Based on the tag of the citations, LRCs will decide how many copies should be available in the collection,
Textbook - 1 copy in general collection and 1 copy in 2 hours reserved collection
Reference - 1 copy in general collection
Reserve 2 hours - 1 copy in 2 hours reserved collection
For requesting more copies, please contact your processing LRC's Staff.
1. We will check every citation against current holdings and automatically purchase new/additional copies if necessary
2. We will also check the links and make sure the web address or electronic resources are accessible
3. Book purchase and digitalization request and will be passed to relevant LRC colleagues
4. When digitization is ready, we will add the link to the dedicated citations
5. When new books/ebooks are available, citation lists will be updated
6. For any questions and updates, you can add your comments in citations/reading lists