Author: Westwood, Peter S.
ISBN: 9780367625757
Author: Toseland, Ronald W.; Rivas, Robert F.
ISBN: 9781292352091
Author: Walker, Janet, 1957-; Horner, Nigel.
ISBN: 9781526468796
Author: McLachlan, Claire.; Fleer, Marilyn.; Edwards, Susan, 1975-
ISBN: 9781316642849
Author: Doherty, Jonathan, 1961-; Hughes, Malcolm.
ISBN: 9781292001012
Title: 老能有所依: 退休人生精彩不落幕
Call number: HQ 1064 .T7 L36 2018
Title: 伴生 = Snuggle
Call number: HV 1484 .H62 B36 2018
Title: 銀享樂齡新世力 = Keep shining
Call number: HQ 1061 .Y569 2016
Title: 教養新翻轉 兒童身心成長篇
Call number: HQ 769 .J535 2016
Title: Elder care: oral hygiene
Call number: RK 61 .E43 2014
Title: Child development careers
Call number: RJ 131 .C45 2013
Title: Preventing elder abuse helping keep residents safe
Call number: HV 6626.3 .P74 2012
Title: 解讀孩子的敏感期
Call number: HQ 772 .J54 2008
Title: Autism spectrum disorders in young children a visual training guide. Volume 1, An overview
Call number: RJ 506 .A9 A983 2008
Title: 嬰幼兒托育評量表 訓練影片
Call number: HQ 778.63 .V53 2009
Title: 受虐兒童的遊戲治療
Call number: RJ 505 .P6 E87 2013
Title: 發現希望. 32, 獨居不是問題 獨居老人也可健康安居
Call number: HQ 1064 .T28 F392 2005
Title: 如何指導注意力不集中過度活躍的孩子
Call number: LC 4713.2 .R84 2005
Title: 蒙特梭利敎學
Call number: LB 1029 .M75 M65 2001
Title: 你我老之路 初老台灣長照應戰
Call number: HQ 1064 .T28 N59 2017
Title: 天下雜誌 = Common Wealth
Call number: HC 430.5 .A1 T5
Title: 中國社會保障 = China Social Security
Call number: HD 7230 .Z45
Title: 社會政策與社會工作學刊 = Social Policy & Social Work
Call number: HN 1 .S54
Title: Health and Social Care in the community
Call number: HV 1 .H43
Title: 中國社會工作 = China Social Work
Call number: HV 416 .Z54
Title: Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions
Call number: HV 5800 .J68
Title: 敎育導刊 (上半月) = Journal of Educational Development
Call number: LB 1028 .H46
Title: 敎育硏究月刊 = Journal of Education Research
Call number: LB 1028.25 .C43
Title: ほいくあっぷ : More fun & pride
Call number: LB 1139.2 .H65
Title: 學前敎育 (幼教版) +(家教版)
Call number: LB 1140 .A1 X95
Title: 幼兒敎育 (教育教學) = Early Childhood Education
Call number: LB 1140 .A1 Y68
Title: 人本敎育札記 = Humanistic Education Journal
Call number: LC 1016 .R45