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E-Resources: HyRead

E- Resources in LRC

Introduction of HyRead

It mainly offers ebooks and emagazine published in Taiwan, Mainland and Hong Kong including literature and fiction, books on business and economics, household knowledge, social science, technology and medicines, language learning, education, biography, etc. 

For online browsing, please refer to :

 Hyread3 App



Circulation Policy

Circulation Policy

Browse in Webpage

You have to login before borrow Hyread ebook/emagazine.

After login, you can access your "Bookshelf"/"書房".

"Bookshelf"/"書房" includes the following functions,

1. My bookshelf/我的書櫃: List of HyRead ebook/emagazine checkouts
2. Borrowing history/借閱歷史: Your borrowing history and you may borrow again these items again
3. Reservations/預約紀錄: Record of your reservations. The system will send a notification email to you when the ebook/emagazine is ready to read and you can read the ebook/emagazine in your bookshelf.
4. emagazine new arrivals notifications/新刊通知: Your emagazine subscriptions are listed here. You will be notified when new issues become available. Your notification email may be changed above.
5. My favourites: 收藏清單: Save titles to your favorites list that you might be interested in borrowing later

When browsing the ebook/emagazine, you can,

1. QRcode for App/行動借閱QRcode: Use mobiles to scan the QRcode for borrowing and reading
2. Favorites/加入收藏: Save titles to your favorites list that you might be interested in borrowing later
3. Subscribed the latest issue notification/新刊上期通知: You will be notified when new issues become available. Your notification email may be changed above.
4. Back issues/更多卷期: Browse/Read the back issues of emagazine
5. Borrow/借閱: Borrow this item, if have available copy
6. Online reading/線上閱讀: Read this item online, even when no copy available

When reading, it may include sound and video clips for listening and viewing. Some hyperlinks for external resources are also available.

Browse in Mobile App

After installation of HyRead3 App, you can add and login the "Vocational Training Council"/"職業訓練局" library.

Type and select "職業訓練局" or "VTC"

In main page, select to login your account.

Agree and login. You will be redirected to CNA login page.

After login successfully, you can browse online or borrow under your account (Read offline)

When reading the full text, you can
1. Browser the book index
2. Change the reading direction
3. Play the video clips
4. Play the audio clips
5. Crop the image of current page
6. Search texts
7. Write down the notes
8. Bookmark

In the bookshelf, you can see how many days left for your borrowed items

Click the "..." and you can return/delete/start reading the full text


1.  How many devices can be used simultaneously to read the eBooks that I checked out?
A: You can use up to three devices simultaneously to access the eBooks you have downloaded.

2. Can I print the eBooks that I checked out? How do I do so?
A: Some eBooks are available to print, but not all due to individual publisher-specified limits.

(i) For eBook titles that allow for printing, the field named “Print Rights” shows “Printable”, if the eBook that not allow for printing, the “Print Rights” field shows “Unprintable”.
(ii)  The printer icon would be displayed in the top bar. Tap the printer icon to generate a printing view when devices are in reading mode. Please see the following pictures for printing instructions.


For more questions, please contact us at or visit HyRead FAQ Page. 

You may also read the brief introduction as below.

Borrow HyRead items

Using Hyread with Apps