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IVE(ST) Learning Resources Centre

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本校的教學及行政人員可於中心流通處借用「一本」白金會員卡。持卡於三聯書店、中華書局及商務印書館之分店內購買書籍、視聽資料及文儀用品時可享不同折扣。折扣詳情可向店內    職員查詢。


         My Book One Platinum Membership Card

A My Book One platinum membership card is placed at the LRC Circulation Counter. Staff members can borrow the card to buy books, audio-visual items and stationeries at book stores of Chung Hwa Book, Commercial Press and Joint Publishing with different discounts. Please contact the in-store staff for discounts details.




Library Readers’ Tickets for IVE(ST) Staff

library reader’s tickets are available for ST officer and teaching staff to borrow

The ticket holder has the right to access the library, use library resources and facilities within the library premise(s). The ticket has no borrowing privileges. For details, please contact counter Staff for assistance.






  • 淫褻及不雅刊物

  • 侵權出版刊物

  • 破損的刊物

Bookcrossing Corner

The Bookcrossing Corner is a practice of leaving books in a public place for people to read, pick up and release them.

Located at the main entrance of the LRC Complex, the Corner welcomes staff and students to read and share publications freely.

In case of releasing books and magazines, the below items are not likely to be acceptable:

  • Obscene and indecent publications

  • Unauthorized publications

  • Damaged publications