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E-Resources: PressReader

E- Resources in LRC

Introduction of PressReader

PressReader delivers the world’s newspapers and magazines to millions of readers the way they want to receive them - in print, online, or on their mobile device, tablet or eReader - wherever they live, travel, work or play. PressReader offers access to more than 6,000 newspapers and magazines from more than 100 countries in 60+ languages. With PressReader, you can hold an enhanced digital replica of your favorite publication in your hands and read it from cover to cover, just the way the title was printed, with no compromises in quality, fidelity or content.

PressReader Key Features

  • All-you-can-read digital kiosk of newspapers and magazines
  • Easily discover content searching by publication name, interest, country, or language preference
  • Read fully-formatted publications and stories just as they appear in print
  • Read full stories in an attention-grabbing, horizontal news stream in text view mode
  • Download full-issues for offline reading
  • Find stories on your topic with advanced search across multiple publications
  • Instantly translate stories in up to 17 languages
  • Listen to stories with on-demand narration
  • Print full-content pages or articles

For online browsing, please refer to :

PressReader App


How to login PressReader?

Press "登錄" or "Login" at the top right hand corner of PressrReader homepage.


Click "圖書館或小組" or "Library or Group"

Type in "vocational training council" and click VTC.

Sign up with your VTC email. You will receive a verification email after clicking "create my account".

Interface functions

1. The green cup icon is an indicator that the you are authenticated to the library’s PressReader account.  If the cup is not green, you will be accessing PressReader in preview mode only.

2. Three lines in upper left corner will open a menu to navigate throughout the PressReader interface.

3. The PressReader icon in the top middle of the screen will reveal a drop down menu of choices for interacting with the Home Feed such as customizing the top stories, adding different sections—such as business or sports, showing your Topics, and more.

4. The grid of dots offers a set of choices for interacting with the article such as switching to Page View, Listening, Translating, and Printing.  Other options are available when you are logged into a personal account (Save to Collection, Comment, and Share).

5. The Sign In option allows you to immediately sign into the personal account option.

6. The search box provides many options for searching content within PressReader:  by tag, opinion, channel, and general keyword. 

7. The three vertical dots in the upper right corner provide options for translating, listening, or changing the font of the Home Feed.  It is also where the Interface Language can be changed for PressReader. 

8. The green arrow at the bottom corner of article previews will expand the article to reveal the entire text. 


You can get the latest issues of their favorite titles, downloaded automatically, as they are released on newsstands. You can choose up to five favorite titles; as soon as the latest issue of one of their chosen publications becomes available on PressReader, you will get a notification that it is available to read.

My Topics

You an follow their favorite news topics with ease using the My Topics feature. My Topics allows you to customize and organize interesting topics, then displays each one in a unique feed. Each topic compiles related top stories so that you can stay up to date with the latest news on your favorite topics. You will even be able to set up email alerts and receive notifications when new articles are published on a topic of interest. 

With PressReader’s built-in Text-to-Speech feature, you can listen to any article from any publication of their choice, with just a click. Now you can let PressReader do the reading for you!

Here’s how to enable Text-to-Speech, both in text view and full page view: 
1) On desktop, click the left mouse key and hold anywhere on the article in full page, to start listening to that article.

2) Enable Text-to-Speech in text view; using the menu (the three dots at the end of the article) select “Listen”.

If you are using the mobile app, simply tap on the “headphones” icon in page view to start listening, or open the article in text view and tap on the three dots to bring up the menu. From there, tap on “Listen”. Swipe right or left to move to the next or previous article.  
Readers on iOS can also use their device’s native text-to-speech engine for audio features instead of streaming them online with PressReader by opening Settings, clicking or tapping on “Reading” and enabling “Native iOS text-to-speech”. 

Advanced search

You can make use of extended search strings and new Boolean operators, empowering them to delve deeper into their fields of study and research the now better and faster on PressReader.

Step 1: Head to the search bar and click on “Advanced Search”

Step 2: In the Advanced Search dialog box, click on “Show Options” to access Boolean search options.

Step 3:  Use the expanded Boolean search options to conduct your search accordingly. "AND" lets you search for both keywords, "OR" lets you search for either keyword, and "NOT" lets you omit a keyword from the search results. 

Step 4: Results can be filtered further by adding more Boolean operators in the Advanced Search dialog box.


1. Can I use PressReader after I leave the library?

A: PressReader offers offsite access to the platform, courtesy of the library or institution. That means, you can use PressReader after leaving the premise for a predetermined period of time. Currently users are allowed to have 30 days access rights after the first login under VTC network connections. You may renew the access rights by email verifications or access through VTC VPN,

2. Why some titles or issues are missing?

A: The publisher does not publish on a specific day of the week. It is also possible the title is restricted for the region. 

3. How many back issues would be available for reading?

A: It depends on publisher's availabilities. Generally the titles have 90 days of back issues, however restrictions may be set by specific publishers and shorted than expected. To avoid missing any issues, you can choose up to five of your favorite titles to be automatically downloaded to your mobile device (App only). As soon as it becomes available on PressReader, you'll get your copy. Here's how to turn them on:

- Under the magazine title, click "Add to My Publications"
- Turn on "Auto Delivery"

Once you download a publication, it appears in your downloaded tab on the app. You can change how publications are displayed by tapping the options icon in the top right corner. You can choose to display publications in a list, or grid on your smartphone. On a larger screen you can choose a list, small grid, grid or newsstand view.

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