APA PsycInfo is the world's largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Produced by the American Psychological Association, it is an indispensable tool for the discovery of global scholarly research.
Full text ebook collection includes a broad range of titles, in areas such as arts & architecture, business & economics, computer science, education, engineering & technology, fiction, history, literature & criticism, political science, religion and social sciences..
Education Source Ultimate is the world's largest and most comprehensive full-text research database designed for education students, researchers, professionals and policymakers. Coverage of education studies spans all levels of education and includes educational specialties ranging from educational assessment and education ethics to educational technology, literacy, research methodology and more.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds.
Provides access to more than 2,400 active full-text, peer-reviewed journals, offering unmatched, evidence-based, and peer-reviewed content from a broader selection of leading biomedical journals.
A turnkey information resource for social workers and mental health professionals. It covers a wide array of topics such as adolescent health, aging, end-of-life care, clinical social work and diversity. Content is organized in a way that makes it easy for users to get answers to questions quickly and easily.
SocINDEX with Full Text is a comprehensive sociology research database, covering scholarly literature from all subdisciplines of sociology, including social work, abortion, criminology, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, sociology of education, welfare, and many others.
Supports research on the theory and practice of education, covering not only the literature on primary, secondary, and higher education but also special education, home schooling, adult education, and hundreds of related topics.
Provides in-depth coverage from over 1,500 publications for medical research..Covers all major clinical and healthcare disciplines, including medical sciences, immunology, pharmacy and pharmacology, nursing, physical fitness and hygiene, surgery, and others.
Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.
Covers literature of sociology and social work, including titles from related fields such as social policy, social care, social services, social anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, social psychology and population studies.
Flipster is an easy-to-use digital magazine newsstand and offers a wide range of English e-magazines covering various topics such as art and design, hobbies, interests and DIY, science and technology.
Offsite access by using Android and iOS Apps, you may login by your EBSCO account or connect through VTC VPN service. Details please see HERE.
PressReader contains over 4000 eMagazines and 3000 eNewspaper around the world.
Offsite access by using Android and iOS Apps, please connect through VTC VPN service. Details please see HERE. Otherwise regular VTC email confirmation is required when login.
TeenBookCloud is an online database of eBooks and read-along chapter books, Graphic Novels, Enhanced Novels, Classic literature and National Geographic videos.
Contains acollection of animated and talking picture books, TumblePuzzles, TumbleQuizzes and TumbleResources for Teachers. TumbleBooks are created from existing picture books which have been licensed from children's book publishers and converted to the TumbleBook format.