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AudioBookCloud is to listen to audio books in many different categories: fiction, non-fiction, classics and even Spanish language audio books! There are around 1,000 books in the collection. These books are always available, never on hold, and no need to download.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)  Training Video  User Guide
Full text ebook collection includes a broad range of titles, in areas such as arts & architecture, business & economics, computer science, education, engineering & technology, fiction, history, literature & criticism, political science, religion and social sciences.

Gale eBooks  Training Video Title List User Guide

Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Gale Virtual Reference Library
A database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.

HyRead  User Guide Google Play App Store
Hyread 電子書店為你打造電子書閱讀零時差的電子書房, 本電子書平台包含約10,700本中文電子書及雜誌供線上閱讀。

ProQuest Ebook Central (formerly: ebrary)  Training Video Title List User Guide
Provides authoritative ebooks in a range of subjects from the world's top publishers. Use Ebook Central to quickly and easily find relevant ebooks and chapters; read online; search within the ebook; and highlight, take notes and bookmark pages. You can also share your research with others, download ebooks and chapters to your laptop or mobile device, and more.

Springer Nature
Over 2,000 full-text books covers a broad range of subjects, including business and management, biomedical and life sciences, chemistry and material science, earth and environmental science, engineering, and more.

Skillsoft Books
Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Books24x7
Formerly known as Books24x7, Skillsoft Books provides on-demand e-learning access to the complete text of thousands of online books, book summaries, audiobooks and research reports. Subjects includes the areas of Engineering, IT skills and business skills.

方正數字圖書系統 [Apabi e-book] ~ VTC Collection  User Guide
(This content only provides Chinese version) 方正數字圖書系統 [Apabi e-book] 由北大方正電子有限公司製作,主要包含國內出版的電子書。學科內容範圍涵蓋經濟、政治、法律、歷史、地理、酒店、物流、旅遊、文學及工業技術等。
方正數字圖書系統 [Apabi e-book] ~ JULAC  User Guide
(This content only provides Chinese version) 方正數字圖書系統 [Apabi e-book] 由北大方正電子有限公司製作,主要包含國內出版的電子書。學科內容範圍涵蓋經濟、政治、法律、歷史、地理、酒店、物流、旅遊、文學及工業技術等。

Printed Books