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Childcare, Elderly and Community Services: Electronic Resources

Electronic Books

Title: 團體諮商與治療 : 一個嶄新的人際 : 心理動力模式 = Group counseling and therapy : a new interpersonal and psychodynamic model
Author: 吳秀碧
ISBN: 9789865223977

Publication year: 2021

Title: The skilled helper : a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping
Author: Egan, Gerard, and Reese, Robert J.
ISBN: 9781337672115

Publication year: 2019

Title: Writing analytical assessments in social work
Author: Dyke, Chris.
ISBN: 9781912508358

Publication year: 2019

Title: The design thinking playbook mindful digital transformation of teams, products, services, businesses and ecosystems
Author: Lewrick, Michael., Link, Patrick, Leifer, Larry J.; Langensand, Nadia.
ISBN: 9781119467489

Publication year: 2018

Title: Social work : a problem-oriented introduction
Author:  Böhnisch, Lothar, and Schroer, Wolfgang.
ISBN: 9783110440126

Publication year: 2016

Title: Nature education with young children : integrating inquiry and practice
Editor:  Meier, Daniel R. and Sisk-Hilton, Stephanie.
ISBN: 9780429650079

Publication year: 2020

Title: 幼兒STEM教育:課程與教學指引
Author:  周淑惠
ISBN: 9789861919058

Publication year: 2020

Title: The profession and practice of horticultural therapy
Author:  Haller, Rebecca L., Kennedy, Karen L. and Capra, Christine L.
ISBN: 9781315143101

Publication year: 2019

Electronic Databases