Book drop 還書箱 |
Next to LRC main entrance 4/F(S) |
For printed materials only 只適用於未過期之書籍, 雜誌 |
Card readers 記憶卡閱讀器 |
4/F(N) OACA Help Desk 6 sets |
Same day loan, return 30 min. before LRC close 借用期限為一天, 需於即日閉館前30分鐘歸還 |
Disc drive - External Blue Ray Disc drive 藍光盤燒錄器 |
4/F(N) OACA Help Desk One set |
Same day loan, return 30 min. before LRC close 借用期限為一天, 需於即日閉館前30分鐘歸還 |
Centre for Independent Language Learning (CILL) 語文自學中心 |
3/F(S) |
Library Services: Circulation Counter 圖書館服務: 流通部 |
4/F(S) |
Book borrowing and reference services 借還書服務及諮詢服務 |
Notebooks 筆記簿型電腦 |
54 set is available for loan at 4/F(S) Circulation Counter |
Same day loan, return 30 min. before LRC close 借用期限為一天,需於即日閉館前30分鐘歸還 |
PC workstations: Open Access Computer Area 個人電腦工作站: 電腦開放中心 |
4/F(N) Total 70 sets |
Booking at 4/F (N) 使用前需登記 |
Centre for Independent Language Learning (CILL) 語文自學中心 |
3/F(S) |
Free Booking 無需預約 |
PC workstations: Career Development 個人電腦工作站 (職業發展) |
3/F(S) 2 sets |
Link to Career Development related homepage and URLs 設有有關職業發展網址及超連結 |
PC workstations: for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) |
Wheelchair accessible computer table |
輪椅工作桌 |
Workstation for |
視障人士使用之工作站 |
Equipped with Chinese JAWS for Windows Focus 40 Braille Display Device |
Photocopying Black &White 影印 (黑白影印) |
4F South Wing |
A4每頁 3角,A3 每頁 6角,八達通收費 Charged by Octopus card: A4 $0.3 per page, A3 $0.6 per page |
Photocopying Color 影印 (彩色影印) |
4F South Wing |
A4每頁2元,A3 每頁 4元,八達通收費 Charged by Octopus card: A4 $2 per page, A3 $4 per page |
Players DVD/VCD 播放機 DVD/VCD |
4/F (S) |
四樓南翼 |
耳筒於四樓南翼流通處借用 headphones available for loan at 4/F(S) counter |
Printer (Black and White Laser Jet) 黑白鐳射打印機 |
4/F(N) 5 sets |
四樓北翼 五部 |
Print quantities are limited by quota allocated to each user 學生免費打印數量據每學年學院訂下的配額限制 |
Printer (Color laser) 彩色鐳射打印機 |
4/F(N) 2 sets |
四樓北翼 兩部 |
Project Rooms 研習室 |
5/F |
五樓 |
Each booking for groups of 3-13 persons with max.1 hour. Booking at 4/F(S) Counter |
Silent Study Room 讀者自修室 |
5/F |
五樓 |
Users of the Room are required to refrain from talking or playing any computer game devices. 在自修室內,使用者必須絕對保持肅靜,不可滋擾他人 |
Binding machine 釘裝文具 |
3/F(N) OACA |
三樓北翼電腦開放中心 |
Providing binding machine. 提供有釘裝機 |
Stationary and Equipment 文具 |
4/F(S) |
四樓南翼 |
Providing stapler, adhesive tape, glue and hole punch, electrical stapler, electrical pencil sharpener and hole punch. 提供釘書機、膠水、膠紙及打孔機、電動釘書機、電動鉛筆刨及打孔機 |
Scanners (Desktop) 掃描器 |
4/F(N) 4 sets |
四樓北翼 四部 |
VTC Library Catalogue 職業訓練局圖書館目錄 |
Summon |
Wireless LAN 無線網絡 |
Covers all area inside LRC |
覆蓋中心所有範圍 |
Television 電視機 |
5/F 1 set |
五樓一台 |
RTHK programmes available 可收看香港電台節目 |