中心使用者可利用聯線圖書館目錄系統,預留各校的圖書及其他可借出資料,並指定一間學習資源中心以提取預留的資料。借出的圖書可在任何職訓局院校學習資源中心歸還,過期期刊不適用於ICL 服務。
(English Version)
Use of RFID Technology in Library Services
In July 2021, the LRC adopted the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in library services including circulation, anti-theft system and Self-Check System. It enhances user experience in circulation at counter and self-checkout service.
Holders with valid student cards/staff cards or borrower’ tickets can borrow library materials at Circulation Counter or Self-Check System. For details of borrowing privileges, loan quotas and loan periods, please refer to Borrowing Regulations.
Loaned items must be returned on or before the due date.
Non-print items (e.g. movie disc), books with accompany materials, Inter-Campus Loan/Inter-Library Loan items, portable computers, and overdue items have to be returned to the Circulation Counter. Overdue fine will be charged for late returns.
Book drop is available at the entrance of LRC on G/F to collect only loaned ST books (not late return).
Please note that the LRC will not be responsible for any damages or loss of books outside the book drop.
All circulating materials of the VTC Library are available on request via the Inter-Campus Loan (ICL) service. Users may reserve them via the VTC Library Online Catalogue, and collect the materials from the selected pickup location. All items can be returned to any VTC LRC. Back issues of periodical is not applicable to ICL service.
LRC staff is available at Circulation Counter to assist users in retrieving library information and in using library resources effectively and efficiently. You may also e-mail your reference enquiries to us.