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McGraw Hill E-Textbooks on VitalSource
Biology by Mader, Sylvia S. ; Windelspecht, Michael.
Biology is a traditional, comprehensive introductory biology textbook, with coverage from cell structure and function to the conservation of biodiversity. The book, which centers on the evolution and diversity of organisms, is appropriate for any one-or two-semester biology course. Biology uses concise, precise writing to present the material as succinctly as possible, enabling students--even non-majors--to master the foundational concepts before coming to class.
ISBN: 9781264993178
Publication Date: 2021
Ecology: concepts and applications by Molles, Manuel C. ; Sher, Anna.
Ecology: Concepts and Applications, 8th edition by Molles and Sher places great emphasis on helping students grasp the main concepts of ecology while keeping the presentation more applied than theoretical. An evolutionary perspective forms the foundation of the entire discussion. The book begins with the natural history of the planet, considers portions of the whole in the middle chapters, and ends with another perspective of the entire planet in the concluding chapter. Its unique organization of focusing only on several key concepts in each chapter sets it apart from other ecology texts. Users who purchase Connect receive access to the full online ebook version of the textbook.
ISBN: 9781265007638
Publication Date: 2021
Elementary statistics : a step by step approach by Bluman, Allan G.
Elementary Statistics: A Step By Step Approach Was Written As An Aid In The Beginning Statistics Course To Students Whose Mathematical Background Is Limited To Basic Algebra. The Book Follows A Nontheoretical Approach Without Formal Proofs, Explaining Concepts Intuitively And Supporting Them With Abundant Examples. The Applications Span A Broad Range Of Topics Certain To Appeal To The Interests Of Students Of Diverse Backgrounds, And They Include Problems In Business, Sports, Health, Architecture, Education, Entertainment, Political Science, Psychology, History, Criminal Justice, The Environment, Transportation, Physical Sciences, Demographics, Eating Habits, And Travel And Leisure.
ISBN: 9781265622978
Publication Date: 2022
General, organic, and biochemistry by Denniston, Katherine ; Topping, Joseph ; Dorr, Danae Quirk
The tenth edition of General, Organic, and Biochemistry is designed to help undergraduate health-related majors, and students of all other majors, understand key concepts and appreciate the significant connections between chemistry, health, disease, and the treatment of disease. This text continues to strike a balance between theoretical and practical chemistry, while emphasizing material that is unique to health-related studies. The text has been written at a level intended for students whose professional goals do not include a mastery of chemistry, but for whom an understanding of the principles and practice of chemistry is a necessity. Designed for the one- or two-semester course, this text has an easy-to-follow problem-solving pedagogy, vivid illustrations, and engaging applications.
ISBN: 9781265688394
Publication Date: 2022
Human genetics : concepts and applications by Lewis, Ricki
Today, human genetics is for everyone. It is about variation more than about illnesses, and increasingly about the common rather than about the rare. Once an obscure science or an occasional explanation for an odd collection of symptoms, human genetics is now part of everyday conversation. By coming to know genetic backgrounds, people can control their environments in more healthy ways. Genetic knowledge is, therefore, both informative and empowering.
ISBN: 9781266450006
Publication Date: 2023
Human Physiology by Fox, Stuart Ira ; Rompolski, Krista.
Fox’s Human Physiology, was created for the one-semester Human Physiology course, often taken by allied health and biology students. Clear explanations and a solid learning framework based on integrating clinically germane information with knowledge of the body’s physiological processes have made Human Physiology a market-leading text. The new 16th edition continues the author’s tradition of readability and currency of information with the most updated, concise, and student-oriented presentation. This revision brings a new perspective from co-author, Krista Rompolski, an active physiology educator.
ISBN: 9781264991051
Publication Date: 2021
Microbiology: a Systems Approach by Cowan, M. Kelly ; Smith, Heidi
Cowan’s, Microbiology: A Systems Approach is the perfect book for all students. Whether your students have prerequisite knowledge of biology or chemistry, this textbook will help them learn the fascinating world of microbiology. Students interested in allied health or nursing, will love this book for its balanced coverage of the basics and clinical applications. The sixth edition art program will help students understand the key concepts of microbiology. Connect Microbiology features interactive questions, animations, laboratory simulations and state-of-the art technology tailored to the ASM curriculum guidelines
ISBN: 9781266333385
Publication Date: 2023
Microbiology fundamentals : a clinical approach by Cowan, M. Kelly ; Smith, Heidi
Cowan's Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approachis a perfect fit for your microbiology course. The author team includes a practicing Registered Nurse who shows students how the content on each page relates to their lives and future career. McGraw Hill Connect® is aligned with the text and provides a highly reliable, easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that embeds learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student results.
ISBN: 9781264360895
Publication Date: 2021
Nutritional assessment by Nieman, David C.
This text describes the four major methods of nutritional assessment (dietary, anthropometric, biometric, and clinical) in an understandable and contemporary way. It thoroughly covers assessment of the hospitalized individual, but also serves as an invaluable resource to the nutrition professional working in such areas as public health and community nutrition, corporate health, and sports medicine.
ISBN: 9781260288803
Publication Date: 2018
Seeley's Anatomy & Physiology by Cinnamon VanPutte; Jennifer Regan; Andrew Russo; Rod Seeley
With a newly enhanced, realistic art program, this updated edition of Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology comes to life. Written for the two-semester anatomy and physiology course, this text is comprehensive enough to provide the depth necessary for those courses not requiring prerequisites and is presented with such clarity that it nicely balances the thorough coverage. Clear descriptions and exceptional illustrations combine to help students develop a firm understanding of anatomy and physiology and understand how to apply those concepts. Known for having a strong emphasis on critical thinking, Seeley’s unique pedagogy integrates clinical case studies throughout each chapter with a visual program that presents material in understandable, relevant images, with application questions that follow.
ISBN: 9781265702571
Publication Date: 2022
Stern's Introductory Plant Biology by Bidlack, James ; Jansky, Shelley ; Stern, Kingsley
This introductory text assumes little prior scientific knowledge on the part of the student. It includes sufficient information for some shorter introductory botany courses open to both majors and nonmajors, and is arranged so that certain sections can be omitted without disrupting the overall continuity of the course. Stern emphasizes current interests while presenting basic botanical principles. This latest edition incorporates measurable learning outcomes and updated readings. Students will be introduced to the new classification of plants and plant-related species, integration of biotechnology into several chapters and inclusion of new text boxes addressing the areas of ecology, evolution and molecular biology. New photos have replaced older pictures or have been added also.
ISBN: 9781260590227
Publication Date: 2020
Wardlaw's perspectives in nutrition by Byrd-Bredbenner, Carol ; Berning, Jacqueline R. ; Kelley, Danita Saxon ; Abbot, Jaclyn Maurer
Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition has the richly deserved reputation of providing an accurate, current, in-depth, and thoughtful introduction to the dynamic field of nutrition. The authors have endeavored to build upon this tradition of excellence by enriching this edition for both students and instructors. Their passion for nutrition, genuine desire to promote student learning, and their commitment to scientific accuracy, coupled with constructive comments from instructors and students, guided them in this revision.
ISBN: 9781264364268
Publication Date: 2021
William's nutrition for health, fitness & sport by Rawson, Eric S. ; Branch, J. David ; Stephenson, Tammy J.
Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport uses a question-answer approach, which is convenient when you may have occasional short periods to study, such as riding a bus or during a lunch break. In addition, the questions are arranged in a logical sequence, the answer to one question often leading into the question that follows. Where appropriate, cross-referencing within the text is used to expand the discussion. No deep scientific background is needed for the chemical aspects of nutrition and energy expenditure,as these have been simplified. Instructors who use this book as a course text may add details of biochemistry as they feel necessary.
ISBN: 9781266492150
Publication Date: 2020