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Summon Searching: Refine search result

Refine search result

To find the most relevant and suitable information, you may use the “Filter Search” functions which located on the left hand side of the browser.

Here are the popular and useful functions when limiting your research results. Click ü to include or û to exclude.

Functions Description

Content type

You can select one or more content type like journal articles, books etc. 

Library location

You can select one or more library location which is near from you. 


You can select one or more languages like Chinese, English. 

Publication date

It can be changed by

  • using the slider
  • choose a date range by select the “calendar”

Choose pre-canned month/ year range.

Subject terms

You can select one or more Subject Terms likes “Science & Technology”. 


You can select one or more Discipline like “Journalism & communications”.