1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Industry and Professional Perspectives Talk
[LT1] Industry and Professional Perspectives: Value Chain Disruption and Other Game Changers (Industry/HR professional panel)
- The disruptive challenges of the C21st and development of new workforce skills within the context of Industry 4.0 has never been greater. In this panel session, professionals from the creative industries, public utilities, technology and innovation, and human resources share the challenges and opportunities for workforce futures and recruitment now and into the future.

Moderators: Dr Lawrence Chan & Hugo Alexis Since, THEi, HK

- Matt Hawthorn, Head of Design, College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby, UK

- Denise Kee, General Manager - Learning & Organization Development, MTR Corporation, HK

- Brian Rhoads, Managing Editor, South China Morning Post, HK

- Tony Tai, former General Manager of IBM China/Hong Kong, HK
