies of pragmatism and critical theory
  • Natural growth and development
    • Naturalistic educators - people learn when they are ready and should not be coerced of pressured
  • Objectivity
    • Philosophy of realism; Aristotle, Aquinas, Whitehead
  • Practical
    • Useful, competent John Locke; Spencer ("utilitarian"); theory of essentialism
  • Problem-solving
    • Scientific method John Dewey, Spencer
  • Rationality
    • Aristotle, Hutchins; Theory of perennialism; philosophy of realism
  • Reflection
    • Philosophy of existentialism
  • Relativity of values
    • Philosophy of pragmatism
  • Relational
  • Reliance on sensation
    • Locke (empiricism); Jean-Jacques Rousseau (nature); Pestalozzi (object lessons)
  • Repetition
    • Montessori
  • Role of nature and natural objects
    • Rousseay, Pestalozzi, John Locke, Franklin, John Dewey
  • Self-assessment
    • Constructionism
  • Self-expression
    • Philosophy of existentialism
  • Self-directed
    • Philosophies of pragmatism, progressivism, and existentialism (personal choices)
  • Service learning
    • John Dewey, Zlotkowski
  • Social critique
    • Philosophies of social reconstructionism and critical theory
  • Social reform and justice
    • Philosophies of progressivism, social reconstructionism, and critical theory
  • Socialization and social participation
    • Froebel, John Dewey
  • Speaking
  • Spirituality
    • Froebel (to develop latent spiritual essence)
  • Structure
    • Many different approaches and attitudes about this Montessori; essentialism
  • Students' interests and needs
    • Jean-Jacques Rousseau; Philosophies of pragmatism and existentialism vs. Hutchins; perennialism
  • Systematic inquiry
    • Philosophy of realism
  • Tabula rasa "Blank Slate"
    • "Blank slate," John Locke's belief that at birth the human mind is a blank slate; Attacking Plato's belief that ideas are present latently in the mind at birth
  • Teacher as an expert
    • Philosophy of realism
  • Teacher as a facilitator
    • Philosophies of pragmatism and progressivism
  • Teacher as a role model
    • Plato, Georg Wilheim Friedrich Hegel, Froebel; Philosophy of idealism
  • Theory and abstraction
    • Included in many philosophies of realism; organizing and classifying knowledge hierarchically
  • Understanding wholes
    • Constructionism
  • Universal truths
    • Aristotle, Hutchins; philosophies of idealism, realism, perennialism
  • Values
    • Many, with many different views on how values should be approached
  • Vocational and professional
    • Spencer
  • Writing



  • Bloom, B. S., & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals, by a committee of college and university examiners. Handbook 1: Cognitive domain. New York, NY: Longman.
  • Kolb, D. A. (1976). Learning Style Inventory: Technical Manual. Boston, MA: McBear & Co.

Kolb, D. A., Rubin, I. M., Osland, J. (1990). Organizational behavior: An experiential approach. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

  • Wendger, E. (1998). Communities of practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.


Instructional Method

Instructional Method

Activities to engage students in active learning

This is presented by Professor Mick Healey at the Designing active and inquiry-based learning into the curriculum, on 11 December 2018 and stated that "This was compiled by Rachel Spronken-Smith (Otago) in 2011 from many sources and covers a range of possible activities to promote engagement and active learning in a variety of situations."



  • 1-2-4 more Pyramid
    • Each person writes brief notes about the topic and then compares them with a partner. Each pair discusses its combined list with another couple. This provides a good basis for discussion in the wider group. It is a good idea to limit the '1-2-4' stages, e.g., 2 minutes or so for each individual and for paired work, 5 minutes for the '4' stage.
  • Brainstorming (Morrison, 2004)
    • Everyone thinks of as many different ideas as possible. All ideas are accepted and recorded without comment. The ideas are evaluated after a set time period or when the inspiration ends.
  • Buzz Groups (Morrison, 2004)
    • Working in small groups, people discuss an issue. Topics can include:
      • How much they already know on a topic
      • What they are not sure about
      • What they want the lecturer to cover next
  • Case studies (Morrison, 2004)
    • A story or scenario is presented to the group (often, but not always) as a handout. Groups discuss the story or work together on questions.
  • Clickers
    • These can be used to good effect for class participation through students keying in responses to questions. Also useful to allow students to give an answer first and then chat with neighbours and rekey in the answer. This can lead to conversations about why students may have picked the wrong answer - it is very useful for recognizing and addressing common misconceptions.
  • Complete diagrams or tables together
    • Instead of providing the finished product, if the diagram is simple, draw it on a whiteboard or OHP, and allow time for students to complete it as well.
  • Critical incidents
    • These are brief written or spoken depiction of vividly remembered events. These can be used during class to bring out those 'aha' moments which had a real impact on their learning, or can be used about difficult concepts. Get the students to write a description (where and when it occurred), think about what was involved (e.g., a topic or problem...) and then unpack why it was so memorable.
  • Cubing (Cassidy, 2008 and
    • Cubing involves probing a topic from six different perspectives. First, select a topic (issue, person, idea, event, problem, object, scene) and then allow 3-5 minutes for students to write from different perspectives (e.g., describing, comparing, associating, analysing, applying, and arguing). Cubing is an excellent tool for rapidly exploring a topic. It reveals quickly what is known and what is not known.
  • Demonstrations (Morrison, 2004)
    • The teacher shows students how to do something or users equipment to explain theory/principles. This activity can also be presented by a student or group. Seeing something really helps students to remember more clearly.
  • Experiments (Morrison, 2004)
    • The teacher or students carry out a practical activity to verify or refute a principle.
  • Exit ticket
    • At the end of a lecture get students to write an exit ticket which responds to the question "What questions remain after today's session?" and hand in on the way out. Collect any written responses and address them in the following session.
  • Extremes (Morrison, 2004)
    • Each person thinks of the 'best' and 'worst' or 'positive and negative' qualities of something. These are collected and discussed to generate a ranking of extreme.
  • Fishbowl (Morrison, 2004)
    • ONe group discusses a topic. The second group observes the discussion and each person records:
      • A partner's contributions (and gives individual feedback afterwards)
      • The important parts of the discussion (may be the identification of issues, applications, generalizations, etc., depending on the task instructions.
  • Focus breaks
    • These are deliberate breaks to give students some time out. Bligh (1998) discussed the learning curve in a lecture - after about 20 minutes of learning is on a downward decline. However, if focus breaks are inserted whereby students can have time out for 2-3 minutes, then there is a learning gain as students' attentions are recaptured. Thus plan to have a couple of focus breaks during a 50-minute lecture.
  • Group discussion (Morrison, 2004)
    • Groups (up to 6 people) talk about a topic. A set of questions from the lecturer helps to structure the discussion and focus the group. The larger the group, the more difficult it is for everyone to participate.
  • Interactive handouts (Morrison, 2004)
    • Instead of providing complete copies of the PowerPoint slides, give out sheets with various parts missing. These could be mathematical, formulaic, descriptive, diagrammatical, analytical and so on. The students need to complete the materials for them to be useful.
  • Jenkins Line
    • Named after Alan Jenkins (Geographer/Higher Educationalist). When a topic has polar opposites or a spectrum of possible answers or viewpoints, get students to place themselves along a line and discuss their position with their neighbours, and possibly be called upon to discuss/justify their position with the class.
  • Jigsaw (Cassidy, 2008)
    • Each student is the 'expert' on one part; they must work collaboratively to get the full pictures; have experts in the area get together first, so they become more expert, then return to the broader group where each one is the expert. Research has shown that we learn more by teaching it. For an assessment, individuals or small groups do the work. The lecturer asks them questions and can ask any member. Higher marks often result.



  • Lotus Blossom
    • In this technique the petals around the core of the blossom are figuratively "peeled back" one at a time, revealing a key component or them. This approach is pursued in ever-widening circles until the subject or opportunity is comprehensively explored. The cluster of themes and surrounding ideas and applications, which are developed in one way or another, provide several different alternative possibilities. The guidelines for Lotus Blossom are:
      • Write the central problem in the centre of the diagram
      • Write the significant themes, components or dimensions of your subject in the surrounding circles labelled A to H surrounding the central theme.
      • Use the ideas written in the circles as the central themes for the surrounding lotus blossom petals or boxes. Thus, the idea of application you wrote in Circle A would become the central theme for the lower middle box A. It now becomes the basis for generating eight new ideas or applications.
      • Continue the process until the lotus blossom diagram is completed.
    • Good for getting students to unpack factors that influence key concepts.
  • Matching (Morrison, 2004)
    • Used to divide a group into pairs. Members of the group are given cards which contain either a title or a definition. They have to find the person with the complementary card. In the process, they come across a range of definitions and have to think about the topic. The pairs then work together on an exercise/problem related to their title and definition. Reporting back afterwards widens learning.
  • Mindmaps (Morrison, 2004)
    • A topic is written on the board or on butcher's paper. The class/group suggests and organizes ideas and information, presenting them visually, often in clusters. Can be carried out using a large group on one diagram, or in smaller groups, or individually.
  • Mix up media
    • Try to use a variety of media such as PowerPoint, video clips, whiteboard, etc. Students will appreciate the variety particularly if they can engage with some of the material.
  • Organizing information (Morrison, 2004)
    • Information items are provided out of sequence. Students work (in pairs of small groups) to arrange them in order. The results can then be reported by each group and/or discussed by the wider group. The information can be given to students on a single worksheet or already cut out into pieces for them to arrange to order.
  • Panel (Morrison, 2004)
    • Several 'experts' are invited to the session and answer questions from the class. The experts may be from interest groups, other teachers and/or students. They may each speak briefly before the question session.
  • Playing cards
    • ONe playing card is given to each member of the class at the start of a block of teaching. They can be used in a variety of ways. For example, suits can be used to form groups of 13, particular numbers can be used to form groups of four or red or black numbers for pairs. When asking class questions, particular cards of sets of cards may be called on to comment.
  • Presentations (Morrison, 2004)
    • Individuals or small groups find information on a topic, then prepare and deliver a short informative session to the wider group.
  • Problem generation and solving (fears/problems in the box)(Morrison, 2004)
    • Individuals or groups consider a topic, issue, process, case, etc. and raise problems or difficulties. Each person or group writes the problem on pieces of paper which are folded and put into a box. The 'problems' are then redistributed and solved by others and shared.
  • Project-based Learning
    • Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge.


  • Question and answer session (Morrison, 2004)
    • This is a useful activity to check students' understanding. A time is set aside for a discussion/answer question. Questions may be submitted in writing at the previous session or on Blackboard (good for shy students).
  • Quick quiz (Morrison, 2004)
    • During a class have a quick quiz on the material just covered. This could also take the form of a problem-solving exercise (or practice exam questions) and groups or individuals can compete for speed and accuracy.
  • Review sessions
    • Build these into the lecture sequence so that there are dedicated slots to go over any questions and allow practice in exam type questions.
  • Roleplay (Morrison, 2004)
    • Groups/pairs/individuals 'act out' information on a specific topic, often in front of the class or group. Set a time limit for each group and allow time for participants to debrief.
  • Round (Morrison, 2004)
    • Every person takes a turn to make a statement. Useful topics:
      • One thing I need to know about.
      • Something I learned today.
      • One important point (about the topic).
  • Snowball (Cassidy, 2008)
    • One a half-sheet of paper that you will not be keeping, write down (something that you are okay with others seeing and legibly so they can read it!) one example from the last several numbered items that you do now in your teaching, or would like to ask a question or comment about. Once done, crumple it up and toss it (gently) into the crowd. Now, everyone picks one up. If it is yours, re-toss it. Read what is on the snowball you un-crumple.
  • Tell your partner (Morrison, 2004)
    • Pairs. Each person explains a topic/concept/answer to someone else. The partner has to listen and then ask questions.
  • Think-pair-share (Morrison, 2004)
    • Each person considers the topic/question and writes down some ideas/answers. S/he joins with one other for discussion. This provides a good basis for wider discussion and answers tend to be much more forthcoming in a plenary.
  • Ticket to the class (Cassidy, 2008)
    • Require a 'ticket to the class' to ensure pre-reading or prep is done. The class before, assign the reading and hand out a coloured slip of paper - different colours can be used for different types of questions. Each colour is a unique question that students have to write down and bring to the next class. This encourages all students to read the material, and come prepared for the session. Tickets could be collected at the door on the way in so that if there were any common recurring problem, these could be addressed in the session.
  • Time on task (Cassidy, 2008)
    • Create lots of time on task during class time. This relates to the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education by Arthus Chickering and Zelda Gamson. Retrieved from [1]
  • Using resources in class
    • At the beginning of the session handout out copies of a paper or papers or other relevant materials to the topic. Different materials can be distributed to different parts of the lecture theatre. Given some focusing questions for each resource (e.g., they may have to read a particular section of the paper and then answer a question). Allow students about 15 minutes to read and then they can discuss the answers with their neighbours. Then have a plenary to collate the answers and to build knowledge across the class.
  • Using Twitter in the lectures
    • Use Twitter to get instant feedback from students in the lecture: they can either use their laptop or their mobile phone.



  • Blight, D. (1998). What's the use of lectures? Exeter: Intellect.
  • Cassidy, A. (2008). 50 ways to lure your learner. Presentation at the Conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Windsor, June 19, 2008.
  • Gauci, S. A. Dantas, A. M., Williams, D. A., & Kemm, R. E. (2009). Promoting student=centred active learning in lectures with a personal response system. Advances in Physiology Education, 33, 60-71.
  • Gier, V. S., & Kreiner, D. S. (2009). Incorporating active learning with PowerPoint-based lectures using content-based questions. Teaching of Psychology, 36(2), 134-139.
  • Graffam, B. (2007). Active learning in medical education: Strategies for beginning implementation. Medical Teacher, 29, 38-42.
  • Mann, S., & Robinson, A. (2009). Boredom in the lecture theatre: An investigation into the contributors, moderators and outcomes of boredom amongst university students. British Educational Research Journal, 35(2), 243-258.
  • March, E. J., & Sink, H. E. (2010). Access to handout of presentation slides during lecture: Consequences for learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 691-706.
  • Morrison, T. (2004). Promoting active learning in lectures: Seminar and handout given in the Higher Education Development Centre, Otago University, May 2004.
  • Revell, A., & Wainwright, E. (2009). What makes lectures 'unmissable'? Insights into teaching excellence with active learning. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 33(2), 209-223.
  • Wilson, K., & Korn, J. H. (2007). Attention during lectures: Beyond ten minutes. Teaching of Psychology, 34(2), 85-89.


Theories of Learning

Theories of Learning

Different theories of learning

  • Thorndike's Connectionism
  • Pavlov's Classical Conditioning
  • Gestalt Theory
  • Skinner's Operant Conditioning
  • Monitor Model of Learning
  • Functionalism
  • Freud's Pleasure Principle of Learning
  • Information Processing Theory of Learning
  • Ausubel's Meaningful Learning Theory
  • The Competition Model

Different varieties of learning

  • Discursive Learning
  • Incidental Learning
  • Problem Solving
  • Concept Learning
  • Co-operative Learning
  • Experiential Learning
  • Analytical Learning
  • Automaticity Theory of Learning
  • Implicit and Explicit Learning
  • Process and Procedural Learning
  • Active Learning
  • Collaborative and Cooperative Learning
  • Discrimination Learning


Language Support

Language Support


  • 字典網 [1]
  • 教育部成語典 [2]
  • 教育部國語辭典 [3]
  • 網上中文一分鐘 
  • Animated Chinese Characters [5]
  • Chinese-English Dictionary [6]
  • CC-CE Dict [7]
  • 漢日韓越-英辭典 [8]



  • 粵語審音配詞字庫 [9]
  • 粵音挑戰站 
  • 現代標準漢語與粵語對照資料庫 [11]
  • 粵語網路課堂 [12]
  • Cantonese to Jyutping 廣東話到粵語拼音的工具 [13]


Teaching and Learning Applications

Teaching and Learning Applications

Learning Management Systems (LMS)



  • Moodle is a free and open-source learning management system written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Wikipedia
  • Developer(s): Martin Dougiamas; Moodle HQ; Moodle Community
  • License: GPLv3+
  • Written in: PHP
  • Original author: Martin Dougiamas
  • Stable release: 3.6.1 / December 5, 2018; 60 days ago
  • Awards: O'Reilly Open Source Award for Best Education Enabler

Canvas / THEi Canvas 

  • LMS by Instructure
  • Software
  • Programming language: Ruby
  • YouTube - Getting started in Canvas (for teacher): A short tutorial video introducing the steps for initial lesson design in the Canvas LMS 
  • YouTube - Canvas in Less Than 7 Minutes 
  • Instructor Guide [4]

D2L [5] Software company


  • D2L, formerly Desire2Learn, is a global cloud software company with offices in the United States, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Europe, and Brazil. Wikipedia
  • Customer service: 00 61 1800 656 210
  • Technical support: 00 1 519-772-0325
  • Headquarters: Kitchener, Canada
  • CEO: John Baker
  • Founder: John Baker
  • Founded: 1999

Online Video Libary Archive MediaSite 

Blended Learning Platform / MOOCs

FutureLearn [7]


  • FutureLearn is a digital education platform founded in December 2012. The company is wholly owned by The Open University in Milton Keynes, England. It is a Massive Open Online Course learning platform, and as of May 2018 included 143 UK and international partners, including non-university partners. Wikipedia
  • Owner: The Open University
  • Founded: 2012
  • Type of site: Distance education
  • Available in: English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese

Available open courses (examples):

  • Blended learning essentials (Getting started; Embedding Practice; Developing digital skills; Digitally-enriched apprenticeships) by University of Leeds [8]
  • Foundations of University Learning and Teaching by University of New South Wales Sydney]
  • Inspiring young people in STEM by National STEM Learning Centre [9]
  • Digital media analytics by Purdue University [10]
  • Teaching English online by Cambridge Assessment English [11]

Coursera [12]


  • Coursera is an online learning platform founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers courses, specializations, and degrees. Wikipedia
  • Founded: 2012
  • Employees: 280 (June 2018)
  • CEO: Jeff Maggioncalda
  • Headquarters: Mountain View, California, United States
  • Number of employees: 280 (June 2018)
  • Founders: Andrew Ng, Daphne Koller

Khan Academy [13] Education company


  • Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization created in 2008 by Salman Khan with the goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students. The organization produces short lessons in the form of YouTube videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and materials for educators. Wikipedia
  • Founder: Salman Khan
  • Founded: 2007
  • Location: Mountain View, California
  • Official languages: English, 5 official website translations, ~20,000 closed-captioned videos
  • CEO: Salman Khan (Sep 2009–)
  • Headquarters: Mountain View, California, United States

  edX [14]


  • edX is a massive open online course provider. It hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide student body, including some courses at no charge. It also conducts research into learning based on how people use its platform. Wikipedia
  • CEO: Anant Agarwal
  • Founded: May 2012
  • Users: ~14 million (December 2017)
  • Created by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University
  • Founders: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University
  • Parent organizations: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University

Open Collaboration Courseware

A free online introduction to artificial intelligence for non-experts [16]

  • Learn more about Reaktor's and the University of Helsinki's AI course - no programming or complicated math required.

Interactive Learning Resources (Content Creation)

Nobook [17]

  • Interactive learning packages, specialized in elementary and high school science subjects

Articulate Team 360 Include

  • Desktop: Storyline 360; Studio 360; Replay 360; Peak 360
  • Web: Review 360; Rise 360 (Overview for Rise 360 )
  • Articulate 360 Youtube Channel [19]

Other Youtube tutorials

    • Overview [20]
    • Articulate 360 Tutorial: Getting Started with Presenter 360 [21]
    • Articulate 360 Tutorial: How to Insert Quizzes & Interactions into Your Slides Using Presenter 360 [22]
  • Website [23]


  • Articulate Storyline is a foundational elearning-authoring program for instructional designers, and Storyline 2 provides an improved user interface and interactive learning elements.
  • Watch a 3-minute Articulate 360 Teams overview video 
  • Storyline 360 Overview 

More tips on using Articulate, check the articles and downloads from the Community 

  • Practice makes perfect with these scenario examples, by Articulate Community Team
  • 60+ questions worth asking in your post-course evaluation, by Nicole Legault, Community Manager at Articulate
  • When to use a knowledge check or a quiz in Rise 360, by Allison LaMotte, International Community Manager at Articulate
  • 34 interactive step graphics that'll make an impression, by David Anderson, Director, Customer Training at Articulate
  • Showcase your company's talent with a Meet-the-Team template, by Nicole Legault, Community Manager at Articulate
  • How to Create a Custom Lesson with Blocks in Rise 360 
  • Start Collaborating with Articulate 360 Teams 
  • Tips on customizing content library asset 360 
  • How to collect stakeholders' views using Review 360 

Studiosity [31]

  • Study help, online, anywhere! Connect in real-time with live experts or get Writing Feedback in less than 24 hours.
  • Examples [32]: AIM Business School, Auckland Institute of Studies, Auckland University of Technology, Birkbeck University of London, Bond University College, Charles Sturt University, CQUniversity, Curtin University, Dublin City University, Edith Cowan University, etc.

Google Classroom [33] Description

  • Google Classroom is a free web service developed by Google for schools that aim to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way. The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students.

Powtoon: Free animation and video maker


  • These days all the rage is in online services. So Powtoon was created strictly as an online application. That means that you don’t​ need to download any software to your computer, you don’t need to learn Flash, and you don’t​ need to learn Photoshop. ​ All you need to do is log in, drag and drop characters or props into the animation maker, and start animating your own cartoon.

Doodly [36]

  • To create animated presentation video

Headliner [37] Description

  • To create a transcript of video clips in a number of languages, including Cantonese

Live Streaming - Open Boradcaster Software [38]

  • Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free and open-source cross-platform streaming and recording program built with Qt and maintained by the OBS Project. There are versions for Windows, macOS and Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu.

One Button Studio [39]

Description: The One Button Studio is a simplified video recording setup that can be used without any previous video production experience. The design of the studio allows you to create high-quality and polished video projects without having to know anything about lights and cameras. Proposed and Developed by Pennsylvania State University.

  • Youtube video: What is One Button Studio 

Software and support

  • OBS Support Tool [41]
  • OBS Equipment Guide and Pre-installation Checklist 

Software and Drivers

  • OBS app 
  • Indigo 7 [44]
  • Griffin PowerMate 
  • FTDI Serial Drivers [46]

UNESCO Digital Library of infographics on Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Asia-Pacific series [47]

  • Corporate author: UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific [770]
  • Document code: TH/DOC-TVET/PIO/18/002-E
  • Collation:1 poster
  • Language: English
  • Year of publication:2018
  • Type of document: still image

iObserve | the ultimate observation tool [48]

  • iObserve is a video and audio recording app that allows you to record observations, time stamp criteria, give instant feedback and create a signed declaration.

To create an interactive classroom

  • THEi uReply 
  • Teacher online registration 
  • User guidelines [51]

uReply [52] has the following characteristics:


  • Good teacher-student interactions and communications are key to many modern teaching and learning concepts, such as active learning and student-oriented learning. Technology can assist these much-needed interactions and communications. uReply is a cloud-based student response system (SRS), which was designed to facilitate classroom interactions using mobile devices. It was developed at the CUHK and now have users across many of the UGC-funded universities.

uReply has the following characteristics:

  • Easy to use: Students are allowed to use uReply in their own devices (e.g., smartphone, tablet and notebook) instead of the keypad devices such as “clickers” provided by teachers.
  • Campus-wide: it supports large scale deployment, including big classes.
  • Cross-platform: it works on most web browsers, and in most digital devices and operating systems.
  • Cloud-based: it collects instant student’ responses and generates instant reports.
  • Multiple-modes: login-required vs. anonymous, one-by-one vs. the whole quiz; there is a game mode and a map mode for learning outside the classroom.


  • The revamped English@THEi website to be hosted by the server at the LC would allow us to effectively run the entire CLE operation (i.e. scheduling workshops and managing #Writeadvice appointments online) as well as host the e-learning activities (including online reading and possibly videos) that cannot be easily done in our Moodle page because Moodle does not currently offer the functions/tools needed for designing those activities.

Socrative, Inc. [53] Software company

  • Students share their understanding by answering formative assessment questions in a variety of formats: quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space. Data will be saved to the teacher's account while the statistical results could be shown to the class in graphical format.
  • Founded: 2011
  • Founders: Amit Maimon, Michael West, Benjamin Berte
  • Parent organization: Showbie Inc.

Poll Everywhere [54]


  • Poll Everywhere is a privately held company headquartered in San Francisco, California. The company, founded in April 2007 is an online service for classroom response and audience response systems.Wikipedia
  • Founded: 2007
  • CEO: Jeff Vyduna (May 2008–)
  • Headquarters: San Francisco, California, United States
  • Founders: Jeff Vyduna, Brad Gessler, Sean Eby

Kahoot! [55] Video game 4.6/5 · iTunes - Apple


  • Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in schools and other educational institutions. Its learning games, "Kahoots", are multiple-choice quizzes that allow user generated and can be accessed via a web browser.
  • Available in: Main language (English), optional languages (French, Spanish, etc.)
  • Initial release date: September 2013
  • Users: 50 million monthly active users (as of May 2017)

H5P [56] Interactive video editor


  • H5P is a free and open-source content collaboration framework based on JavaScript. H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package, and aims to make it easy for everyone to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content
  • Create interactive content in Moodle [57]

Sayeah! [58]

  • INTERACTIVE TOOLS, ENGAGING CLASSROOMS! Presenting Sayeah!, a unique and interactive set of tools to transform the entire classroom experience.


  • Mobile Control: Remotely control classes via Sayeah! App - With Sayeah Mobile App you can now remotely control the whole class session and ensure a better interaction with the audience.
  • Easy to use: Teacher Friendly - Sayeah! seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Office PowerPoint interface and layout to ensure the learning curve is bare minimum.
  • One-stop: Equipped for your needs - Say hello to your new portable and all-purpose library with massive collection of resources and materials. Now prepare lessons anytime, anywhere!
  • Quality resources: Top education resources for personalized teaching - Sayeah! brings together high quality teaching reserves from around the globe to meet the vital requirements of today’s teachers.
  • LMS: Learn from others to teach effectively - Learning reports generated to assist teachers in improving students outcome.
  • Smart classroom: Intelligent concepts, Immersive experiences - Bring together leading education technology with finest teaching hardware.

Screen Mirroring / Wireless Presentation

  • Apple iOS: Apple TV + Screen Mirroring
  • Windows/Android: Extron + MirrorOp OR MS Wireless Display Adapter + e.g., Smart View


  • Miracast – screen mirroring phone to TV/Screen [60]

Description: Slido is a technology company that enhances communication and increases interaction at events and meetings. We enable users to crowdsource top questions to drive meaningful conversations, engage participants with live polls and capture valuable event data.

Veyon - Classroom Management System[61]

  • Veyon is a free and open-source software for computer monitoring and classroom management supporting Linux and Windows. It's primarily targeted at the educational sector. Veyon enables teachers to remotely monitor and control students' computers.
  • Developer(s): Veyon Solutions
  • Operating system: Linux, Windows
  • Written in: C++
  • Stable release: 4.2.1 / May 15, 2019; 27 days ago
  • License: GPL


  • Monitoring
  • Fullscreen demo (Instructor in control of all monitors to display instructor's screen at all monitors)
  • Window demo
  • Lock
  • Remote view
  • Remote control
  • Power on
  • Reboot
  • Power down
  • Logoff
  • Text message (Instructor types to display at all monitors, users need to click ok in order to do any other things)
  • Run program
  • Open website
  • File transfer (Instructor sends a file to all users)
  • Screenshot (Take a photo of all monitors and display each as an individual image)

Administrator and User Manual [62]

To build a community of learners

Wiki [63] Software type


  • A wiki is a website on which users collaboratively modify content and structure directly from the web browser. In a typical wiki, text is written using a simplified markup language and often edited with the help of a rich-text editor. A wiki is run using wiki software, otherwise known as a wiki engine.

[THEi Integrated Learning Platform]

  • An integrated learning platform for THEi staff and students, collecting learning resources and links to library collection and open access learning resources.

Weblog WordPress [64] System software


  • WordPress is a free and open-source content management system based on PHP & MySQL. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system. It is most associated with blogging but supports other types of web content including more traditional mailing lists and forums, media galleries, and online stores. Wikipedia
  • Developer(s): WordPress Foundation
  • License: GPLv2+
  • Initial release date: May 27, 2003
  • Stable release: 5.0.2 / 2018-12-19
  • Operating system: Unix-like, Windows, Linux
  • Written in: PHP

Multimedia Learning Resources Repository

  • A video archive for THEi staff and students, collecting video recording of workshops, seminars, events from the institute and self-created contents from staff and students for sharing, powered by ClipBucket.


VTC Teaching & Learning Systems

Class Attendance System

Wireless Presentation System

Panopto Lecture Capture System

Student Records System (SRS)


Timetabling System

Hong Kong Based Technology Firms

SenseTime [65]

  • Artificial intelligence company


  • SenseTime is the world's most valuable artificial intelligence unicorn focused on computer vision and deep learning. It was founded in Hong Kong with additional offices across China, Singapore, Japan, and the United States. Wikipedia
  • Founder: Tang Xiaoou
  • Founded: October 2014
  • Headquarters: Hong Kong Science Park
  • Type of business: Privately held company
  • Areas served: Computer vision, Deep learning, Education

  DJI [66]

  • Technology company


  • SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd. is a Chinese technology company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong with manufacturing facilities throughout the world. It is known as a manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones, for aerial photography and videography. Wikipedia
  • Founder: Frank Wang
  • Founded: 2006
  • CEO: Frank Wang (2006–)
  • Headquarters: Shenzhen, China
  • Revenue: 18 billion CNY (USD 2.83 Billion, 2017)
  • Subsidiaries: Hasselblad, DJI Technology Inc.

  TFI [67]

  • Video Streaming Solution 

New Era of Smart Educational

Technology Enhanced Learning Resources



New Era of Smart Educational

New Era of Smart Educational

New Era of Smart Educational

Introduction of technologies used in the education sector

  • Cloud computing unlocked the door of high-tech education

Collaborative workplace

  • Real World application
    • Google classroom
    • Microsoft Teams
      • similar to Whatsapp
      • to form groups or 1-to-1 conversation
      • private or public
      • new members can check previous conversations before joining the group
      • share and upload a file - all can edit simultaneously where share drive can only edit by one and all others are in read-only mode
  • Introduction to collaborative tools

Facilitate people to learn no matter where they are

  • Mobile style learning
  • Time is a matter (a long time in transportation; learning video is short, about 5-10 min)
  • Handling information effectively (customer service training; debriefing)

Enhanced learning experiences

  • Virtual and augmented reality Simulation for teaching purpose (VR Planner 5D VR: totally simulated; AR-3D Science AR: look at a real thing to see the virtual extension using smartphone)
  • Unleash Creativity: bring an idea to live
    • Prototyping with 3D Printing
  • Listen to the content when reading is not an option
    • How Text-To-Speech can help our learning
      • Audiobook; On the way; Vision impairment
      • Text-to-speech software NVDA: English, Cantonese
    • Talk to a computer by Speech-To-Text
      • Virtual assistant
      • Generate automatic captions (e.g., Office365 Stream; Youtube

Learning analytics (e.g., Open edX)

  • Measure of effectiveness
  • Real-time
  • Student-Centred


  • Anytime, anywhere
  • Student-centred
  • Accessibility
  • Voice Command options
  • Enhanced learning experience
  • Measure of effectiveness


Blended Learning

Blended Learning

FutureLearn on

  • Blended Learning

A teaching class

  1. Start the unit: small group discussion, IRS Q&A
  2. Test and study: read a short paragraph, IRS Q&A, small group discussion
  3. Game and deeper learning: game, small group discussion
  4. Team co-creation: small group discussion, submit group work
  5. Conclusion: teacher debrief, ask one student to apply the knowledge to a case

A flipped teaching class

  1. teacher uploads teaching material to LMS
  2. students at home using mobile / tablet / iPad to view teaching video clips or read learning material
  3. students complete quiz
  4. students discuss with online group
  5. teacher analyzes students' performance and design the class
  6. the class is focused and effective

A teaching model: Revision and Preparation Model

  1. start the class, the teacher asks 5 MCQ (2-3 revision questions, 2-3 new material questions)
  2. students answer
  3. teacher check each question's correct rate: >75% Most students understand and teacher will teach lightly; <50% Most students do not understand and teacher will teach more carefully


  1. IRS Q&A the teacher understands students' cognition and focuses on students' weaknesses
  2. Take a photo of each student's work and upload to interactive whiteboard
  3. IRS polling to select the best work
  4. Ask the student to explain
  5. IRS Q&A again
  6. The teacher compares the responses to see if all students get the correct answers
  7. Until all students understand, ask students to form into groups and co-create a new piece
  8. Ask small group to come out to present
  9. IRS Polling to elect the best group

IRS Model 2

  1. The teacher starts the class by asking 4 questions, 3 MCQ and 1 fill-in-the-blank (the teacher does not teach the content but ask students to answer, solve problems and discuss in groups)
  2. Students calculate and use IRS to answer
  3. The teacher collects the answer of each student
  4. Q4 has no choice, the teacher selects three students to tell their answers, marked as choice 1, 2, 3
  5. The teacher asks each student to choice from the 3 choices, if not, choose choice 4 (the teacher gets the answer choice from students)
  6. The teacher shows the answers chart and keeps at the interactive whiteboard
  7. The teacher discusses the class content and study activities for 30 min
  8. The teacher goes back to the revision and preparation questions
  9. The teacher requires students to calculate again, and allow them to choose answers again for the 4 questions (the teacher does not give the answers but let students find out and amend as they wish)
  10. The teacher compares the first trial and the second trial
  11. To Q4, the teacher asks if there are any more answers and keeps one as choice 4
  12. Ask students to answer again

An interactive distance class

  1. Tell the experience: IRS Q&A, students' experience
  2. Extract major point: Listen to a story, major point, complete task sheets, small group discussion, read article, IRS Q&A
  3. Think deep: complete small group task sheet, submit small group task sheet and work, compare work
  4. Discuss work: select one to present, the teacher summarizes, students' feedback

A distance class: 0+1, 1+1, 0+2, 1+2, 0+3

  1. Co-preparation: Main teacher proposes lesson plan, Main and other instructors discuss lesson plan, trial run, distance learning
  2. Co-learn: study online learning material
  3. pre-class revision
  4. pre-class class
  5. distance simultaneous class
  6. distance group photo
  7. Co-research
  8. Main teacher teaches
  9. Professionals comment
  10. Principal summarizes both point

  • Student-generated
  • Team-based learning
  • Differentiation vs STanDard
  • Computer Assisted Instruction
  • Tutorial
  • Drill & practice
  • Game
  • Simulation
  • Highly Interactive Classroom
  • Tablet / iPad
  • Community of practice
  • Differentiation & Interaction
  • IRS
  • 3D Graphics: Google Earth, Google Arts & Culture
  • Seamless learning
  • Situated Learning, by Jean Lave & Etienne Wenger (1990's)
  • Instructional Scaffolding

Vygotsky, ZPD

  • A teacher must know what students know and then define what they are going to learn

What to teach?

  • Convert teaching content into questions and problems and projects and let students complete

How to teach?

  • Class discussion and problem-solving activity and let students study

When to teach?

  • Leave space and time to allow students to find the best and comfortable way to learn

Online Courses on Blended Education

Join an online course to have a systematic view on Blended Education

  • Making Blended Education Work" [1] for free
  • Start Date: 7 September 2020
  • Weekly Study: 2 hours
  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • Provided by University of Edinburgh at FutureLearn [2]

Blended Learning Essentials

  • Essentials for teachers, trainers & managers developing blended learning and prepare learners to succeed in the workplace.
  • Overview: 4 courses
  • Duration: 12 weeks
  • Provided by University of Leeds & UCL Institute of Education, at FutureLearn [3]

Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started [4]

  • Start Date: Available now
  • Weekly Study: 4 hours
  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • Provided by University of Leeds & UCL Institute of Education, at FutureLearn [5]

Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice [6]

  • Start Date: Available now
  • Weekly Study: 4 hours
  • Duration: 3 weeks
  • Provided by University of Leeds & UCL Institute of Education, at FutureLearn [7]

Blended Learning Essentials: Developing Digital Skills [8]

  • Start Date: Available now
  • Weekly Study: 4 hours
  • Duration: 2 weeks
  • Provided by University of Leeds & UCL Institute of Education, at FutureLearn [9]

Blended Learning Essentials: Digitally-Enriched Apprenticeships [10]

  • Start Date: Available now
  • Weekly Study: 4 hours
  • Duration: 2 weeks
  • Provided by University of Leeds & UCL Institute of Education, at FutureLearn [11]


Learning Support

Learning Support

THEi provides various education and learning support for your study. Some of them are listed below for your information. More could be found on the website and inside Moodle. Please feel free to ask us for any further queries.


Learning Management System – Moodle

  1. THEi Moodle for full-time student courses ( or VTC In-service Programmes Moodle for part-time courses (
  2. You are supposed to access to Moodle for
    1. (1) Aims: Module aims, intended learning outcomes, weekly schedule, references;
    2. (2) Learning material: PowerPoint presentations, notes, useful links/URL, online resources;
  3. (3) Assessment: the assessment brief, rubrics, deadline (be informed at the beginning of the semester) and the listing of all assessment deadlines in the calendar (discuss to adjust the deadline if there are more than 3 major assignments in the same week);
  4. (4) Peer Learning: discussion forum for the Module and/or for specific week/topic. If you don’t, please contact your class instructor.

24/7 live chat with world tutors – Studiosity Moodle Course

  1. Register and enroll into Moodle Studiosity course to access to 24/7 live chat with tutors to solve your study problem; or to submit writing assignment for feedback (in 24 hours). A number of disciplines are available: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics, Economics, Accounting, Study Skills, Library Literacy, Writing Skills.

THEi Integrated Learning Platform 

  1. Module references: The platform provides information for all Faculty/Programme/Module references and their links to the library system. You can easily check and request a book for your studying Module.
  2. Online learning resources: The platform also lists learning resources of e-Book/e-Journal/e-Databases by Programme.
  3. E-Books: Access to Wiley e-book pdf that you can save, print without any restrictions .

THEi Multimedia Learning Resources Repository [2]

  1. Online video: Browse online video archive provided by Faculty/School and Learning Commons
  2. Class instructor/Student submission: class instructors can submit a video for the public or your own class; students can also upload to submit video assignment and can assign access right to only group members and class instructor to browse

Inside THEi (CW) Learning Commons

  1. Space: Enjoy the space there. Communicate, collaborate and create with peer learners. Cart seats, large sofa, individual armchair, stairs with colourful cushion and bean bags.
  2. IT facilities for loan: iPad, Tablet, MacBook Air, Slim PC Notebook
  3. IT facilities: All-in-one PC, iMac, electronic classroom
  4. Other equipment: Large Size Trimmer (A0), Electronic Stapler, tripod, projector/mobile screen, presenters
  5. Printing Services: Large Size Printing (A0/A1/A2 paper/photo paper), 3D printing, Scan/Photocopy/Print using Octopus/Print Quota

VTC Library System [3]

  1. You can search for learning resources here for printed books and electronic resources. You can request items and collect at any one of the LRCs. You can log in to manage and renew your loan items.

VTC Learning Resources Centres (LRCs)[4]

  1. You can access to any one of the 17 LRCs all over Hong Kong, located in VTC member institutes, IVE, YC, HTI/CCI/ICI, HKDI, etc. You can use the facilities and collect/return loan items.

VTC Institute Repository [5]

  1. Access to the world academic publications for hundreds of subjects and disciplines.

How to connect to the VPN? (Student)

Installing VTC VPN connection allows you to use VTC campus network services at home or away from campus.

  • For Windows 7/8/8.1/10 [6]
  • For iOS Devices [7]
  • For Android Devices [8]
  • For Mac OS [9]

How to connect to the VPN? (Staff only) [10]

  1. If you want to access outside campus, for example, at home, you need to install Cisco AnyConnect to connect VPN.
  2. Please go to moodle to download the guidelines.

THEi website [11] | Learning Commons [12] | Moodle [13]


Education Support - Learning Commons

Education Support - Learning Commons

THEi Learning Commons - Educational Support

How to connect to the VPN? (Student)

Installing VTC VPN connection allows you to use VTC campus network services at home or away from campus.

  • For Windows 7/8/8.1/10 [1]
  • For iOS Devices [2]
  • For Android Devices [3]
  • For Mac OS [4]

How to connect to the VPN? (Staff only) [5]

  1. If you want to access outside campus, for example, at home, you need to install Cisco AnyConnect to connect VPN.
  2. Need to login moodle to download the guidelines.
  • For Windows 7/8/8.1/10 
  • For iOS Devices 
  • For Android Devices 
  • For Mac OS 

Class Attendance System

Class Attendance System (CAS) [10]

  • All teaching staff could access the CAS to manage their class. The CAS is updated daily. A report could be generated for enrolled/non-enrolled students and attendance record. Make sure you ask students to use the CAS card reader system (outside the classroom and next to the lectern) when they attend a class.


Educational Support provided by Learning Commons

Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle (Full-time students) [11] & (In-service programmes MoodleSP, part-time students) [12]

  • THEi Moodle has just finished with the upgrade last week. It is ready to use. Teaching staff could start creating their course for the new academic year AY2019/2020.

LMS helps to promote Blended Learning – technology-supported learning supplemented to face-to-face teaching. This gives a rich learning experience to students. Students can access at any time and at any place. Students participate in and engage with their learning even after class. It allows students to learn at their own pace and to match their learning styles.

What is expected to be included in a Moodle course:

  • Learning Objectives & Goals – Module syllabus, aims, learning objectives, and intended learning outcomes should be included to make sure students are well aware of what they are expected.
  • Multimedia & Interactive Learning Material – presentations, notes, references links, and material should be included to make sure students could access at any time and at any place to promote participation and engagement. Learning material should be better included with multimedia content (text, images, audio/video, hyperlinks, animation) and interactions.
  • Assessment Informed Learning – assignment briefing, marking criteria and due date should be well informed in advance (before the class commences) and included in Moodle. Assignment / Turnitin assignment added to Moodle will automatically show on the calendar for students’ easy reference and for planning their studies. Assessment online quiz/self-learning reflection quiz could be added. Add rubric to Moodle and mark assignment inside Moodle (only teaching staff can see). You can send scores to individual students through Moodle.
  • Building a Learners’ Community – Add a forum to the overall course and/or to individual learning weeks. Students learn from his/her own reflective writing. Students learn through discussion and interaction with peer learners. A forum could be used for pre-class preparation, during the class discussion, and post-class reflective learning.

Moodle Embedded Systems THEi Moodle

  • Plagiarism Prevention System Turnitin
    • Turnitin is embedded in Moodle. You can add “Turnitin Assignment 2” (The ‘2’ is to differentiate from assignment not connecting to Turnitin) to enable Turnitin checking for all uploading assignments. Students must be informed that they should allow enough time for Turnitin to work. They should submit their assignment 24 hours or earlier than the due date.
  • Lecture Capturing System Panopto
    • Panopto is embedded in Moodle. You can add Panopto / Record to record the whole lecture or a short video clip into any page or under a topic. [13]
  • Student Online Tutoring System Studiosity
    • Students can upload an assignment to Studiosity to receive feedbacks and comments to improve their work before final submission, through the 7/24 online system. This is not limited to language but also a number of subject areas.
    • Students need to register on a first-come-first-serve basis (a quota of 1000 in the pilot run of Semester 1 of AY 2019/2020). Registered students will be included in the Studiosity course in Moodle in order to access Studiosity.
  • Interactive video editor H5P
    • You may use it to edit an online video to add interactive content, such as a quiz to YouTube video clips.

Learning Management System Canvas 

  • Two nominations from each Faculty/School will use Canvas to teach in AY2019/2020 Semester 1 as a pilot scheme. Other teaching staff may send us a request if they want to try, send an email with the subject “THEi canvas account”. We will create an account for you as a trial.

Multimedia and Interactive Learning Material Tool Articulate Storyline 360

  • Nominated pilot courses could send presentation ppt to LC. The presentation will be converted into multimedia and interactive courseware using Articulate Storyline 360. Individual staff can go to LC circulation counter to borrow Notebook computer No.11 to use the Articulate Storyline 360.

Graphic Design Support for Faculty/OUs Activities and Events

  • Learning Commons provides in-house graphic design support for Faculty/OUs activities and events, including poster, leaflet, digital signage, etc. Send us requests and we will let you know the details in handling a design job.
  • Design Tasks Guidelines

Technology-Enhanced Learning

Learning Commons promotes digitized transformation in 4 different ways, including developing a repository to learning resources, organizing workshops, set up a hotline/email inquiry, and building a shared-learning community

  • Learning Resources Inventory [15]
    • This page collects resources and links to systems and software support teaching and learning. You can also contribute by adding more on the page.
  • Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) Programmes [16]
    • Learning Commons collects views from faculty staff at the end of Semester 2 each year and devises staff development programmes thereafter. In AY2019/2020, we have 5 Programmes with more than 20 Modules. Workshops will be organized throughout the year.
  • Moodle Repository for Workshop Video Recording and Learning Resources
    • Staff Professional Development [17]
    • Learning Commons [18]
  • Learning Commons Hotline/Email Enquiry
    • Monday-Friday 9am-9pm
    • Saturday 9am-5pm
    • Tel: 3890-8026
    • Email:


Design Tasks Guidelines

Design Tasks Guidelines

Design Tasks Guidelines

Learning Commons provides graphic design support to Faculty/OUs to organize activities and events. Please pay attention to the below points for efficient and effective graphic productions:

  1. You may send your request by email at
  2. To avoid misunderstandings, please specify clearly the requirements. You may further contact us:
    1. by phone at 3890-8026;
    2. email at; or
    3. in-person at s104
  3. Please suggest the design possibilities and best expressions (materials, sizes, printing methods, etc.).
  4. We will only start work upon receipt of all the required information and material for production. Date counts thereafter. Before that, we will not start any production work.
  5. A graphic design job will take at least two weeks for production.
  6. If there are other jobs in the queue, it will take longer.
  7. It will take one week for the first draft. You may comment and give suggestions for a revision.
  8. Each design project generally includes 2 revisions for the final draft. Further revisions will extend the production time.
  9. The color of the final printout will be affected by materials, paper, paint, and printers so that the final print color and other effects may not match the colour of the final draft file. Do not take the uncalibrated monitor or drafted printout as the final product.


Digital Signage

Digital Signage

Digital Signage

At THEi Chai Wan campus, we have the Digital Signage Service, installed with TV at each floor of the lift lobby to display and to help promote activities and events.

You are most welcome to send us promotional materials.

Submission details:

  • Form: Complete the below form
  • Poster requirements:
    • Poster Size: A2 or A4, orientation in Portrait
    • Poster Format: jpg (Not submiss PDF file)
  • Video requirements:
    • Video File size: around 10MB
    • Maximum video length: 10’s
    • Video resolution: 1920x1080 (muted)
    • Video File Format: mp4
  • Email: (Subject: Digital Signage at CW campus)
  • Upload time: Posters received on or before any Thursdays (in office hours), will be uploaded on the following working day. If you need to upload at a different time, please give a remark in the form.

Digital Signage Form

OU Date of Submission PIC/ Contact person Name of Event / Activity Poster file name Event Date / Duration of the Activity (dd/mm/yy) Date of removing the poster (dd/mm/yy)



Articulate Storyline 360 Loan

Articulate Storyline 360 Loan

Articulate Storyline 360

  • Articulate Storyline: Open ONE account for 7-days loan for THEi teaching staff, with one renewal of another 7-days.
    • Ask the user to download [1] and use the 30 days free trial first.
  • The user needs to use an email and self-create a password to sign in and to download to install.
  • Ask the user to send email login to to request
  • LC will assign license rights for the account to use Articulate Storyline.


Research Support - Learning Commons

Research Support - Learning Commons



YouTube guide on NCapture 


Research Software Loan

Research Software Loan

Quantitative Data Analysis

  • SPSS, Smart-PLS 3.0

Qualitative Data Analysis

  • NVivo
  • Go to the LC Circulation Counter and borrow the Notebook PC 11 or 12 for these software.


Guidelines on Compliance

Guidelines on Compliance

Dear Colleagues

The following Guidelines and related documents are available at the VTC@Work for colleagues’ reference and/or necessary action.

  1. Guidelines for Compliance with Copyright Ordinance
  2. Guidelines on Promotion of Race Equality and Implementation Guidelines for Compliance with Race Discrimination Ordinance
  3. Guidelines for Users of Personal Data of Students

Relevant Guidelines and Reference Materials are all accessible under

  • the VTC@Work -->
  • Knowledge Collaboration Space -->
  • Academic Services
  • [1]

If there are any enquiries on the Guidelines, please contact the respective subject officers under HQ(AS):

Area / Subject Officer / Contact Tel. No.

  • Compliance with Copyright Ordinance: Mr Cadbury Chan at 2836-1764
  • Promotion of Race Equality and Compliance with Race Discrimination Ordinance: Ms Linus Tang at 2836-1757
  • Users of Personal Data of Students: Ms Winnie Cheung at 2836-1758


Headquarters (Academic Services)



One Button Studio

One Button Studio

The One Button Studio has been set up at Learning Commons, CW campus.

There will be a simple but grand Opening Ceremony at 12 noon, 10 December 2019.

10 December 2019 (Tuesday)

  • 12 noon – 12:15 p.m.: The President Professor Hong will officiate the Opening and take the first video recording
  • 2 – 3 p.m.: Everyone can come, try and ask how it works (Bring a USB drive to save your video, or you can borrow one from the Circulation Counter)
  • 3 p.m. and onwards: Open for reservation online at

One Button Studio The One Button Studio is a simplified video recording setup that can be used without any previous video production experience. The design of the studio allows you to create high-quality and polished video projects without having to know anything about lights and cameras. Proposed and Developed by Pennsylvania State University [1]. Youtube video: What is One Button Studio 





References Handbook:

  • MakerSpace Playbook by Maker Media (2013, English version) 
  • MakerSpace Playbook by Maker Media (2013, Chinese version) 

Makerspace - Available tools and materials

Safety Measures

  • Safety goggles
  • Cut resistant gloves
  • Cutting mat
  • Cutting board (砧板)
  • Non-slip mat

Hand tools and stationery

  • Plastic hammer / Hammer with plastic cap (膠鎚)
  • Pliers (pointed/wire) (尖咀鉗/剪鉗)
  • Screwdrivers (螺絲批) (several and in different size and different types (e.g., line and cross)
  • Covered rulers (安全間尺)
  • Hot glue gun (熱溶膠槍)
  • Tweezers (鑷子/小鉗)
  • C-clamps (固定夾)
  • Soft tape measure (軟尺)
  • Retractable ruler (拉尺)
  • Safety Scissors (安全剪刀)
  • Colored markers
  • Sand paper

Electrical tools

  • Cricut cutting machine
  • 4-in-1 desktop drilling machine (jigsaw, drill, polisher)
  • 3-D printers
  • Plotters
  • Electrical screwdriver
  • Lightbox

Cleaning accessories

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Fan / Circulating fan
  • Detergent/alcohol swap
  • A bucket

Furniture and displays

  • Working tables with hangers
  • High table and stools
  • Electronic whiteboard
  • Glass whiteboard
  • PVC photo backdrops and hangers/clips
  • Tailor-made wooden shelves (without cover) along the wall

Supplied materials (suggest providing for free)

  • Draft paper rolls
  • Aluminium wire segments
  • Screws and nuts (of different sizes and be placed in different boxes)
  • A4 paper
  • Hot glue sticks
  • Cable tie
  • Threads and beads


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence



Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR)


  • Adobe Aero app [1]
  • Google AR/VR Home [2]


Student Success

Student Success


EDUCause [1] - Student Success

  • What does it take for students to pass their courses, return to continue their studies each term, and graduate college with a degree, prepared for a career or further study, citizenship, and a lifetime of learning?


  • Student Success: 3 Big Questions [2]
  • 2019 Study of Faculty and Information Technology [3]
  • Institutions’ Use of Data and Analytics for Student Success [4]
  • Planning Advising Reform? Infographic [5]
  • Evaluating Your College's Readiness for Technology Adoption [6]
  • Proactive Advising for Student Success 
  • Student Success Analytics Practitioners Community Group [8]




How to connect to the VPN? (Student)

Installing VTC VPN connection allows you to use VTC campus network services at home or away from campus.

  • For Windows 7/8/8.1/10 [1]
  • For iOS Devices [2]
  • For Android Devices [3]
  • For Mac OS [4]

How to connect to the VPN? (Staff only)

  1. If you want to access outside campus, for example, at home, you need to install Cisco AnyConnect to connect VPN.
  2. Need to login moodle to download the guidelines.
  • For Windows 7/8/8.1/10 
  • For iOS Devices 
  • For Android Devices 
  • For Mac OS 


Notice to THEi Students

If you use VTC/THEi server services, such as:

You need to use the campus network.

If you want to access outside campus, for example, at home, you need to install Cisco AnyConnect to connect VPN. Please follow the guidelines below to download and connect to the VPN.

You need to install only once and click connect when you need.

Notice to THEi Staff

If you use VTC/THEi server services, such as:

You need to use the campus network.

If you want to access outside campus, for example, at home, you need to install Cisco AnyConnect to connect VPN. Please follow the guide (IT Info (VPN Service)) in THEi Moodle to download and connect to VPN. You need to install only once and click connect when you need.


MS Teams

MS Teams

Microsoft: Transform learning with MS Teams

YouTube video:

  • Create or Join a team [2]
  • Manage team members [3]
  • Navigate in Teams [4]
  • Channels [5]
  • Conversations [6]
  • Announcements [7]
  • Files [8]
  • Share [9]
  • Personalize Teams with Apps and Tabs [10]
  • Organize Your Team's Notes and Resources with OneNote [11]
  • Integrate Microsoft Forms within Your Team [12]
  • Create, Track, and Review Assignments in Class Teams [13]

MS Teams Plug-in and Add-on Apps:

  • MIRO (Interactive Whiteboard with lots of Templates)[14]. YouTube Guide [15]
    • Miro works seamlessly with Microsoft Teams to keep your team in sync from concept through launch. Turn conversations with your team into live brainstorming and ideation sessions with the ability to access live Miro boards directly within Microsoft Teams channels.

Question: Students as Guest without a Teams License

I have attended the learning on Teams last week and used it for my live class last Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, all students were not able to join at the beginning because I set it up for “People in my organization” to bypass the lobby (in meeting options) that I learned from the training. Then I used “Meet now” in Teams and sent the link to my students. I found that they’re all shown as “guest”! (see my screen capture attached) Does that mean the Teams did not recognize “” as my organization? Or how should I do next time? I’ll use it again this coming Sat. afternoon.

Another question, I got feedback from the student during my presentation that my shared screen (PPT) was dropped for an unknown reason. It happened 2-3 times. Is this normal? Why?


  • As student accounts do not have Teams license, they are joining the meeting using ‘guest’ role. They cannot bypass the waiting room.
  • Can use Teams Calendar to create a Meeting, see page 12 

Question: File Sharing

I put some files to share with my students of the small research team but they can’t see any of these files at their end. Why? Or what shall I do to make the files available to them? I don’t want to put on the Moodle because all other students can see/access.

Responses: Student account has no MS Teams license, so they cannot see the file there. Teams is used for video conferencing only. Teaching staff could use Moodle to share files.

Question: How to add students?

For I may very harsh for my students to study my course of law, I really want to create an online face to face tutorials for them. I try my best to add the students into my '連絡人'. But I can only add CHAN Chin Chau and CHEUNG Hoi Yee. As I add NG Fung Yi, for example, the system cannot generate her name with her student's email address. I hand tried many other students, I find that I can't add them under the catalogue of '來賓'. It may be unfair to students if I adopt Microsoft Team but add part of the students. I am planning to use Skype. But it may not count the attendance and upload materials on time.




How to create the Team in MS Team?


Open the MS Team Software, use CNA to login, then click left-hand menu for Teams, click "Add or Create Team" --> Create Team --> Select the Team type --> eg. Class, type the name and description of this Team --> click "Next" --> Type the student email / teacher email to add those in this Team.


How to Create a class team in Microsoft Teams


Class teams have unique permissions and features for teachers and students. As owners of the team, teachers assign and review work and create channels and files. Each class team is also linked to its own OneNote Class Notebook.

Within the team, students:

  • Collaborate in group work channels
  • Share files
  • Turn in assignments


  1. Select Teams in your left rail to view your teams.
  2. Select Join or create team > Create a new team.
  3. Join or create team
  4. Select Class as the team type.
  5. Choose a team type
  6. Enter a name and optional description for your class team, then select Next. For example: Ms. Gustyte, 3rd period, meets in room 301.
  7. Create new class team

Tip: During this step, you can also create a new team using an existing team as a template.

Once you've created your class team, follow the steps to add your students and/or co-teachers as team members.

Add a student to a class team

Class teams currently support up to 200 students. To add a student, follow these instructions:

Tip: If you plan on adding a large number of students at once, consider making an Office 365 group for your class team and adding the group during this step.

  1. Navigate to the class team you'd like to add a student to, then select More options More options button next to your class team.
  2. Select Add member.
  3. Teams, More details, then select Add member
  4. Select the Students tab.
  5. Type in the name of the student(s) and select Add.
  6. Search and add students to a Team in the Add members option
  7. If you'd like a student to have owner permissions select the arrow next to Member and select Owner.
  8. Add students to a team as members
  9. Select Close.

How to generate the link in one Team?


  • Select one Team
  • At the top right-hand corner, click "..."
  • Select "Get link to team".
  • You can get the link and send to your student/teacher, they can also join this Team and the team owner can approve this user to join.


Log out problem

I used MS Teams for the 1st time on Monday, and it worked very effectively with only minor issues which was due to me learning how to use the software properly.

However, today I had to cancel my lecture. I joined the MS Teams group in which my students started to join and we were communicating via chat / microphone. When I started to share my screen (Powerpoint) students could not see. Therefore, I restarted MS Teams and attempted to rejoin the group. After many attempts I was unable to rejoin getting the message “Sorry We Couldn’t Connect You”. I checked my Internet, restarted my computer and also tried the web browser version to no avail. I check online and this is a common issue with MS Teams.

I just wanted to make you aware of this problem. In which I ended up doing a voice over on my Powerpoint followed by a Q&A via Moodle / Email with students.


  • If staff have not outlook software install in them PC, that have the guideline give them to create the MS Team meeting?


  • Please refer to page 12:



  • If staff use web version of outlook that have the guideline give them to create the MS Team meeting?


  • It is not integrated to webmail.


  • When the staff need to install the outlook software at home, it that can connect to outlook server (like office PC)?


  • Sure, user can send and receive email through outlook desktop app. Please find O365 download link below.


  • It that the student when use MS Team, they also use the "guest" roles to join the meet?


  • Yes.

Question: Sharing video but not hear sound

  • Students report that they can’t hear the sound from video when I shared and played it in the MT lecture session.


  • Please check "include system audio" when sharing the video. See also [17]

Question: Longest time for the recording

  • When I finished the MT class, I stopped the video recording but the video file didn’t output and not available for me to download. My class duration is 3 hrs. Any limitation on it? I have just selected Start recording at the very beginning of the lecture, and then stop recording at the end. When I stopped the video recording, I should able to download the video file from the Chat room. However, I can’t see this download link after my 3 hrs lecture yesterday.


  • The maximum is 4 hours for a Live Event for a capacity of 10,000 users
  • Detailed explanation about Teams recording [18]

Questions: Student enrollment in Teams Meeting

  • I held a trial online video tutorial last night. Only 8 students (out of totally 43 students) joined my video conference.
  • It may be the case that some of the students have not joined my video conference may have technical problems.
  • I think that whether there will be lead to unfair to some of the students who cannot use the software if I carry out tutorials by way of video conference under MS Team.
  • In fact there is student complain in front of me that THEi has not deliver proper training to them in using MS Team.
  • I beg your advice before I formally resume tutorials by MS Team video conference.


  • If you send the public link to students by email, you may need to approve them on your side so that they can join.
  • If you create a new meeting: In Teams, click Calendar, and add student email one by one to include all students for the meeting. Students will receive an email of the scheduled meeting, they reply Yes to join the meeting. Then, they just click Join in the calendar or the email link to join. You do not need to approve. You can set the schedule as repeated every week. You do not need to do it every week, do only once.
  • Students have nothing to do. They just can click Join the Meeting. They have no license on Teams and have nothing to set.
  • However, it is the staff we need more training material. We are developing the answers while replying to enquiries.

Notice Announcement

Installation links for downloading MS Teams in different platforms:

  • Windows Version [19]
  • IOS Version [20]
  • Android Version [21]

For enquiries, please email to or contact 2836-1202.

  • From: Information Technology Services Division <>
  • Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 7:26 PM
  • To: All Staff <>
  • Subject: Working from home - Keep your teams connected and productive anywhere, anytime

Dear Colleagues,

In view of the current special work arrangement, ITSD would like to remind colleagues to use MS Teams for video conferencing and team communications.

2 ways to work from home effectively

  1. Instant communication and online meeting
    1. Chat/instant message: allows 1:1 or group chat through threaded and persistent chat, and convert chat to audio/video calls
    2. Meeting & Calling: schedule, start and join meetings or make calls with team members or external parties
    3. Meeting recording: Record your meetings in Teams to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity and share it securely across your organization
  2. Secured remote access to files
    1. One click login: access all your shared files, chat record and applications through Microsoft Teams web-browser or app on personal device securely.
    2. File sharing & co-editing documents: one central location where everyone in your group can co-edit on the same document, share files and track milestones.
    3. Seamless mobile experiences: Join on-to-go with 1-click, companion join and call me back. Collaborate via mobile using screen share, live camera feed share, PowerPoint presentation.

Guide on Microsoft Teams a ITSD User Guide on Microsoft Teams for Staff for online meeting and team work [22].

Other Useful Links from Microsoft a

  • Microsoft teams video are widely available online [23] and YouTube [24].
  • Microsoft Teams has the built-in security, compliance, and management capabilities you need, learn more about Teams security here .

For enquiries, please email to or contact 2836-1202.

Information Technology Services Division

Information Technology Services Division

Question: Recording rights in MS Teams

  • MS Team record function is only available with teachers?


  • Yes, the only teachers could control.

Question: Recorded files download rights in MS Teams

  • Who can download from the recorded files of MS Teams?


  • Teacher could only download the recording after the meeting ended.




Narration recording

  • Use phone dictation, speak to the mic, to give you the text.
  • Input the text to the software to choose any narrator as you wish.
  • It saves into an mp3 file.
  • Insert to any slide of the ppt.

Free Text-to-Speech Online Platform 

  • As all higher education are preparing online learning material with narration/voice-over, they use this to generate the sound (max. 3000 words each day), you can choose a male, a female, British accent, etc.





Moodle Forum


  • I did put down a couple of replies to individual students. When I used the back arrow on the top left corner on the age and moved back to the list of students, I couldn’t see the reply there. What has gone wrong?




  • After replying and posting my reply, what is the quickest way to go back to the forum page where I can see the list of students?


  • You can click “Web browser back button".


  • I’ve set up limited days or date for access to the forum for students. Do I need to release this restriction in order to let students see my replies?


  • Yes, need to release.



Screen Recorder

Screen Recorder

There are a number of screen recorder applications.

  • Screencast-O-matics [1]
    • Free for the first 15 minutes (stop not recording after 15 minutes)
    • It is good and smooth.
    • It gives the cursor and highlight the path it goes.
    • You can pause at anytime and continue when you are ready.
    • It is the screen capture so that you can start with any applications for the recording.


Full page screen capture

  • YouTube Tutorial [2]

Awesome Screenshot

  • Share screen with video and screenshot [3]

Free to use plan


  • 1 project folder to store screenshots
  • 30 screenshots per project
  • Basic annotation tools
  • Save screenshots to:

Video Recording

  • Access to the latest 20 cloud videos
  • 5 minutes per local recording
  • Resolution up to 720p


Anti-virus Protection

Anti-virus Protection

  • From: ITSD Helpdesk <>
  • Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 4:47 PM
  • To: All Staff <>
  • Subject: Kaspersky Endpoint Protect Home Use

Dear Colleagues,

To enhance endpoint security protection, we would like to introduce the new version of Kaspersky Endpoint protect with Win10 support for Home use.

Please reinstall the existing Kaspersky Endpoint protect for Home use (Windows) on/or before Feb 29 as following.

  • Installation Guide (Windows) [1]
  • Installation Package (Windows) [2]

For Kaspersky Endpoint protect for Home use (Mac OS), please find the following guide.

  • Installation Guide (Mac OS) [3]

The new version comes with the below listed components of Kaspersky Endpoint protect 11 for Windows.

  • Full Windows 10 Support
  • Up to 30 % performance improvement
  • Behavior Detection
  • Automatic Exploit Prevention
  • Remediation Engine
  • Host Intrusion Prevention
  • File Threat / Mail Threat / Web Threat / Network Threat Protection
  • Firewall

Please note the old Kaspersky version will expire on Feb 29th and will no longer supported. If you have any enquiry about this email, please contact

  • ITSD Helpdesk
  • Information Technology Services Division


Resources on Business Intelligence

Resources on Business Intelligence

FREE Webinar

Tableau conducts regular workshops/webinar:

  • Tableau Test Drive (20 Aug 2020 (Thur), at 2-4pm) [1]
  • Tableau Test Drive (16 Sep 2020 (Wed), at 2-4pm) [2]
  • Tableau Test Drive (8 Oct 2020 (Thur), at 2-4pm) [3]
  • Tableau Prep Workshop (15 Oct 2020 (Thur), at 2-4pm) [4]
  • Tableau Advanced Workshop (12 Aug 2020 (Wed), at 2-4pm) [5]


Copyright for Education

Copyright for Education

The Copyright Classroom 

  • The Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has produced a series of short videos, titled “The Copyright Classroom”, which is supported by HKU Teaching Development Grant and Knowledge Exchange Fund.
  • “The Copyright Classroom” series on YouTube include Lesson 1 to 10 – Learning, Teaching, Entertainment, Art, Performance, Merchandising, Social Media, Research & Presentation, News Reporting, and Design
  • Through these videos, colleagues would have a better understanding of the copyright ordinance for education and uphold of copyright rules.


LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

Activation: THEi students and staff will receive an activation email from LinkedIn Learning. You need to activate the LinkedIn Learning account in order to start using it.

LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that combines’s unmatched library of more than 13,000 courses taught by real-world experts, with LinkedIn data and insights drawn from 562 million member profiles and billions of interactions. These insights give you a unique and real-time view of how jobs, industries, organizations, and skills are evolving while helping you identify the skills that your organization needs to succeed. They also fuel course recommendations that connect learners to the most relevant, applicable learning that is easy to engage with on any device.

Get personalized recommendations.

  • Explore courses based on your experience, LinkedIn profile and goals.

Watch on your schedule.

  • Access LinkedIn Learning courses from any device—anytime and anywhere. Get the app today.

Learn from industry experts.

  • Stream LinkedIn Learning courses taught by passionate instructors with real-world experience.

Experience learning tailored to you.

  • LinkedIn Learning provides personalized course recommendations based on your job title, skills, experience and goals.

Learn at your own pace.

  • Choose from more than 5,000 on-demand courses from LinkedIn Learning, and watch on your own schedule.

Watch courses on business, creative and technology skills.

  • LinkedIn Learning offers more than 5,000 on-demand courses to help you build professional skills across a vast range of job functions.

Discover bite-size learning.

  • All LinkedIn Learning courses are broken into short videos, so you can focus on a key topic of interest. Microlearning, or watching small snippets of longer courses, helps you gain knowledge across numerous subjects. Dedicate 10 minutes each day to learning something new.

It's a great time to start learning.

  • Your colleagues at <Your Organization> already take advantage of LinkedIn Learning. Activate your profile and learn something new today.

Explore hot topics at <Your Organization>.

  • Our most popular LinkedIn Learning courses this month were <Course A>, <Course B> and <Course C>. Take one of them today.

Find the right path for you.

  • LinkedIn Learning offers dozens of Learning Paths, or series of courses in which industry experts teach valuable career knowledge and skills. Two popular Learning Paths are Become a Digital Marketer and Become a Front-End Web Developer.

Quizzes didn't end in college.

  • Confirm your understanding using LinkedIn Learning assessments, practice environments and coding practice windows.

Learn anytime, from anywhere.

  • Download courses to your mobile device to view instruction on the go while you're offline. Start a course on a desktop device and finish it on your smartphone. Bookmark courses on your phone and watch them on your computer. Get the LinkedIn Learning app today.

Make learning social.

  • Do you have colleagues with similar learning interests? Pair up! Choose a LinkedIn Learning course, watch it and discuss.

Learn something new.

  • On average, LinkedIn Learning publishes 25 courses each week. Wondering what's new and interesting? Filter for the most recent using the main search bar

LinkedIn Learnng is also provided by many prestige universities worldwide: UC Berkeley , Harvard [2], MIT [3], Stanford [4], Oxford [5], Cambridge [6]



  • FOSS: 100 Free Learning & Teaching Tools

Guidebook of Digital Workplace in VTC | Digital Workplace | VTC ITSD Services

Digital Workplace

Using digital technologies to achieve paperless and effective/efficient workflow objectives


Office 365 

  • OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams, Forms



Adobe Acrobat e-Form

Office 365 Online Form

VTC@Work  Intranet

  • Telephone Directory
  • Contacts
  • VTC Calendar
  • VTC Information


  • Job opportunities
  • ESS Employee Self Services
  • Password Management
  • Knowledge Collaboration Space: Internationalisation; Workplace Learning and Assessment; Accreditation; Academic Services; VTC Quality Initiatives; VTC QA System; Technology Enhanced Learning - Gamification; Technology Enhanced Learning - AR/VR; Popular Links; New Teacher & Training Events; Year-end Closing Exercise; VTC Provident Fund Scheme; Student Financial Information System; Timetabling, OMS and Related Activities
    • SharePoint - My Document Folder; VTC Public Folder; Wiki (For Internal network)
  • IT Hekpdesk & Services


VTC ITSD Services

  • From: Information Technology Services Division <>
  • Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 6:12 PM
  • To: All Staff <>
  • Subject: ITSD: ITSD Guidelines / Policy / Software Dealership Agreements

Dear Colleagues,

  • The following Guidelines/Policies/Software Dealership Agreements are re-circulated every 6 months for your general information and follow up. These Guidelines/Policies and Software Dealership Agreements are also accessible from the ITSD Intranet.

Software Inventory

  • No. 1/2009 - Software Asset Management 
  • Steps to Software Asset Management 

IT Security / Privacy Policy

  • Information Security Policy 
  • Password Policy 
  • Anti-Virus Policy 
  • VPN Policy 
  • Network Security Controls Policy 
  • Undertaking and Acceptable Use Policy of VTC IT Resources 
  • Privacy Policy Statement 


  • Procedures and Consequences in case of Violation of the Information Security Policy 
  • Information Security Guidelines & Best Practices 

Software Dealership Agreements

No hard copies of the Guidelines/Policy/Software Dealership Agreements will be issued.

Information Technology Services Division

