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Design: Home


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Wilson Chu
Hong Kong Design Institute
Learning Resources Center
7/FL, 3 King Ling Road
Tseung Kwan O, NT, Hong Kong
Subjects: Design

Welcome to the Design Subject Guide

Welcome to this Design Subject guide.  I am Wilson Chu, Head Librarian of HKDI & IVE(LWL).  In this guide, you will find direct linkage many design related resources, including books, journals, online video clips and various eResources.  We also provide suggested subject terms which directly linking to Summon, the discovery search service.  If you still need assistance, please feel free to contact me.  You may find my contact information at the left panel.

Wilson Chu

DILWL LRC eDatabase Workshop 2014-15 : WGSN


For any questions, please send email to us or WhatsApp message to Tel: 98814293