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Investment Fraud 投資騙案


Investment Fraud 投資騙案

【Cyber Romance Scam Busted】

Three Steps in Investment Fraud

Try to Strike up a Conversation 搭訕
  • Approach you by sending uninvited messages or trying to strike up a conversation on social media 透過社交媒體 “瞎撞” 或 “攀談” 做朋友
  • Claim to have insider tips 自稱有內幕貼士
  • Claim themselves as investment experts and display photos showing that they are leading carefree lives to dull the vigilance of victims 繼而自稱是投資達人,並向受害人展示自己生活無憂的相片,以降低受害人的戒心

  • Scammers pretend to be “all-perfect men or women”, trying to strike up conversations with victims through social media or dating apps 騙徒假扮 “高富帥” 或 “白富美” 透過社交媒體或交友程式向受害人搭訕
  • Scammers sweet-talk victims into believing that they are online lovers and claim that they have insider tips 騙徒開始對受害人甜言蜜語,令受害人以為自己是網上情人後,並謊稱可提供內幕投資貼士
  • Victims download some fraudulent investment apps and deposit investment funds into personal bank accounts or e-wallets provided by scammers 受害人於是下載程式,之後依從騙徒指示將投資金額存入騙徒提供的個人銀行戶口或電子錢包
  • Scammers introduce fraudulent investment apps or platforms to victims 騙徒繼而向受害人推介一些虛假的投資應用程式或是投資平台

Suffer a Big Loss for a Little Gain 贏粒糖輸間廠

  • Victims make investment on investment apps following scammers’ tips 受害人依照騙徒的投資貼士在投資應用程式內投資
  • At first, victims will earn some profits, so they drop their guard 最初,騙徒會令受害人嘗到甜頭(獲利),使其放下戒心
  • Victims invest more but eventually fail to retrieve their investment funds and profits 受害人加大投資金額,但最後發覺根本不能取回投資金額和利潤
Summary of Defrauding Tricks of Online Romance Scam cum Investment Fraud

Professionals 專業人士
⏺️Claim to be professionals, such as engineers or senior-level employees working in multinational corporations, who come from Europe, North America or work in South East Asia 騙徒多在網上自稱來自歐美或在東南亞工作的專業人士,如工程師和跨國企業高層等。

⏺️Chat with you in English and ask you for money with various excuses 以英語與你溝通,並以各種借口向你要錢。
Various Excuses 諸多借口
⏺️Claim that they need to pay huge medical expenses or need cash urgently, or 訛稱需支付巨額醫療費用或急需現金周轉,或

⏺️Claim that they have sent you valuable gifts from overseas which are seized by customs and ask you to pay clearance fees or handling fees 訛稱有貴重禮物從海外寄給你,但被海關扣查,需要支付清關費或手續費。
Absolute Refusal to Meet 100%拒絕見面
⏺️Scammers will not meet you (whether in person or through video calls) 騙徒絕不會與你見面(不管是親身或是視頻通話)

⏺️Scammers will delete social media and email accounts, and cancel phone numbers to cut off contact after receiving the money 在騙取金錢後,騙徒會取消社交媒體賬戶、電話號碼、電郵地址,與你斷絕聯絡。
The Mobile Apps Scammers Ask You to Download

  1. Fraudulent apps cannot be found on official app stores 假的應用程式均無法從指定應用程式商店找到
  2. Scammers will instruct you to download designated apps through the hyperlinks they provide 騙徒會指示你以他提供的鏈接來下載指定應用程式
Interfaces of the categories of mobile apps scammers ask victims to download – Much the same
騙徒提供的幾類手機應用程式的介面 — 換湯不換藥

Features of the mobile apps sanctioned by scammers – False information
騙徒指定的手機應用程式特點 — 虛假資訊

Conversation between fake customer service and victims

Instruct victims to remit money

Reject victims’ request for retrieving investment funds
Anti-scam Tips of Investment Fraud

→ Don’t download investment apps on unofficial app stores 切勿在非指定應用程式商店下載投資應用程式
→ Check for spelling mistakes, invalid hyperlinks or poor grammar which are typical for fraudulent investment websites. 注意檢視網站頁面,虛假投資網站一般有錯別字、無效鏈接、語法不通等問題。
→ Don’t transfer investment funds to personal bank accounts or e-wallets 切勿向個人的銀行賬戶或電子錢包支付投資資金
Anti-Scam Tips

1. Check if the photos they send are online photos with search engines 利用搜索引擎搜尋對方發送的照片,查看是否為網圖
2. Check if there are abnormalities in the Moments of their social media accounts 查看對方賬戶的朋友圈是否有異常
3. Beware of unrealistic high-return investment projects 提防不切實際高回報投資計劃

Please continue answering the questions in the "Ant-scam Learning Kit"
