Rotary International District 3450 Learning Resources Centre
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin)
Rm 041, 21 Yuen Wo Road,
Sha Tin,
New Territories
香港專業教育學院 (沙田)
地址: 沙田源禾路21號041窒
學習資源中心(LRC)大樓分兩層,佔地2,600平方米,提供 一站式的綜合設施和服務,包括電腦設施、多媒體工作 坊、圖書館服務、研討室及會議室等。學生或教職員可 以在LRC內享用不同的設施和服務,例如到電腦工作坊 (PC Zone)搜尋有關資訊、整理或列印功課,另可在多媒體 工作坊(Multimedia Zone)進行3D打印、影像掃描或數碼製 作,又可以到藏書區(Book Collections)閱讀或外借各類書 籍,並享用院校館際互借服務,也可以在閱讀區 (Reading Zone) 溫習或自修,還可以在自學區 (Independent Learning Corner) 使用多元化的視聽教材,更可以利用研 討室(Project Room)或會議室(Seminar Room)作小組討論和 分享,增添學習成效。學院內覆蓋無線網路(WiFi)以支 援學生學習需要。學生或教職員不論在校園內外均可檢 索學院的電子資源,亦可以透過使用資訊站(Information Kiosk) 掌握網上最新的校園資訊。此外,學生更可以到 一樓或四樓的電腦室,使用學院的中央 電腦設施。
The Learning Resources Centre (LRC) Complex composes two floors of 2,600m2 area. It provides an environment conducive to study and leisure reading. It renders a one-stop facility hub with integrated services on IT, library and multimedia production. The LRC provides a wide range of services, learning resources, facilities and equipment to support the learning and teaching needs of students and staff. The LRC Complex is equipped with PCs, book collections and Seminar/Project Rooms for discussion. There is a good coverage of Wireless LAN (WiFi) service on the campus to support the students’ learning needs. Besides, users can enjoy intercampus and interlibrary loan services and access our electronic resources on and off the campus. In the Multimedia Zone, 3D printer, photocopying/printing facilities, scanners and desktop computers with multimedia software are provided as learning support. Students can make use of the Reading Zone for self-study. The Independent Learning Corner houses multimedia learning packages by which students can learn at their own pace. Users can also surf on the Internet quickly via the Information Kiosks nearby. Furthermore, students can go to the Computer Rooms on the 1/F or 4/F of the campus to use the centralized computer facilities.